汉英翻译能力的培养(translation competence development)涉及以下诸多方面,我们必须加强多方面的翻译意识的锻炼:
1、要培养对英语的语感和悟性(language intuition - open and alert mind to pick up idioms, specific expressions, etc.);
2、要培养对英语的判断能力和鉴赏能力(evaluation capacity - Judgment);
3、要培养对英语的洞察能力和剖析能力(power of observation - Insight);
4、要培养对英语细微特征的反应能力(linguistic nuances alertness); -
5、要培养对社会文化和跨文化交流的敏感性(social-cultural sensitivity - Cross-cultural awareness);
6、要培养对英语和汉语之间差别的意识 (sense of differences between Chinese and English);
7、要培养对英语和汉语之间的辩证关系的认识 (awareness of the dialectic relationship between Chinese and English);
8、要培养对英语"洋为中用"的意识 ("use things foreign to serve Chinese purposes");
9、要培养对英语 "学以致用" 的意识 (apply what you learn to your expressions);
0、要培养对翻译的多层次、多角度的立体思维方式 (a multi-tier approach )。
0、一名称职的翻译工作者必须懂得什么是翻译的真谛(a clear conception of what translation is)。
0、一名优秀的翻译人员必须具有高屋建瓴的视角 (great powers of conception for sophisticated understanding)。
许多人在思考翻译问题时用的是单一的直线式的思维方式,即只是考虑字面上的意思的转换。我们可以把翻译过程中的双向立体思维模式比喻为上下各四条车道的高速公路,而不是一条车道的单行线。如果不培养这样的思维方法,翻译能力是没法提高的。 翻译标准(多角度、多层面的立体思维)-- "达意、通顺、传神、表形"
Fidelity in meaning,Authenticity in expression, Affinity in style,Identity in form:
从原作的角度来说:必须要体现原文的特点 达意
准确理解原文意思及其内涵与外延的意思 通顺
深度、力度和语流节奏 传神
把握原文的精神风貌、文体风格和文化特征 表形
从译文的角度来看:必须要具有英语的特点 由表及里,由此及彼,全面准确地传达原意 译文表达要通顺流畅、正确地道,符合英语习惯 跨越文化障碍,让精神风格在译文中再现 符合英语惯例,使外国读者喜闻乐见
假如我们要把"权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋"翻译成英语,如果是按照直线思维模式,不是我们可以把它翻译为 Use the power for the people, share the feelings with the people and work for the interest of the people. 但这只是传达了基本意思,原文的语言风格比较庄重、它在形式上整齐划一、其内容的座右铭作用等这些特征并未表现出来。如果采用立体思维的方式,我们就可以考虑这样的翻译:Govern by the mandate of the people, empathize with the feelings of the people, and work for the benefits of the people.
第一:要对翻译的重要性有深刻的、充分的认识,翻译的对与错、好与坏有时会产生绝然不同的效果。例如,把海南岛的"天涯海角"翻译成了"世界末日": the End of the World (应为Land's End / End of the Earth) 。再如某航空公司的广告中承诺的"一小时内免费送机票上门"变成了"一小时内送免费机票上门":We give you tickets free of charge within one hour.(应为We offer free delivery of your air tickets within one hour after your booking confirmation.)
第二:要善于仔细地、深入地、准确地理解中文原文的意思。这是因为准确的理解是做好翻译的前提。例如,我们常用"摸着石头过河"这个俗语来形容我国的改革开放事业是没有先例。那么"摸着石头过河"应如何翻译成英语呢?有的人把它按字面翻译为crossing the river by feeling the stones。翻译的人根本就没有去认真地理解"摸着石头过河"是什么意思,应该怎样表达才能让外国人能够理解。正确的做法应该是按照下面的步骤去做:
如果直译为 crossing the river by feeling the stones是否能被外国人理解?
过河是乘船过(crossing by boat)还是淌水过(wading across),动词用什么形式?
这里的河是大河、中河还是小河 (river, stream, brook, etc.)?
石头是大石头还是小石头(rock, stone. Pebble, etc.)?
如果意译为 learning by experiment / by trial and error是否可取?
直译和意译相结合wading across the stream by feeling the way如何?
Since there is no previous experience to fall back on, we have to "wade across the stream by feeling the way," as we say in Chinese.
第三:中文和英文的对应词有时意思并不相同或者不完全相同,不能照字面翻译。例如下面例子中的"外国人"和foreigner: 如果我们要把"他的英语说得真好,就像外国人一样。"翻译成这样的英语He speaks English so well, he sounds like a foreigner.那么这里的修饰语like a foreigner 是指说得不好,听起来很别扭。这种看上去非常准确的翻译其效果却适得其反。正确的翻译方法应该是:He speaks English so well, he sounds like a native speaker.
第四:有时候中文字面的意思表达不充分,部分信息被省略了或被隐藏起来了。例如下面的例子:特区是个窗口,是技术的窗口,管理的窗口,知识的窗口,也是对外政策的窗口。有人把它翻译为:The special zone is a window. It is a widow for introducing technology, management and knowledge. It is also a window for foreign policy.
这样的翻译外国人是无法理解的,我们必须把那些被省略了或被隐藏起来的信息都翻译出来:The special economics zones are a window opening onto the outside world. They are a window through which to bring in from abroad sophisticated technology, advanced managerial expertise and up-to-date know-how. It is also a window through which to disseminate China's external policies.
与此相似的例子还有很多,如"退耕还林"不是return farmland to forest(把耕地退还给森林),而应该是restore "woodland-converted farm-plots" back for afforesting (把从林地开垦出来的耕地还原成林地,即重新进行植树造林)。"春运"也不能简单地说成是spring transportation(春季的运输) 而是the rush / peak season of passenger transportation during the Spring Festival / Chinese New Year(春节期间的客运高峰)。
第五:有些中文词语没有什么特殊涵义,而与之相对应的英文词语却有着特殊的涵义。例如,与"便宜"、"价廉"相对应的"cheap,"它有时候会带有贬义,成为"质次价低"的意,如cheap jewelries, cheap dresses, cheap furniture 等。我们可以说I bought a cheap watch for my child,对小孩无所谓;但不能说I bought a cheap dress for my girlfriend. 因为这样说会冒犯对方。在后一种情况下必须用inexpensive一词。
第六:避免用中式英语进行表达,而要尽量用地道的英语进行表达。假如我们要把"我过去学过一些法语,但现在都忘了,都还给老师了"这句话翻译成英语,最好不要说 I learned some French in the past. Now I have forgotten it. I've returned it to the teacher. 比较好的说法是 I used to know some French, but I've forgotten it. It has found its way back to my teacher.
再比如我们要用英语说"我攒了一大堆赃衣服,等着周末来洗,"最好不要说I have accumulated a large amount of dirty clothes. I'm going to wash them at the weekend. 比较好的说法是 I have a lot of laundry to catch up at the weekend.
第七:根据不同场合,英语的表达有庄重(formal) 与随意(informal) 之分。比如"禁止吸烟"(No Smoking)、"请勿吸烟"(Thank you for not smoking) 和"为了您和他人的健康,请勿在此吸烟"(For hygiene's sake, please refrain yourself from smoking in this room.)下面两组例子中都各包含有formal- normal - informal 三种文体风格(style):
Please await instructions before dispatching items.
Please wait for instructions before sending items off.
Don't send anything off until you're told to do so.
Essential measures should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity.
One should undertake any necessary measures at the earliest opportunity.
You should do whatever you have to as soon as you can.
第八:要注意各行各业的不同术语的选择。比如"安居工程" 的英译不是housing project for low-income urban residents,而应该按照社会经济用语的习惯翻译为the Affordable Housing Program; 再比如,高速公路上的警示语"请勿疲劳驾驶,"翻译成英语不是Don't drive tiredly,按照交通法规术语应该翻译为Drowsy driving is dangerous 或Drive alert, arrive alive。
第九:注意汉语和英语之间的文化差异。把"相声"翻译成英语不能只是翻译其形式,还要翻译其内涵。翻译成cross talk 外国人不明白;不如翻译为comic dialogue 更好懂。再如,假设我们要把"以外贸为龙头"翻译成英语,能不能直接翻译为with foreign trade as the dragon head呢?这样翻译是很难让外国人明白的,因为"以……为龙头"这个说法是源自耍龙灯的习俗,而多数外国人不一定熟悉中国人的这一习俗。为了取得好的翻译效果,最好是用能够跨越文化障碍的表达方法,如"火车头"或"旗舰":with foreign trade as the locomotive / flagship。
但是不能机械地对待一切类似的翻译问题,我们的头脑里应该有一点辩证法。比如汉语的"鱼米之乡"(land of fish and rice),在英语里有一个类似的说法land of milk and honey,但由于land of fish and rice 外国人也能理解,不会造成跨化交流的障碍,所以我们可以采用land of fish and rice的说法,以保留一点汉语的特色。
It's sunny in the east but in the west it's raining hard.
Whether rain or sunshine, he's the sunshine in my heart.
再比如,广告语"这种鞋油为您足下增光"中的"足下"也是个双关语,翻译的时候也必须把两层意思都表达出来:This shoe shine shines your shoes and you look great.
第十一:有时候,比如翻译诗句,光翻译字面上的意思是不够的,还必须把字里行间的深度、力量和美感表达出来。我们以"朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨"为例,如果简单地把它翻译为 Wines and meats become rotten in the mansions; Dead bones become rotten at the doors of them,那就没有任何诗意。英语词典里有这样的例句:While the rich are flaunting their wealth the poor are starving on the streets. 这个句子表现了贫富之间的差别和对比。下面这样的翻译则把原文的意思、深度、力量和美感通统都表现出来了:
In the mansions, rolling luxury allows wine and meat to go rotten away;
On the streets, grinding poverty causes dead bodies to freeze and decay.
第十二:汉语和英语在语法语序和句子结构上都有很大的差别。因此,在进行中译英的时候必须要考虑到这些方面的变化。例如,翻译"改革开放开放取得了巨大的成就"这个句子时,我们不能亦步亦趋地将它翻译为:The economic reform and the opening-up have made great achievements. 而是应该这样翻译,把"巨大的成就"当作主语,把主动语态变成被动语态:Great achievements have been made in the economic reform and in our efforts to open-up China to the outside world.
首先看看"把企业推向市场"这个例子。它常常被译成to push enterprises to the market。到底应该怎样理解这个"推"字呢?实际上,这个"推"字有"帮"、"引"、"促"等多种含义。用push这个动词固然不算错,但下面几种译法更加生动:
to lead enterprises to the market
to help enterprises (at their elbow) to the marketplace
to guide enterprises to the market
to let enterprises to "immerse" in the market
to let enterprises learn to "swim" in the market
再看看这个句子:"到2008 年,北京的天会更蓝、水更清、地更绿、环境更美。" 如果我们只是满足于表面的理解,把"天更蓝、水更清、地更绿" 翻译成the sky will be bluer, the water will be clearer, and the land will be greener, 那么它就有可能暗示:北京的天原来不是蓝的、水不是清的、地不是绿的, 而且这三个比较级的形容词可以理解为只?quot;有所改善",力度不够。但实际上我们要表达的意思是,北京现在就是天蓝、水清、地绿;到2008年时的情况是天还要更蓝、水还要更清、地还要更绿。在经过了这样的深层次的理解之后,我们就可以换个角度来进行翻译:
By 2008 Beijing will be even more justified for being / can even
more rightly be called a city with a blue sky, clear water, green land
and a beautiful environment.
从句子结构来看,汉语是一种迭加式的(additive) 语言,句子的各个部分看上去好像都是"并列"的;而英语是一种合成是(synthetic)的语言,句子结构就像一棵树一样,有主干、有枝*。根据汉语的表达习惯,有时候一个句子可以很长,各个部分完全并列,全都用逗号联系起来。而英语则不同,长句子必须采用主从结构。例如下面这个长句:
"对外经济贸易大学的工商管理硕士(MBA)项目旨在培养 具有现代化管理意识,掌握经营管理的知识和方法,能有效地管理社会化大生产并在国内外市场开展经营与竞争,具有决策应变能力 和分析解决问题的能力,有战略眼光和开拓进取精神的 国际导向型、务实型和复合型的高级经营管理人才。"(128 字)
THE MBA PROGRAM OF UIBE AIMS AT TRAINING SENIOR MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL who are internationally oriented, hands-on experienced and cross-disciplined.
With a strategic foresight and a pioneering spirit as well as decision-making and problem-solving capabilities, THEY ARE ADEPT in the theory and practice of modern management, ARE CAPABLE of applying management know-how to large-scale operations, and ARE POISED to enter into competition on domestic and international markets.
Borrow a pool of water from Hangzhou West Lake,
Remove seven hills from Yangshuo for scenic sake,
And add weeping willows along the long dykes,
The nature picture will last forever under the skies.
这种"对号入座"式的翻译把诗的头两行的意思变成了:"从杭州西湖(应为Hangzhou's West Lake)借来一池水","为了风景起见(应为for scenery's sake),从阳朔把七堆山搬掉。"这与原文相去甚远。译文中其他方面的问题也不少。翻译时我们必须摆脱原文字面上的影响:
The charm of the water can match Hangzhou's West Lake.
The hills here put the Seven Mounds of Yangshuo in the shade.
Graceful are the dykes lined with rows of weeping willows,
The picturesque scenery of Seven Star Rocks will never fade.作者: 挖按 时间: 15-12-2008 19:54
最后还有一个态度问题。我们对自己的翻译水平要有个正确的认识,要清醒地看到自己的不足和局限性。一方面我们不能把翻译工作看得过于简单;另一方面我们还要树立"精心设计、精心施工"的严谨作风。无论是对待翻译练习还是实际的翻译任务都应该如此。有一个英文的对外宣传刊物把一篇文章的标题"业主们畅游香江"(愉快地游览香港)翻译为Property Owners Had a Good Swim in the Xiangjiang River,真是令人啼笑皆非。翻译者把这篇文章翻译完之后也没有察觉出问题来。审稿人和编辑也对此无动于衷。这样的态度怎么能做好翻译工作呢?
局: An outward oriented
scenario of cultural
exchange that features ….
政府与民间并举 a two-tier pattern (government and non-government
引进与输出并重 a two-way traffic (sending Chinese programs out and bringing foreign programs in)
多方位、多形式 a multifarious approach (through various channels, at
different levels and in diversified forms)
这样一来,我们就把两个"并"字和四个"多"字改为了a two-tier pattern (两个层次)a two-way traffic(两个方向) a multifarious approach(多种途径):an outward-oriented scenario of cultural exchange that features a two-tier pattern(government and non-government sponsorships),a two-way traffic (sending Chinese programs out and bringing foreign programs in) and a multifarious approach (through various channels, at different levels and in diversified forms)。
经过这样的处理之后,不仅语言表达比较符合英语习惯,而且内容的眉目也更加清楚,从而达到了让外国读者看了一目了然、听了能抓住要点的效果。这个翻译的过程涉及到对原文先进行整理归纳,然后再着手翻译,这不能不说是一件创造性的工作。 我们再看一个段落翻译的例子。有些中文原文在文字表述或者结构安排上有一些不尽人意的地方,我们在着手翻译之前应当对它做一些结构和顺序上的调整。我们以下面这个"邓小平理论课程简介"的翻译为例。对外宣传邓小平理论无疑是非常重要的。在翻译这样的内容时,要做到意思准确、风格得体、可读性强。下面这段文字,由于学校对外交流(交换课程设置)的需要必须将它翻译成英语。但是,通过学习和研究,发现这段中文原文的句子特别长、重复比较多?quot;邓小平理论" 重复出现了六次),而且显得缺乏条理性,逻辑性不够强:
第二步, 参照有关马克思主义经济理论课程的英语原文的介绍, 了解其结构与写法, 并摘录一些有用的表达方式, 以便模仿应用(贯彻"洋为中用、外为我用"的原则):
This course involves examination of Marx's economic theory, concentrating on the theories and value and surplus value, the theory of accumulation, the theory of money and circulation, and the concept of socialism, consideration of some selected work of later Marxist economists and discussion of some criticisms of the Marxist theory.
第三步, 把有关的基本内容(上面所有用斜体标出的部分)的译文列出来:
the fundamentals of the scientific framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory
the essential thinking and scientific substance
the historical impact and guiding significance
the line, policy and strategy for building China-specific socialism
the attitude towards holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping
the initiative for building socialism with Chinese characteristics
the ability to apply … to the study of the theoretical and practical dimensions of …
the initial stage of socialism
the pith and marrow of Deng Xiaoping Theory
the essence and fundamental tasks of socialism
the reform of socialism
the socialist market economy
the development strategy of the modernization program
the enhancement of democracy and the rule of law
the strengthening of the vitality of civilization
the leading core and buttress force
the diplomatic and opening policies
the "one country-two systems" and the reunification of the motherland
cross reference between theory and practice and between history and reality; scientifically sound and interestingly effective
第四步, 把所有的句子按设定的结构串联起来:
This course involves the examination of the fundamentals of the systematic framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the exploration of the essential thinking and scientific substance of the theory, the consideration of its historical impact and guiding significance, and the discussion of this theory regarding the line, policy and strategy for building China-specific socialism.
The course aims to heighten the awareness of the students for holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping, to enhance their initiative for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to increase their ability to apply the theory to the study of the theoretical and empirical implications of the socialist reforms and open policies and the modernization program.
The subjects to be expounded in this course will be the pith and marrow of Deng Xiaoping Theory, concentrating on such aspects as concepts of the initial stage of socialism, the essence and fundamental tasks of socialism, the socialist reforms, the socialist market economy, the development strategy of the modernization program and the leading core and buttress force for building socialism. The course also touches on Deng Xiaoping's directives on the enhancement of democracy and the rule of law and the strengthening of the vitality of civilization, the guidelines on foreign affairs and the open policies and the concept of reunification of the motherland in the "one country-two system" context.
The lectures, which are intended to be scientifically sound and interestingly effective, will feature cross-references between theory and practice and between history and reality.
第一节 翻译的基本标准
(一) 准确
译者在翻译时要站在正确的立场上,表明正确的观点,不能犯原则性错误。比如,西方国家常把我国的台湾省和其他国家等同起来,翻译时应作技术性处理,把台湾单列出来,并加上"地区"二字,以示区别。动笔之前要深刻理解原文的中心思想和内容,找出难点,特别是无法对译的地方,然后再查字典和参考书、参考资料,记下相关的提示词汇和术语。准备妥当之后才着手翻译,按照中外语言文字的不同习惯,尽可能地把作者的思想、语气、风格、感情色彩再现出来,尽力做到所谓"信、达、雅"。英语和汉语一般都有对应的语汇,然而在处理具体问题时,常常不能完全对应。比如汉语习惯称亚洲"四小龙",英语虽然可译成the Asian "four dragons",但西方人大都叫the Asian "four tigers"或"four tigers" in Asia,因为在西方人的眼里,dragon是一种类似鳄鱼或蛇,长有翅膀会吐火的怪物,常常守看金银财宝。成语或谚语更是如此,非但无法对应,有时甚至连原文的踪迹都没有了,如 "Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs",如果按照字面直译成"不要教你的奶奶磕鸡蛋",让人看了会莫名其妙。要是意译为"不要班门弄斧",就既表达了原意,也符合汉语习惯。和汉语一样,英语的成语也很多,但其中大部分都很难对译成汉语成语,只好意译。这里再举几个例子:like talking to a brick wall(对牛弹琴,瞎子点灯白费蜡)--to waste one's breath trying to persuade someone who is so obstinate to listen to reason;如说: "He is so dogmatic; it's like talking to a brick wall arguing with him." To make bricks without straw(巧妇难做无米之炊)--to try to achieve some result with inadequate means;如说:"We were unable to give you an opinion because you didn't give us the information we needed. We can't make bricks without straw." The rotten apple(害群之马,败家之子)--the one bad person among a number of good ones;如说: "His youngest son was the rotten apple." To pay back in the same coin, to pay sb. back in his own coin, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,(以眼还眼,以牙还牙,以其人之道还治其人之身)--to retaliate by using the same method;如说:"Jukes has attacked us in his advertisement overseas; we will pay him back in the same coin." To have a heart of gold(有一副菩萨心肠)--to be a kind, generous, forgiving person whose qualities are much appreciated; Walls have ears(隔墙有耳)--You must be very careful what you say because someone may be eavesdropping.
在遵循准确这一原则的同时,还要注意约定俗成的问题。有的银行业务术语沿用已久,就不必去硬行更正,比如"票根",被用来指advice of drawing, drawing advice,即开票通知。然而"票根"的英语对应词是counterfoil,指任何票证开出或撕下后的存根,显然两者是有本质区别的。因此,在银行工作中碰到"票根"二字时,切不可翻译成"counterfoil"。
英汉对译时必须使译文规范化,即所用的词汇、短语、句子及语法都必须符合本语种的一般规范和习惯,否则就会出现中文西化,西文中化的毛病。汉语说:"他走得很快。""他"是主语,"走"是谓语,"很快"是补语。翻译成英语:He walks very fast.尽管语序相同,但"very fast"是状语而不是补语。又如:"我在中国银行工作。"这个句子的状语"在中国银行"放在动词"工作"之前,而英语则把它放在"work"之后,即:"I work in (at, for) the Bank of China."如果将此句再倒译成中文"我工作在中国银行",就西化了,不符合汉语习惯。由此可见,要使译文规范化,必须牢固而又清楚地掌握英汉两种语言文字的相同点和不同点,不然译文将晦涩难懂。
(二) 贴切传神
英语里有时一个句子较长,作者运用了形象比喻等手法,汉语中很难找到对应的语汇,这时要根据上下文的意思,或者整篇文章的中心意思,作适当处理,但又不损失、冲淡甚至歪曲原意。请看以下例子: CED Finklestein: He needs to pull a rabbit out of his hat. 总经理芬克斯泰因:他需要拿出一个绝招来(直译:他需要从自己的帽子里抓出一只兔子来)。
这是美国《商业周刊》(Business Week)1992年1月27日所刊登"A 'Death Knell' at Macy's?"一文的插图说明。从题目和文章内容来看,这位新上任总经理面临种种难题,要挽救梅西公司,他必须像耍魔术一样拿出一种不同凡响的解决办法才行。因此,上面这样翻译简洁明晰地把作者替总经理担忧的心情表达了出来,读者也会为他捏一把汗,去探个究竟。
在汉译英时同样应注意这一点。1992年北京国际拍卖会手册上有一位领导人的题词是:一锤定音,双方买卖即成。我的译文是:A hammer gives the final word, and a deal is concluded between the buyer and seller.这是"一锤定音"几个字很形象,但比较难处理。拍卖的实际操作是由拍卖主锤师用木锤敲桌梆的形式来决定交易,而不是"成交"之类的话语。因此同时采用了直译和意译两种手法,即:一(A hammer)、双方买卖即成交(a deal is concluded between the buyer and seller)和定音(gives the final word)。这里用"final word"(或final say)指"拍板","敲定",即决定下来,这样处理既忠实原文又生动贴切。如果完全直译成"A hammer decides (sets) the tune…"读者可能以为是乐队指挥真的在那里定音呢。
a. He has taken US D10,000.00 from our bank.(取走)
b. It will take us two days to have the work finished.
c. She likes to take milk in the morning. (喝)
d. I'm easy to take (catch) cold.(得)
e. We cannot take (understand, make out ) his meaning.
f. Don't take away that book. (拿、取走)
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The United Nations 联合国
Treasury Department (美)财政部作者: 焦糖巧克力 时间: 16-12-2008 16:39
收藏了啊,谢谢作者: nizi 时间: 16-12-2008 17:01