2、扣款银行不是有短信么?你会收到扣款收据的邮件的。作者: nicole_zjy 时间: 10-12-2008 13:39
如果是电签的话,澳洲那边收到体检报告10天左右,网上进度查询的Health requirements required就会变成Health requirements finalised。作者: andy_liu 时间: 10-12-2008 13:55 标题: check it on line 1, You can go to this link to send a request: http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/ ... sing-centres.htm?51
Put your valid email address, your name, your date of birth and your passpord number, then submit it.
2. You will recieve an email from the organization telling you the health check status.
3. If there is any question, you can reply to the person who sent you the email and she will reply.