标题: 小孩来澳州能否学期中插班上学,及租房要求 [打印本页] 作者: wyp 时间: 3-9-2008 11:09 标题: 小孩来澳州能否学期中插班上学,及租房要求 我小孩9月10日要来澳,三年级,现正在学期中,不知能否插到班上去上学?另外,我是租房子,小孩要上学的话,是否必须要签署下规的租房协议,并且要母子关系证明,要不怎么知道你是孩子的亲人呢?因为租房合同是大人签的呀。希望各位姐妹能给我建议作者: shurman 时间: 3-9-2008 12:07
If you are PR or Australia government sponsored student, you child can go the state school where you are living. The teacher will arrange him/her to the right class according to his/her age, skills and knowledge. Some schools may arrange the child to special English language training class as well. You need to bring the child's passport and the rent agreement etc. The passport will proof the status of the child. The relativeship certificate is usually not needed, only if you are not the guardian of the child.作者: HOPEAU 时间: 3-9-2008 14:22
没这么复杂了,你孩子来肯定要上NEW ARRIVAL PROGRAM.所以你家附近的小学不一定有,只能就近找,什么都不要的,我记得我去送我儿子上学的时候,只拿了护照,当然还有中国打针的记录,一开始可以不交打针的,但后来肯定要的.远一点的学校没关系的,第一年有免费的车来的接送的.作者: wyp 时间: 5-9-2008 15:46