
标题: 这里还有人打羽毛球吗? 墨尔本 [打印本页]

作者: charlie-qi    时间: 27-8-2008 21:31
标题: 这里还有人打羽毛球吗? 墨尔本
作者: Microhard    时间: 27-8-2008 22:25
作者: ubuntuhk    时间: 27-8-2008 23:16
作者: charlie-qi    时间: 27-8-2008 23:27
原帖由 Microhard 于 27-8-2008 21:25 发表


作者: atelier    时间: 27-8-2008 23:34
上个周末刚刚打过,lz留个联系方法,打的时候叫你。我们一般在boxhill或balwyn打球,有时候也有可能在albert park.
作者: Microhard    时间: 28-8-2008 19:52
标题: 回复 #4 charlie-qi 的帖子
balwyn north 和 albert park的好像都是专门球场,记不太清了。
感觉albert park的灯光还可以,monash uni的灯光不太好。
作者: zyease    时间: 1-9-2008 18:42
作者: charlie-qi    时间: 1-9-2008 21:32
今天去看了一下Albert Park的,还不错,比较正规.除了灯光稍微不够理想.

还有一个在Kilsyth的Badminton Academy,白天没人看不到,应该是正规的.


以后去Albert Park吧.

作者: zyease    时间: 7-9-2008 04:02
我也差不多10月往下才有空。10.6第二次路考 ,之前都在练车呢。一定要过啊!
作者: jmsdf    时间: 22-9-2008 14:19
作者: wukong    时间: 22-9-2008 19:03
作者: zyease    时间: 22-9-2008 21:51
clayton离city还算近的. 具体地址在哪呀,一般晚上几点开始? 此外自己水平也就一般,跟高手就只有捡球的份了.
作者: wukong    时间: 22-9-2008 23:19
晚上大概7点开始到10点,地址在melway的 70D11 一个教堂。
蝌蚪 不会要骑车来吧
作者: Elica    时间: 6-11-2008 22:08
作者: Elica    时间: 6-11-2008 22:12
作者: charlie-qi    时间: 6-11-2008 22:32
原帖由 Elica 于 6-11-2008 22:12 发表

Box Hill Shopping Mall 有一家华人开的体育用品店, 叫喊Stadium. 拍子比较多.
作者: 136mydream    时间: 6-11-2008 22:41
作者: Elica    时间: 6-11-2008 22:44
原帖由 charlie-qi 于 6-11-2008 22:32 发表

Box Hill Shopping Mall 有一家华人开的体育用品店, 叫喊Stadium. 拍子比较多.

作者: flyday    时间: 7-11-2008 03:18
场地一般是什么 收费
作者: rcspeed    时间: 19-11-2008 01:48
作者: charlie-qi    时间: 19-11-2008 10:47
标题: 回复 #19 flyday 的帖子


Keysborough的Sringer还不错,$11.5ph, 平时白天没人打. 

作者: mcdawn    时间: 4-10-2009 23:16
作者: boton    时间: 5-10-2009 07:42
我昨天去albert park打球的,很爽,但是也很累
作者: 121581822    时间: 5-10-2009 16:28
作者: 表特否    时间: 5-10-2009 16:53
作者: r4i    时间: 28-2-2010 13:48
作者: yzh19820    时间: 11-3-2010 19:09
回复 #19 flyday 的帖子


Keysborough的Sringer还不错,$11.5ph, 平时白天没人打. 


作者: 骷髅    时间: 12-3-2010 22:27
作者: nzdong    时间: 13-3-2010 16:21

[ 本帖最后由 nzdong 于 18-9-2010 23:32 编辑 ]
作者: 骷髅    时间: 13-3-2010 16:26
monash每周五7-11点,周日2-6点有club活动。casual entry 以前是$10。周六下午似乎有华人团体租场,具体不知。
作者: 小名    时间: 14-3-2010 16:30
墨尔本也有很多羽毛球club的。这些club一般都有固定的地点和活动时间,他们欢迎非会员参加。以亚洲人为主,印尼,印度。华人等。主要是看你自己的水平适合什么群体。一般会分a-d级。d为初学者。有兴趣的pm 我。我可以发列表给你。
作者: supermary    时间: 19-3-2010 23:29
有没有女生去Monash打球啊?可以叫上我啊, QQ 285784047

作者: charlie-qi    时间: 21-3-2010 19:06
作者: ciasom    时间: 6-6-2010 23:24
作者: charlie-qi    时间: 9-6-2010 23:51
原帖由 ciasom 于 6-6-2010 22:24 发表

那你在什么地方打啊? 有机会交流交流.
作者: zhengboshi    时间: 28-6-2010 09:24

  Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling
  Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it.
  They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students’ spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling.
  To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one and, the teachers should give more attention to students’ spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.
  To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.

  1. A) her daughters'' repeated complains
  2. D) People haven''t yet reached agreement on its definition
  3. C) can realize what is important in life
  4. A) it seriously affected family relationships
  5. C) depressed
  6. B) His family had intervened
  7. B) curb his desire for online gaming
  8. had an Internet addiction
  9. professional help
  10. online dating

  Section A
  short conversation
  11. C) He cannot get access to the assigned book.
  12. A) She will drive the man to the supermarket.
  13. C) Tidy up the place.
  14. A) The talks can be held any day except this Friday.
  15. A) He understands the woman’s feelings.
  16. D) She has to invite David to the party.
  17. C) Many students find Prof. Johnson’s lectures boring.
  18. D) Assemble a computer.
  long conversation
  19. B) It requires him to work long hours.
  20. D) It demands physical endurance and patience.
  21. D) In a hotel.
  22. B) Paying attention to every detail.
  23. A) The pocket money British children get.
  24. C) It often rises higher than inflation.
  25. B) Pay for small personal things.

  Section B
  Passage 1
  26. B) District managers
  27. D) The important part played by district managers
  28. B) Fifty percent of them were female
  29. B) He was not gender sensitive
  Passage 2
  30. C) Ask to see the manager politely but firmly
  31. D) You can’t tell how the person on the line is reacting
  32. D) Stick to the point
  Passage 3
  33. B) Architect
  34. A) Do some volunteer work.
  35. C) A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother.
  Section C
  36. curious
  37. figuring
  38. independent
  39. unusual
  40. interacting
  41. formal
  42. abstract
  43. mystery
  44. he has found out how it works and learnt to use it appropriately
  45. by trying it out and seeing whether it works, by gradually changing it and refining it
  46. including many of the concepts that the schools think only they can teach him
  仔细阅读答案 英语四级成绩单   英语六级成绩单
  Section A
  47. G incredibly
  48. K replace
  49. J reduced
  50. L sense
  51. H powering
  52. D exceptions
  53. E expand
  54. O vast
  55. F historic
  56. I protect
  Section B
  Passage 1
  57. C) Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.
  58. A) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.
  59. C) The early models often got damaged in the crash.
  60. C) To make them easily identifiable.
  61. A) There is still a good chance for their being recovered.
  Passage 2
  62. B) It is based on the concept of positive thinking
  63. A) Encouraging positive thinking may do more harm than good
  64. B) You are pointing out the errors he has committed
  65. C) Forcing a person to think positive thoughts may lower their self-esteem
  66. B) Meditation may prove to be a good form of psychotherapy
  67. B) differ
  68. B) via
  69. B) used
  70. B) lies
  71. B) of
  72. D) selects
  73. A) sends in
  74. A) visible
  75. C) beyond
  76. D) allows
  77. B) behind
  78. D) insignificant
  79. C) corporations
  80. D) only
  81. B) later
  82. D) provided
  83. D) besides
  84. A) and
  85. C) widespread
  86. A) acquired
  87. (in) concentrating on the experiment/ focusing her attention on the experiment.
  88. did she become angry/did she lose her temper before.
  89. being invited to attend the opening ceremony.
  90. (should) be fixed/installed by the window
  91. the strong opposition of her parents/ her parents’ strong opposition.
作者: 资深贷款经理    时间: 6-7-2010 17:02
作者: zngrui    时间: 29-8-2010 23:04
作者: uu    时间: 30-8-2010 00:22
作者: 雅瑶冬月    时间: 30-8-2010 00:47
原帖由 uu 于 29-8-2010 23:22 发表

作者: uu    时间: 30-8-2010 15:42
作者: 雅瑶冬月    时间: 30-8-2010 15:53
原帖由 uu 于 30-8-2010 14:42 发表

作者: aichitao    时间: 4-9-2010 05:18
作者: charlie-qi    时间: 5-9-2010 10:17

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