标题: 请教几个有关宝宝的英语说法 [打印本页] 作者: stone66 时间: 25-2-2009 16:41 标题: 请教几个有关宝宝的英语说法 生完宝宝,Nurse来家检查说到几个单词
2.宝宝尿尿应该怎么说才好,用piss, urinate or others?
3.宝宝肤色有一点点黄,说是有可能是“黄疸”,这个用英文怎么说呀?作者: ritz 时间: 25-2-2009 16:51
1 poo
2 pee作者: stone66 时间: 25-2-2009 18:36 标题: 回复 #2 ritz 的帖子 刚查过了,真的不错,又学了两个单词,顺便把我找到的也贴出来:
LL: Sure, Li Hua, but first you have to tell me why you need to know what pee and poo means.
LH: 我今天帮彼得森教授看孩子。他一直跟我说I need to pee and poo, 可我又不懂是什么意思。
LL: (Laughs) I remember Professor Jones' little boy - his name is Scottie, right? What Scottie is trying to tell you by saying he needs to pee and poo', Li Hua, is that he needs to go to the bathroom.
LH: 哦,原来Scottie是要上厕所啊!你等一下,我马上带他去。
LL: It's no problem, Li Hua. Scottie is only two years old, and he may need some help going pee and poo.
(Flushing sound)
LH: 好了!原来pee是上小号,poo是上大号的意思啊。没想到,我今天跟个两岁的小孩学了个新词。
LL: Scottie is a very good teacher, isn't he? I have to tell you, Li Hua, dealing with pee and poo is one of the reasons I don't want to have children.
LH: 就因为小孩要pee and poo, 你就不想要小孩?等你有了自己的孩子,可能就不会嫌小孩子pee and poo恶心了。
另外第三个我自已找到了,是 jaundice这个词,也听那个nurse说过的。
谢谢LS作者: 采薇子 时间: 26-2-2009 13:24 标题: 回复 #3 stone66 的帖子 LZ家里有宝宝吧?
mercy ~ 作者: eva_kong 时间: 26-2-2009 16:13 谢谢分享作者: stone66 时间: 27-2-2009 10:42 标题: 回复 #4 vivi0905 的帖子 这个就是网上用baidu搜的,我只是把内容给copy下来了。网址也没记,不过要了解的TZ可以自已再搜
不过还有个词是wee-wee也是指小便的,主要是指宝宝作者: naughtybaby 时间: 27-2-2009 11:32
pee,poo, jaundice.
和医生 医学点的说urine,stool, jaundice.作者: naughtybaby 时间: 27-2-2009 11:34 标题: 回复 #6 stone66 的帖子 wee-wee口语化, 类似中文说的嘘嘘