
标题: 大白胖子 [打印本页]

作者: nizi    时间: 6-9-2008 02:30
标题: 大白胖子
作者: flyday    时间: 6-9-2008 03:29
da bai  fat
作者: 西澳海豚    时间: 6-9-2008 05:12
white fat ass
作者: xblues    时间: 6-9-2008 07:52
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 标题: Related Words:
beefy, bulky, chunky, dumpy, full-bodied, heavyset, squat, stocky, stubby, thick, thickset; paunchy, potbellied; brawny, burly, husky  

Beefy ---  像牛肉的, 结实的, 强壮的
Hunky ---  好看的小伙子
Hefty ---  重的, 肌肉发达的

我的翻译是: My Big Fellow, My Big White Fellow
作者: nizi    时间: 6-9-2008 09:32

big white fat?
作者: NEWGAY    时间: 6-9-2008 11:03
标题: 回复 #1 nizi 的帖子
呼J 版主
作者: beysup    时间: 7-9-2008 16:11
white chubby
作者: carl181818    时间: 7-9-2008 16:42
原帖由 NEWGAY 于 6-9-2008 10:03 发表
呼J 版主

作者: jessie_he8021    时间: 7-9-2008 18:01
我都是叫他:Big White Fat Guy
作者: nizi    时间: 9-9-2008 21:21
标题: haha
i like big white fat too!
作者: 127    时间: 9-9-2008 22:26
if you do NOT mean to cause racial sentiments, i suggest that the word "white" is not used...after all, the guys are all white, but not you...

if you do NOT mean to make him angry, don't use the words "fat ass"...after all, not all people like to have others talk about their asses like you did...

if you simply want to be friendly, just call him "large guy" or "big boy"...
作者: jessie_he8021    时间: 9-9-2008 22:55
作者: nizi    时间: 9-9-2008 23:00
作者: 127    时间: 10-9-2008 21:34
call him "Da Bai Pang Zi" then, if he ask, explain and teach him...

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