总之,大家别紧张,大多数题目已经有前面的大侠总结过了,有多一半题较简单,而做对了它们就能顺利通过了。再补充一句,如果有可能,做一遍DRIVE SMART,盘里有关ROAD SCANNING、COUNTRY DRIVING和URBAN DRIVING的题目可以弥补HPT模拟题稀缺的不足。预祝大家一次顺利通过!
1. Practice the examples from the VicRoads website - I got all 4 examples in my actual test!
2. If you get any examples that have trams, watch the tram's break lights! I had 4 questions where I had to click when I would slow down whilst following a
tram - as soon as you see it's back lights go red, clickity click!
3. You will get at least one example where you must make an emergency break - possible examples are a jogger on the footpath who suddenly runs onto the road,
or a small child who runs out onto the road behind a 4WD - click/break as soon as you see them head for/step on the road.
4. If driving down a country road and you see a road sign for dust, break as soon as a dust cloud forms behind the car in front of you.
5. Make sure you know WHEN is safe to overtake other vehicles.
6. Use your common sense and don't be click-happy - some of the examples require no clicking at all, if you're sure you don't need to take any action, then
don't click that mouse.
You only need 55% to pass, so as long as you know what you're doing on the roads when you're actually driving, you should be okay Good luck!
I just got mine with 85%, I'll give some tips so hopefully ya'll can pass as well:
#1 Keep doing the practise samples before the actual test until you get all 4 correct. There is a good chance that some of them will appear on the test, only
one of the practise samples were on mine, but as mentioned above you can get all 4, so make sure you know em well!
#2 If you think you have stuffed up any of them, just quickly forget about it because you only need 55% to pass, and missing out on one question will
certainly not make you fail.
#3 As mentioned above, DO NOT GET CLICK HAPPY! there were at least 3 examples in my test where I didn't need to click at all.
#4 On a couple of mine the initial picture of the question showed children on the side of the road in the distance. It was clear that the video was going to
have children stepping on the road, so I knew what to click for before the video had even gone ahead. So my advice would be to study the picture of the
question for maybe 10-15 seconds before attempting the question. This will also calm your nerves.
#5 Expect to be nervous, however don't let your nerves affect your judgement. Be confident in your ability, a lot of the time the hazards will be so
blatantly obvious that an 8 year old child could pick them (there were 2 on mine where the lights went from green to orange)but if you get overly anxious you
may accidently click when not supposed to or just miss the hazard completely.
1. Don't worry if you fail. This is definitely not an intelligence test! (Vic Roads make a lot of money from this, and most people I've spoken with,
including my instructor, says it's basically a waste of time and has very little to do with actual driving...)
2. Don't press the button prematurely, or until you're sure that's it the right time. My mistake the first time I took the test was pressing the button far
too early. On my second (successful) attempt at the test this week, I saw some of the same video questions pop up and I decided to take more time. It paid
off because there were a lot of rear lights going red in the cars/trams in front, traffic lights changing, etc. Wait until lights go amber/red, THEN press!作者: kkmao2005 时间: 18-3-2009 12:15
看的头大 骑自行车吧作者: royrr 时间: 18-3-2009 13:02
haha, LOL作者: kevinzhang1981 时间: 31-3-2009 12:30
谢谢楼主 ,我今天去考试,希望顺利过关.作者: liwus 时间: 31-3-2009 15:26
很简单的啊,我是一次过。。。不过考试前在很多论坛找了好多机经看。。。作者: shadow 时间: 1-4-2009 23:07 标题: 回复 #1 royrr 的帖子 good good good作者: desperado 时间: 1-4-2009 23:14
我从来没看过什么机经, 完全根据自己开车的经验再结合这里的交规, 一次过, 答对70%多作者: lst7788 时间: 16-6-2009 15:33
这个周五继续考,希望能通过吧作者: lst7788 时间: 16-6-2009 15:34