[size=1.2em] Message sent "... Iwas very nervous when I first started but that all went away once Irealized how unselfish a "porn star" could be. In my case, I am married with 3 children. I hope that doesn't turn people away thinking I don't take my work to heart, because I certainly doEveryone in my home town knows about my work and still love me for who I am.My children like many will probably not ever quite understand what Isee, but that changes little to nothing about me. My having a familyand learning how to better respect myself and others has guided me to abetter dream for the future..." To read the rest of the message by Kurt Wild, join his Yahoo Group.
January 04, 2008 in作者: xblues 时间: 24-4-2009 23:26
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上面仅仅是Part1,相关视频还有P2 p3 p4 p5.。。。自己找。