标题: 申请TRA职业评估一定要有formal training吗?training时间要多久? [打印本页] 作者: feichi1981 时间: 18-12-2008 01:12 标题: 申请TRA职业评估一定要有formal training吗?training时间要多久? 我加入的第一家公司是从学徒开始,总共做了3年(99-02)怎么分比较好?可以算吗?要在雇主推荐信里注明吗?作者: 小波 时间: 18-12-2008 01:13
现在已经不承认学徒了作者: feichi1981 时间: 19-12-2008 01:08
我有国家的高级等级证书,and我的工种在昨天刚出的CSL里,可以吗?如果不可以我还可以以怎样的方式移民?作者: feichi1981 时间: 21-12-2008 02:44
哪位DX可以给点建议?作者: linnet 时间: 21-12-2008 11:05
可以了 好好的研究一下怎么评估吧作者: 小波 时间: 21-12-2008 11:23
官方网站 http://www.workplace.gov.au/workplace/Programmes/TRA/作者: feichi1981 时间: 21-12-2008 14:01
A) Pathway A is for formal apprenticeships. The requirement is proof of 900hrs formal training, proof of an apprenticeship, such as a contract, & proof that the apprenticeship was for at least 4 years.
B) Pathway B is for informal apprenticeships. The requirement is proof of 900hrs formal training & proof that the apprenticeship was for at least 5 years.
C) Pathway C is for a traineeship. The requirement is proof of 1800hrs formal training, proof of a traineeship, such as a contract or letter of appointment, & proof that the traineeship was for at least 5 years.
E) Pathway E is for holders of an Australian qualification. The requirement is proof of an appropriate certificate III and at least 900 hours of on the job training/work experience.作者: mingle 时间: 21-12-2008 23:29
正规学徒就别想了,因为这个方式要有正规的学徒培训机构,貌似中国还没有。你能走的就是Pathway B。好象现在又出了一种新的方式,你可以去TRA的网站仔细看看。因为评估的费用也不高,你要有点把握的话,也可以试一试。你如果能找到一些你学徒时候的培训证明就好了,但要大于900小时。作者: feichi1981 时间: 24-12-2008 01:20
谢谢LS,I will proceed.
多练习cambridge1-6,写作不要背模板(考试时根本没时间让你想),而是要了解他的写法和格式。听力要背单词。说主要要自然,不要介意问pardon而不要让谈话中断(我至少问了3次-6分。今天刚刚收到TRF)作者: yohbros 时间: 24-12-2008 10:52
what's meaning of TRF?作者: feichi1981 时间: 25-12-2008 01:37
test report form