因此,我建议,版主是否能组织设立一个英文疑难解析版块,坛友积极参与,有水平高的专家坐镇,帮助答疑以提高英文水平。作者: ubuntuhk 时间: 13-10-2008 02:53 标题: 回复 #1 新生活主张 的帖子 这个建议不错作者: denverlin 时间: 13-10-2008 19:46
现在不是也有很多人遇到问题就过来问的吗?楼主既然这么积极,不妨效仿毛遂自荐作者: ritaclin 时间: 13-10-2008 20:22
很好的建议,不知lz是否愿意做本版的特邀答疑嘉宾,也顺便跟大家分享一下你的学习心得?作者: 新生活主张 时间: 13-10-2008 22:16 标题: 回复 #4 ritaclin 的帖子 惭愧啊!我的英语还很弱,今天第一天正式上班,跟几个澳洲本地人在一起工作,练了一天的听力,估计再过年把我才敢受邀当嘉宾,现在我只有问问题的资格。作者: naughtybaby 时间: 14-10-2008 10:54
Right on~! lz, pop ur questions here n I'm sure there're ppl who will attend to 'em作者: migao21 时间: 14-10-2008 11:22
搞个集中贴就可以了, 还设什么板块。 英语板块人都不常来的。作者: nizi 时间: 14-10-2008 22:44 标题: good idea! agree with ritaclin and naughtybaby!作者: 新生活主张 时间: 14-10-2008 23:14
ok, 我先贴几句在这里,大家看看能不能懂,全是从Sydney Morning Herald上摘下来我没完全看懂的句子,有些句子虽然能够理解全句的意思,但是不明白其中有些部分的用法:
2. "Good money is coming in or has been promised. The big end of town is responding positively," one senior Liberal figure said.
3. A 16-year-old girl from Pyrmont and a 16-year-old girl from Marrickville have been refused bail and arte due to face Parramatta Children's Court today.
5. "She is worse than I am when it comes to TV. I like taking her clothes - dresses most of the time, shoes, cardigans and always scarves."
6. "These girls see their friends as their most precious resource. It is now peer pressure on steroids.
8. "She is literally on it from the minute she gets home from school to the minute she goes to bed, and we try to squeeze some homework in," she said.
9. "Back in 1988, Cleo sealed sections were pretty important," Dr Turnbull said.
10. Music commentator Glenn A. Baker said that while music aimed at teenage girls had always been manipulated, it had become perfected "almost to a science" over the past 20 years, thanks to the rise of girl bands and television talent quests such as the Idol franchise.
"There is not a lot that is original in teen popular music any more," Baker said.
"Never before in our long history of popular music has there been a more effective understanding - an almost scientific understanding - of what a teen audience is likely to respond to.
"The overall quality is polished and glossy, although it might have lost a few points in the heart and soul factor."
11. As the World Health Organisation questioned Beijing's handling of the crisis, premier Wen Jiabao appeared on state television promising to head off further incidents.
12. The scandal stems from the practice of adding industrial chemical melamine, normally used to make plastics, to watered-down milk to boost apparent protein levels.
13. Shigeru Omi, Western Pacific director of the UN's WHO, on Sunday raised concerns the matter was not reported earlier.
14. The blast went off just half a kilometre from the Pakistan Prime Minister's residence where the President, Asif Ali Zardari, was dining with dignitaries.
15. The council engineer, Martin Drake, said the release of the coroner's report played no part in the timing of the roadwork.
16. After belting out 'Bette Davis Eyes' on the Sept. 21 show, 17-year-old Brooke was showered with praise by the judges.
17. I think it's just the way it is as with most competitions that have to depend on public voting. Remember ricky lee? it was also a shock to everyone when she got voted out when she was consistently impressive in all her performances. as the judges say, a good performance is never a guarantee!
18. it's because the teeny boppers love him.
19. Wake up people all shows are fixed because at the end of the day its all about the $$$$$ and if a show isnt making $$$$ then the show is changed/fixed so that it makes the $$$$$, just wait a few years and see, :- remember that show idol well now we know it was fixed.
20. "World championships being such an intense race, a one-day race, they're normally on pretty unforgiving courses and if you are having an ordinary day there's really nowhere to hide," Bannan told AAP.
21. The course was expected to suit Davis and Rogers in particular, but they struggled and the cracking pace from the 60km mark dashed sprinter Robbie McEwen's chances of powering over the line had the race ended in a bunch finish.
22. The under-23 men were considered Australia's best chance of winning a medal based on individual performances this season but they fell short after riding defensively through the first part of the road race and missing the major attack.作者: 采薇子 时间: 16-10-2008 15:23
The big end of town
有《The big end of town》这么一本书,翻译为《大底镇》,主要描述澳大利亚经济方面的问题,不知道原文所指是否和这个信息有关?
作者: 采薇子 时间: 16-10-2008 16:00
These girls see their friends as their most precious resource. It is now peer pressure on steroids.
“steroids -- 类固醇”,这里可译为“兴奋剂”?
在翻译上我觉得采取直译即可,但是要完全理解这种说法,需要更多上下文信息,我查到下文是:Most of these kids are spiritual anorexics in that they have a hole in their self where they do not believe in anything。这些孩子大多是精神厌食症患者,因为他们自身有一个困境,他们不相信任何东西。They come to believe that their worth is derived from the number of possessions they have.他们开始相信,他们的价值来源于所拥有的财富有多少。
顺便鄙视一下把书名译成《大底镇》的人,难道把书名看成THE BIG END TOWN了,没看到那个 OF 吗?
3. A 16-year-old girl from Pyrmont and a 16-year-old girl from Marrickville have been refused bail and arte due to face Parramatta Children's Court today.
arte due to,没见过,不过我认为是are due to拼错了
5. "She is worse than I am when it comes to TV. I like taking her clothes - dresses most of the time, shoes, cardigans and always scarves."
taking her clothes,要看上下文的吧,从后半句话来看her clothes就是指衣服,拿她的衣服,不知道什么意思
6. "These girls see their friends as their most precious resource. It is now peer pressure on steroids.
steroids 类固醇,可能是指激素、荷尔蒙之类吧?
8. "She is literally on it from the minute she gets home from school to the minute she goes to bed, and we try to squeeze some homework in," she said.
on it,上网、上站、上论坛;literally,可以查一下字典,表示绝对的、确实的、毫不夸张的。
10. Music commentator Glenn A. Baker said that while music aimed at teenage girls had always been manipulated, it had become perfected "almost to a science" over the past 20 years, thanks to the rise of girl bands and television talent quests such as the Idol franchise.
"There is not a lot that is original in teen popular music any more," Baker said.
"Never before in our long history of popular music has there been a more effective understanding - an almost scientific understanding - of what a teen audience is likely to respond to.
"The overall quality is polished and glossy, although it might have lost a few points in the heart and soul factor."
music aimed at teenage girls had always been manipulated给十几岁少女听的音乐一直就受到人为干预。这几句话是将随着对青春期少女的科学研究深化,人们在谱写针对这一市场群体的流行音乐时刻意应用能够引起她们兴趣的元素。
就看这几句吧,还是建议楼主多用带例句的双解词典,平时再多用一些理解和分析的方法,应该慢慢会好,毕竟学语言不是背几个单词几天就能见成效的。作者: 新生活主张 时间: 19-10-2008 19:56 最近我上班有点忙,所以没怎么过来看,发现楼上几位已给出了一些解释,非常好!我发现把原来没弄懂的东西搞懂了感觉非常好! ,下次继续啊!作者: migao21 时间: 20-10-2008 16:47
3. A 16-year-old girl from Pyrmont and a 16-year-old girl from Marrickville have been refused bail and arte due to face Parramatta Children's Court today.
你划错了, due to是个短语, 意思是由于; 起因于; 归功于
5. "She is worse than I am when it comes to TV. I like taking her clothes - dresses most of the time, shoes, cardigans and always scarves."
就是买的意思。 我要买她的衣服。。。
8. "She is literally on it from the minute she gets home from school to the minute she goes to bed, and we try to squeeze some homework in," she said.
she is on it 就是她在做某事的意思。 加个literally, 就是强调后面的minute, 时间都是以分钟来算的意思。
10. Music commentator Glenn A. Baker said that while music aimed at teenage girls had always been manipulated, it had become perfected "almost to a science" over the past 20 years, thanks to the rise of girl bands and television talent quests such as the Idol franchise.
(music aimed at teenage girls)这个是主语 针对年轻女孩子的音乐总是被利用操纵。。。