LLNP的免费英语课程介绍见 ... teracy_numeracy.htm。
Who can access language, literacy and numeracy training?
•of working age (15-64 years), and
•registered with Centrelink as unemployed and looking for work, and not a full-time student.
You must also be one of the following:
•participanting in the Job Placement, Employment and Training program
•a migrant who is subject to the two year waiting period - eligible for language training only
•a citizen and permanent resident whose first language is not English, regardless of whether you are getting income support - eligible for Advanced Language training only
我在布里斯班,今天去申请的免费英语课程很顺利,一个星期内会通知我面试,决定我的水平参加哪个level的课程。地址21 Cordelia St. South Brisbane.train到South Brisbane走过去10分钟左右。