4114-15 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer - Avionics |
4114-11 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer - Mechanical |
2312-11 | Anaesthetist |
4414-11 | Bricklayer |
4922-11 | Cabinetmaker |
4411-13 | Carpenter |
4411-11 | Carpenter and Joiner (various) |
2381-11 | Dentist |
4311-11 | Electrician (general) |
4311-13 | Electrician (special class) |
4315-11 | Electronic Equipment Trades |
2312-15 | Emergency Medicine Specialist |
2129-17 | Engineer - Chemical |
2124-11 | Engineer - Civil |
2125-11 | Engineer - Electrical |
2125-13 | Engineer - Electronics |
2126-11 | Engineer - Mechanical |
2127-11 | Engineer - Mining |
2126-13 | Engineer - Production or Plant Engineer |
4412-11 | Fibrous Plasterer |
4431-13 | Gasfitter |
2311-11 | General Medical Practitioner |
2391-11 | Medical Diagnostic Radiographer |
4122-11 | Metal Fabricator, Boilermaker |
4112-11 | Metal Fitter |
4112-13 | Metal Machinist |
2312-17 | Obstetrician & Gynaecologist |
2383-11 | Occupational Therapist |
2382-11 | Pharmacist (Hospital) |
2382-15 | Pharmacist (Retail) |
2385-11 | Physiotherapist |
4431-11 | Plumber (general) |
2388-11 | Podiatrist |
2312-27 | Psychiatrist |
2122-11 | Quantity Surveyor |
4312-11 | Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic |
2325-11 | Registered Mental Health Nurse |
2324-11 | Registered Midwife |
2323-11 | Registered Nurse |
2413-11 | Secondary School Teacher |
4415-11 | Solid Plasterer |
2312-79 | Specialist Medical Practitioners NEC |
2312-25 | Specialist Physician |
2312-31 | Surgeon |
2123-13 | Surveyor |
4113-11 | Toolmaker |
2523-11 | Urban & Regional Planner |
4416-11 | Wall and Floor Tiler |
4122-15 | Welder |
4211-11 | Motor Mechanic |
2386-11 | Speech Pathologist |
2391-17 | Sonographer |
2312-19 | Ophthalmologist |
2312-21 | Paediatrician |
2312-23 | Pathologist |
2312-29 | Radiologist |
2211-11 | Accountant -- where the applicant has achieved a score of at least IELTS 7 in each of the four competencies, and/or has completed TheProfessional Year |
Computing Professionals -- where the applicant's specialisation is listed on the Migration on Demand List (MODL). |
原帖由 RAY.HOU 于 17-12-2008 21:06 发表
是的,我的中介刚刚跟我说,现在必须要在CSL(critical skills list)上的职业才有可能走技术移民了。我看了澳洲移民局的公告了,上面说的是只有CSL上的提名职业才有优先权,估计就是这个意思吧,其他职业暂时不批了 ...
原帖由 蒙面超人 于 18-12-2008 11:22 发表
原帖由 蒙面超人 于 18-12-2008 11:31 发表
不是的,你如果提名MODL的职业,就要准备相关的资料(我理解是这样),C/C++ MODL和非MODL就是两个不同的编号。我看了我的评估信不是那个***-97
原帖由 ekhtai 于 18-12-2008 12:45 发表
Q6 Will the program be capped, either officially or unofficially?
If the processing of priority categories does not consume all of the department’s processing resources, there are ...
原帖由 ekhtai 于 17-12-2008 20:41 发表 ... gration-program.pdf
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