
标题: Bankwest 贷款--支行经理坐镇 [打印本页]

作者: Zhengtao    时间: 26-8-2009 18:54
标题: Bankwest 贷款--支行经理坐镇



我目前在Bankwest工作近两年,现在是悉尼Randwick分行的经理。贷款也是我工作内容的一部分。之前在Bankwest的George St,Bondi Junction, Roselands都做过。


[ 本帖最后由 Zhengtao 于 17-6-2010 21:41 编辑 ]
作者: ALYSSA    时间: 26-8-2009 19:02
恭喜了, 以后路过的时候进去看看帅哥。。
作者: Fernando    时间: 26-8-2009 19:12
作者: 红泥小火炉    时间: 26-8-2009 19:39
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 26-8-2009 19:48

特慢到不至于了。我大部分的客户都是在5个工作日内拿到 Unconditional Offer的。
作者: coredump    时间: 26-8-2009 19:59
作者: radar    时间: 26-8-2009 20:18
恭喜,等我的rate tracker两年到期了找你。
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 26-8-2009 20:29
原帖由 coredump 于 26-8-2009 19:59 发表



另外的方法是,先做贷款,把Unconditional offer拿到手,然后再换公司。

作者: 自游自在    时间: 26-8-2009 20:34
作者: 男咕噜    时间: 26-8-2009 20:37
标题: 提问
作者: 勇敢的心888    时间: 26-8-2009 20:48
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 26-8-2009 21:04
原帖由 男咕噜 于 26-8-2009 20:37 发表

作者: Zhengtao    时间: 26-8-2009 21:06
原帖由 勇敢的心888 于 26-8-2009 20:48 发表

作者: jwa    时间: 26-8-2009 21:36
请问如果我不需要offse accoun的话,能否免掉15元/月?
作者: luckyyan    时间: 26-8-2009 21:43
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 26-8-2009 21:47
原帖由 jwa 于 26-8-2009 21:36 发表
请问如果我不需要offse accoun的话,能否免掉15元/月?

可以,Offset Account不是必须的。
作者: mimiyaya    时间: 26-8-2009 21:58
原帖由 Fernando 于 26-8-2009 19:12 发表

上周六刚去搞了1小时,总算把还款时offset/loan account的怎么计算的问题彻底搞清了,有空整理出来给大家分享。
作者: luckyyan    时间: 26-8-2009 22:53
作者: luckyyan    时间: 27-8-2009 12:44
作者: cyberbean    时间: 27-8-2009 14:15
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 几个问题:
在同等条件下,interest only和principal and interest这两种还款方式所支付的总利息是否相同?
听说interest only只能5年,5年之后还是要采取连本带息的还款方式?
loan account和offset account有什么区别?听说也可以将钱放到loan account作为偿还本金,那开设offset account不就没有意义了吗?
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 27-8-2009 17:21
原帖由 cyberbean 于 27-8-2009 14:15 发表
在同等条件下,interest only和principal and interest这两种还款方式所支付的总利息是否相同?
听说interest only只能5年,5年之后还是要采 ...

-如果你只支付合同上规定的数额,Interest Only付的利息要比Principle and Interest要付得多。因为你的本金不会减少。但如果你的贷款时Interest Only,但你还的数额是按照Principle and Interest来还,那么多出来的那部分会减少你贷款的balance,这样效果就是一样的了。
-5年之后可以再Refinance或者转成另外一个产品,做Interest Only,再做5年也可以。
-Offset Account对自住房来讲,本来意义就不大。只是在做投资房的时候,计算税的时候会方便些。
作者: zuky    时间: 27-8-2009 18:25
标题: Available for new and increased loans only.
网上说 Bankwest Rate Tracker Ultra Home Loan只针对新客户啊,我的rate tracker明年5月到期,如果不能转的话只能换银行了

[ 本帖最后由 zuky 于 27-8-2009 18:31 编辑 ]
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 27-8-2009 20:20
原帖由 zuky 于 27-8-2009 18:25 发表
网上说 Bankwest Rate Tracker Ultra Home Loan只针对新客户啊,我的rate tracker明年5月到期,如果不能转的话只能换银行了

放心,把你的Rate Tracker 增加2W的limit,然后就可以转成 Rate Tracker Ultra了。
作者: 想念天空    时间: 28-8-2009 12:14
作者: luckyyan    时间: 28-8-2009 14:36
作者: luckyyan    时间: 28-8-2009 18:55
作者: luckyyan    时间: 31-8-2009 02:07

作者: shellte    时间: 8-9-2009 11:17
1. 想问一下,如果我现在需要贷40万左右,用Rate Tracker Ultra,那么第一年总共需要手续费多少钱(包括establish fee, annual fee, offset fee...etc),第二、三年呢?
2. 还本金+利息,和还利息+把应该还本金的钱放入offset,应该效果是一样的吧,如果不考虑退税所得,那么就是说每年只是多给了offset Account fee而已,但换来了退税的方便,是么?
3. 三年内如果要走人,exit fee是多少来着?

作者: jimmy520    时间: 9-9-2009 16:43
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 9-9-2009 18:45
原帖由 shellte 于 8-9-2009 11:17 发表
1. 想问一下,如果我现在需要贷40万左右,用Rate Tracker Ultra,那么第一年总共需要手续费多少钱(包括establish fee, annual fee, offset fee...etc),第二、三年呢?
2. 还本金+利息,和还利息+把应 ...

1. 申请费$595,包括一次免费的Valuation,无年费,Offset账户月费$15。
2. 效果是一样的。如果说需要做投资房,有必要做一个offset。如果是自住,用处就不大了。
3. 没有exit fee(罚金),但有一个600块的费用。其中300是付给我们的律师,300是付给政府的mortgage discharge fee。
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 9-9-2009 18:46
原帖由 jimmy520 于 9-9-2009 16:43 发表

作者: coredump    时间: 9-9-2009 19:32

原帖由 Zhengtao 于 9-9-2009 18:46 发表


作者: Zhengtao    时间: 11-9-2009 22:00
原帖由 coredump 于 9-9-2009 19:32 发表

作者: zxart    时间: 13-9-2009 21:27
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 14-9-2009 19:20
原帖由 zxart 于 13-9-2009 21:27 发表

作者: 土豆豆    时间: 14-9-2009 22:16
作者: zxart    时间: 16-9-2009 11:53
作者: shellte    时间: 16-9-2009 14:31
1. 首先这个结果可信么?是不是最好放弃?砍价已经不可能了。
2. 如果不放弃,有办法让review/re-evaluate么?因为不想补这20K的gap,也不想买保险。
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 16-9-2009 22:48
原帖由 shellte 于 16-9-2009 14:31 发表
1. 首先这个结果可信么?是不是最好放弃?砍价已经不可能了。
2. 如果不放弃,有办法让review/re-evaluate么?因为不 ...

作者: coredump    时间: 27-9-2009 01:25
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 27-9-2009 23:05
原帖由 coredump 于 27-9-2009 01:25 发表

作者: 自游自在    时间: 8-10-2009 20:12
作者: ssssss    时间: 9-10-2009 21:32
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 11-10-2009 19:51
原帖由 ssssss 于 9-10-2009 22:32 发表
夫妻两个,PR,新移民(去年底到澳洲)。目前还在打工,两人从6月份周收入加起来超过一千,不过从来没有打过税,不是不愿意打,而是因为租房呀买车呀(出了车祸,付给保险公司的,买第二辆车又花了不少钱 ...

作者: flying88    时间: 15-10-2009 20:05
作者: luweiyan    时间: 2-11-2009 14:22
作者: shellte    时间: 3-11-2009 10:03
作者: 小河    时间: 3-11-2009 10:23
作者: ruili36    时间: 3-11-2009 23:59
原帖由 flying88 于 15-10-2009 21:05 发表

同问这个产品现在还有吗? 好像没有了还提高了很多........
作者: coredump    时间: 12-11-2009 20:13

作者: Zhengtao    时间: 12-11-2009 20:44
原帖由 ruili36 于 4-11-2009 00:59 发表

同问这个产品现在还有吗? 好像没有了还提高了很多........

Rate Tracker Ultra现在促销已经结束了。
不过还是有原来的那个 Rate Tracker,1%的折扣两年。目前的利息是 5.02%
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 12-11-2009 20:44
原帖由 小河 于 3-11-2009 11:23 发表

作者: 枫林    时间: 12-11-2009 22:00
原帖由 luckyyan 于 28-8-2009 15:36 发表

作者: ruili36    时间: 13-11-2009 00:22
谢谢lz 的回复.
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 13-11-2009 23:51
原帖由 JessieW 于 12-11-2009 23:00 发表


作者: 自游自在    时间: 16-11-2009 14:37
我们在上周六顺利搬进去新买的房子了。在此感谢一下JAMES的大力帮助!如果没有他的帮助,我们在COOLING-OFF PERIOD可能拿不到批准,就会损失0.25%的小定金, 更重要的是可能会失去我们喜欢的房子。强力推荐一下!
作者: seth_chen    时间: 17-11-2009 07:43
作者: ll_hqc    时间: 20-11-2009 12:59
标题: 贷款事宜
作者: maqianyi    时间: 20-11-2009 13:31
能申请到10%的down payment吗
作者: cello    时间: 20-11-2009 14:17
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 20-11-2009 22:05
作者: luweiyan    时间: 22-11-2009 18:45
LZ, 麻烦明天帮我的FHOG盯一下,要不然我只能抛股票,否则都不能SETTLE了。

[ 本帖最后由 luweiyan 于 22-11-2009 19:51 编辑 ]
作者: freeman21    时间: 23-11-2009 19:55
"我在Bankwest工作近两年,现在在悉尼Roseland做经理。靠近Hurstville。之前9个月是助理经理,在之前做 Lender。

LZ should be a good man help new migrants from China.  However, I read through your introduction as ablove.  You are not quite very honest or misleading ( maybe I am wrong).

As far as I know,  Bankwest branch does not has real lender, they call senior consultant and they needs to open bank accounts, credit credit, insurance etc.  

So, you said you are "在之前做 Lender" is not really correct.  One of my friend was working for CBA as a customer service specialist at branch has been approached by Bankwest before.  They offer senior consultant position which is what you called "在之前做 Lender。"
作者: 空明七心    时间: 23-11-2009 20:38
这个是Offset Account 吗? 我把在网上把余钱转进去了,就再也转不出来了
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 25-11-2009 17:14
原帖由 freeman21 于 23-11-2009 20:55 发表
"我在Bankwest工作近两年,现在在悉尼Roseland做经理。靠近Hurstville。之前9个月是助理经理,在之前做 Lender。

LZ should be a good man help new migrants from China.   ...

多谢指正,我会酌情修正一下,每个银行的设置跟其他银行不同,在Bankwest的话,Lender = Senior Consultant。叫法不同,职位性质是一样的。
就算我现在做经理,我的职位说明里面也有做 Teller,Consultant,Senior Consultant,助理经理的那一部分,别的银行经理,可能就不会做 Teller了。那这样我是不是也算是不 Honest 或者是 miss-leading 呢?

[ 本帖最后由 Zhengtao 于 25-11-2009 18:18 编辑 ]
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 25-11-2009 17:17
原帖由 空明七心 于 23-11-2009 21:38 发表
这个是Offset Account 吗? 我把在网上把余钱转进去了,就再也转不出来了

用 Payment and Transfer - Internal Transfer - 然后就可以转到你的 Transaction Account了。
作者: luckyyan    时间: 27-11-2009 22:25
原帖由 Zhengtao 于 25-11-2009 18:14 发表

多谢指正,我会酌情修正一下,每个银行的设置跟其他银行不同,在Bankwest的话,Lender = Senior Consultant。叫法不同,职位性质是一样的。
就算我现在做经理,我的职位说明里面也有做 Teller,Consultant,Sen ...

啥叫法没关系啦,能帮我们解决问题才是真的,楼主的能力和态度没话说.你第一次发这帖子的时候我们正好遇到大问题,我可是真把你当神仙来救命的. 再感谢下,预祝圣诞,新年快乐,天天好心情!顺便问一下:老公说啥时候方便我们把bankwest的信用卡办了,你看是不是不用麻烦您老,我们在当地开以后也比较方便呢?

[ 本帖最后由 luckyyan 于 27-11-2009 23:28 编辑 ]
作者: 水色    时间: 27-11-2009 23:45
标题: 想买房
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 28-11-2009 22:17
原帖由 水色 于 28-11-2009 00:45 发表

作者: Zhengtao    时间: 28-11-2009 22:20
原帖由 luckyyan 于 27-11-2009 23:25 发表

啥叫法没关系啦,能帮我们解决问题才是真的,楼主的能力和态度没话说.你第一次发这帖子的时候我们正好遇到大问题,我可是真把你当神仙来救命的. 再感谢下,预祝圣诞,新年快乐,天天好心情!顺便问一下:老公说啥时 ...

作者: Zhengtao    时间: 28-11-2009 22:22
最新更新,刚被调到 悉尼的 Randwick支行了。总算离家近了些。
作者: luckyyan    时间: 29-11-2009 00:04
原帖由 Zhengtao 于 28-11-2009 23:22 发表
最新更新,刚被调到 悉尼的 Randwick支行了。总算离家近了些。

作者: abc08    时间: 29-11-2009 07:58
原帖由 Zhengtao 于 28-11-2009 11:22 PM 发表
最新更新,刚被调到 悉尼的 Randwick支行了。总算离家近了些。

welcome to randwick!
一个每天都要经过randwick bankwest的人留,改天顺便打望下帅哥...
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 2-12-2009 22:38
作者: vivianshi    时间: 3-12-2009 08:35
作者: 资深贷款经理    时间: 3-12-2009 11:50
作者: newaussie2008    时间: 6-12-2009 11:20
LZ  is a good and professional man.   Up Up Up.
作者: koala    时间: 7-12-2009 10:08
lz  请查收短消息
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 7-12-2009 10:28
原帖由 koala 于 7-12-2009 11:08 发表
lz  请查收短消息

作者: chenhu2000    时间: 11-12-2009 16:32
Zhengtao, 请查收一下短消息,谢谢!
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 11-12-2009 17:16
原帖由 chenhu2000 于 11-12-2009 17:32 发表
Zhengtao, 请查收一下短消息,谢谢!

谢谢,我明天上午会有一个 appointment,如果能够12点左右打,是最好的。
作者: freeman21    时间: 11-12-2009 22:12
原帖由 Zhengtao 于 26-8-2009 19:54 发表
刚得到区域经理的确认信息。 FreeOz的申请,减免申请费,从$950块减到$250块

目前我们做得比较多的产品是 Rate Tracker, 无年费,无月费,无Package 费用,2年保障1%的折扣(折扣的基准利率是四大的平 ...


For the first two Years it's very attractive( 1% off the big 4 banks' standard variable rate ), good rate.  After 2 years will convert to new products.  However, Noboday will know what's the new product is going to be?  Even LZ's CEO can't guarantee existing customers after 2 years still get good discount.

If customer wanna refinance, there will be a cost even Bankwest does not charge Exit fee, however, the discharge settlement fee & solicitor fee will still cost customer more than $500 dollars plus other bank's package fee or application fee. total cost might close or more than $1,000 dollars.

After two years,  Borrowers' situations will change.  For example, borrower might not have sufficient income to support refinance, or interest rate might be very high etc.  At the moment, Bankwest exists in NSW market is less than 2 years.  So, for the first product introduced,  first 3 years 1% off the big four banks' average Standard variable rate ( still in Honey Period).  We will see what's going to happen after the first home loan customers 1% discount off.

Also,  Bankwest's customer service of home loan is absolutely terrible and slow.  Don't know when Bankwest is going to improve??

So, when people want to get a home loan,  Not only the interest rate but also look at the potential hidden cost or risk & customer service.

Personally, I would say LZ should be a good people from the compliments of so many people here. However, when people select suitable home loan the above analyst might need to take into considerations.

[ 本帖最后由 freeman21 于 11-12-2009 23:16 编辑 ]
作者: king_wu    时间: 11-12-2009 22:32
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 12-12-2009 00:47
Thanks for the message and I agree with some of the comments for example - 'no one is going to know what's the new product is going to be'. Who knows what's going to happen tomorrow?

However, my logic is - if the other banks don't want to give their customer a big discount NOW, why should they do it in the future anyway? Big four have already have their market share so they might have less much motivation to reduce their profit whilst on the other hand, Bankwest came from western Au and would like to continue the expansion on east coast so the only way to attract more market share is to remain competitive. Although no one will know the future, I am confident of our bank and the products.

Savings, it is just there up for grab, with no package fees, no monthly fees and current rate of 5.62%, how much interest rate the other bank is charging theirs customer even after they paying package fee, this is a easy calculation. If a loan is 400k, paying 6%, so the saving each year is around $1500 and plus the package fee, two years savings is over 3k.

Cost of future refinance - internal refinance fee $495, if refinance to another bank, %600 and if it's a refinance, either internally or externally, there should be no solicitor involved in the transaction because no one needs to exchange of the contract.

Customer service - how many people have a bank branch manager as a point of contact? If in the future, I left the position, there will still be plenty Bankwest colleagues who can speak our language, for example at Randwick, Hurstville, Chatswood, Bankwest just won't give away Chinese community.

Hidden cost - no one likes the fee for sure and it is the banks obligation to ensure all the fees and charges are explianed clearly to the customer. I strongly advise no one should sign any contract without knowing what the fees and charges are. If doing a home loan, it's your lender's job to explain all the fee and all of them are in the contract anyway so ensure you read them as well.

Please, no hard feelings here, I beileve it is a good discussion, after all, if there is no real benefit to the customer, why do people it? It's also my job to help customers to realize how much savings could be, what different level of service I can personally offer. Happy Banking.
作者: freeman21    时间: 12-12-2009 11:06
原帖由 Zhengtao 于 12-12-2009 01:47 发表
Thanks for the message and I agree with some of the comments for example - 'no one is going to know what's the new product is going to be'. Who knows what's going to happen tomorrow?

However, my lo ...

Thanks for the message and I agree with some of the comments for example - 'no one is going to know what's the new product is going to be'. Who knows what's going to happen tomorrow?

However, my logic is - if the other banks don't want to give their customer a big discount NOW, why should they do it in the future anyway? Big four have already have their market share so they might have less much motivation to reduce their profit whilst on the other hand, Bankwest came from western Au and would like to continue the expansion on east coast so the only way to attract more market share is to remain competitive. Although no one will know the future, I am confident of our bank and the products.

Thanks for your reply. I am glad that you are confident or your employer and the products. However, Home loan is a 30 years long term products and will have a long term impact on people's life.  I did not say that Bankwest is not a good choice. What I am saying, when people select a home loan also needs to take my previous analyst into consideration instead of just Rate Rate Rate.

Savings, it is just there up for grab, with no package fees, no monthly fees and current rate of 5.62%, how much interest rate the other bank is charging theirs customer even after they paying package fee, this is a easy calculation. If a loan is 400k, paying 6%, so the saving each year is around $1500 and plus the package fee, two years savings is over 3k.

I gotta let you know. Bankwest for the first two or 3 years from the interest rate point of view is really attracitive & competitive and there's no doubt about it.  However, from economic side,  Bankwest should be losing money to get the market share.  What if after two or 3 years, Bankwest might start to rip customer off due to the first 2 or 3 years the big benefit (loss). As all people know, Nothing is free in the world!!!!!

Cost of future refinance - internal refinance fee $495, if refinance to another bank, %600 and if it's a refinance, either internally or externally, there should be no solicitor involved in the transaction because no one needs to exchange of the contract.

At this point,  LZ should be in the lending industry in very short period of time or not really exactly know how the refinance works.  There will be a solicitor fee involved definitely or in other words,  it's Bank's agent's settlement fee (if you think solicitor fee is incorrect).  Because Banks have to hire agent to do settlement which is also counted as legal or solicitor fee.  $600 external refinance which might already include the solicitor fee or agent fee.
For the big 4 banks, for internal refinance if you do under package there will be no internal refinance charge while based on what you said Bank west will charge  $495 fee. This fee probably many of home loan customers have not realized that.

Customer service - how many people have a bank branch manager as a point of contact? If in the future, I left the position, there will still be plenty Bankwest colleagues who can speak our language, for example at Randwick, Hurstville, Chatswood, Bankwest just won't give away Chinese community.

I agreed for you personally could provide good service to Chinese Community and there's no doubt about it.  The customer service is not only coming from you personally, bust also and the most important thing is Take Bankwest as a whole.  The terrible service really comes from your Loan center to process the loan and settle the loan.  eg.  Many delay settlements,  after submit one month application still no answer if the loan approve or not.  home loan rework charge  $100 each rework etc etc.  When you go for The Bank 4 banks you don't have those common rediculours issues.

I would say congradulations on your promotion as a Bankwest branch manager & good on you.  However, The big 4 bank's lender is the first contact of the customers and they are seperated to branch manager & have the same job level. Branch manager's authority will be different from bank to bank. For most of the big 4 banks's branch managers has a very limited knowledge and authority to deal with the home loan because home loan a specialied and complex products.  But don't know what is going to change in the future. So, You are promoting yourself as a branch manager does not really mean you will definitely better off.  However, if you are a branch manager of bank in China, then you will be the king and you can make decisions on your own. Unfortunately, in Australia this is not the case. This point, many new migrants from China might not be aware of the big difference.

Hidden cost - no one likes the fee for sure and it is the banks obligation to ensure all the fees and charges are explianed clearly to the customer. I strongly advise no one should sign any contract without knowing what the fees and charges are. If doing a home loan, it's your lender's job to explain all the fee and all of them are in the contract anyway so ensure you read them as well.  

I can tell you,  there's some fees or charges you and me might even don't know until it happens.  I don't know what kind of fees but will see. If you know, you can let us know. thanks.

Please, no hard feelings here, I beileve it is a good discussion, after all, if there is no real benefit to the customer, why do people it? It's also my job to help customers to realize how much savings could be, what different level of service I can personally offer. Happy Banking.

Happy banking is really a good choice or strategy.  What about the unhappy things happened regarding Bankwest home loan application and settlement????
Further, this is an open forum, I just did some analysis or comparisions and a reminder of people whoever is going to get a loan needs to take many things into consideration not only the cheap rate rate rate or short term but also look at the long term things.   I can't see anything wrong with it.
If you think that I shouldn't talk here, then I will feel disappointed.

Finally,  I still personally take you as alone, you would be a good person & determined person.

作者: Zhengtao    时间: 12-12-2009 13:33
原帖由 freeman21 于 12-12-2009 12:06 发表

Thanks for the message and I agree with some of the comments for example - 'no one is going to know what's the new product is going to be'. Who knows what's going to happen tomorrow?

However, my  ...

Thanks again,

What I love about the Internet and FreeOz is this is an open forum and I beileve effective communication is the key to the success in all senses hence please feel free to talk here since it is my way to learn from each other everyday. After all, I don't know everything and happy to take any feedback.

So far, I have learnt and benefited so much from this forum and it's really lucky to be where I am now. Although something will out of my control and yes I don't have the same level of the authority as Bank of China (I wish I could), however, it's my promise to my customer that I will try my best and all the possible solutions to not only resolve issues, but more importantly to aviod them in the first place.

作者: ddwwhhkk    时间: 5-1-2010 19:40
作者: ddwwhhkk    时间: 5-1-2010 20:05
作者: mimel    时间: 5-1-2010 20:13
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 6-1-2010 17:26
原帖由 ddwwhhkk 于 5-1-2010 21:05 发表

1. 还掉的本金取不出来了,除非重新做一次申请。Redraw里面的钱是您还掉本金以及利息之后多出来的那部分。
2. 上面的那个问题- 可以,给银行打个电话就行了。没有额外的费用。但如果选择了固定利率,每年多还的钱会有限制,一般是在$5000-10000之间。
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 6-1-2010 17:30
原帖由 mimel 于 5-1-2010 21:13 发表

工作试用期应该已经过了,有10%的存款,如果有证明存够了3个月以上,应该可以做下了。但要通过保险公司的批准,而且要交一笔 Lenders Mortgage Insurance (通常情况下贷款额超过房屋评估价的80%,就要交这个保险)。

作者: ddwwhhkk    时间: 6-1-2010 22:37
谢谢楼主的回答,真是既专业又热心。如果我在bankwest使用offset, 利息会比不使用offset高吗?是不是使用了offset,只是多了每个月15块的月费支出?谢谢!
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 7-1-2010 20:10
原帖由 ddwwhhkk 于 6-1-2010 23:37 发表
谢谢楼主的回答,真是既专业又热心。如果我在bankwest使用offset, 利息会比不使用offset高吗?是不是使用了offset,只是多了每个月15块的月费支出?谢谢!

作者: ddwwhhkk    时间: 8-1-2010 13:39
原帖由 Zhengtao 于 6-1-2010 18:26 发表

1. 还掉的本金取不出来了,除非重新做一次申请。Redraw里面的钱是您还掉本金以及利息之后多出来的那部分。

作者: Zhengtao    时间: 8-1-2010 18:53
原帖由 ddwwhhkk 于 8-1-2010 14:39 发表

谢谢lz热心的回答,真是帮了大忙了,还有个问题,如果想把换掉的本金取出来,重新做次申请,手续费多少?取出的钱使用时有利息吗?如果有的话,多少利息?如果取出的钱做投资用,比如投资房的首付,它的利息可以负 ...

有手续费,那样操作叫做 Loan Increase,如果increase低于35K,申请费$350,如果高于35K,申请费$700。这个是现在的收费,将来的就不知道了。
作者: maplelin    时间: 8-1-2010 20:01
作者: Zhengtao    时间: 9-1-2010 10:52
原帖由 maplelin 于 8-1-2010 21:01 发表

作者: guigua    时间: 9-1-2010 21:44
作者: maplelin    时间: 10-1-2010 10:59
原帖由 Zhengtao 于 9-1-2010 11:52 发表


作者: ddwwhhkk    时间: 10-1-2010 19:21
原帖由 Zhengtao 于 8-1-2010 19:53 发表

有手续费,那样操作叫做 Loan Increase,如果increase低于35K,申请费$350,如果高于35K,申请费$700。这个是现在的收费,将来的就不知道了。
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