租房还有很多参杂因素。例如Footscray区,它是里city比较近的一个区,无论坐车还是开车都是非常的方便。但是这个区的房价可以说是墨尔本最低的。因为它属于越南区,有很多越南人在此住,还有就是很多的印度留学生,非洲移民在此地主,中国留学生也有一部分(主要是 Victoria university的学生在此住,因为Victoria university的一个校区建在此处。)这里当地白人很少,环境也要比其他的区要差一些。
a.c.&el. - air conditioned/ing and electric fire
b.i.c.s - built in cupboard
bthrm - Bathroom
gar. - garage
g.h.w.s. - gas hot water service
H and C - hot and cold water
f/furn - fully furnished
pwk - per week
pmth - per month作者: lihuaflower 时间: 4-6-2008 02:29
具体到学校,在悉尼像MQ和UNSW这样不在火车线旁边的,就应该考虑住在学校附近较好,或者是离学校不太远,坐公交车不需要太久的地方。因为公交车本身速度较慢,也更容易受到路面状况的影响,准点率较差。像USyd,UTS和UWS这样在火车线旁的学校,选择的余地就较大了。如果你单程安排20-30分钟的话,你可以在很大的范围内选择居住的区域,区本身的好坏可以给与更多的考虑。作者: lihuaflower 时间: 4-6-2008 02:43
5/8 City St. or 2a/31 City St., Unit number / Street number
a/c, air conditioning
aek, all electric kitchen
apls, appliances
apt(s), apartment(s)
avl, available
ba or bth or bthrm, bathroom
balc, balcony
bd or bdrm, bedroom
bicc, built-in china closet
bldg, building
bsmt, basement
c/a or cac, central air conditioning
c/vac or cvac, central vacuum
cath ceil, cathedral ceiling
cbl, cable
cln, clean
condo, condominium
cpt, carpet
d/d, dishwasher/disposal
d/w or dw, dishwasher
det, detached
dr, dining room
eff, efficiency
eik, eat-in kitchen
elev, elevator
exp, exposure
fpl or frpl, fireplace
fr or fmrm or fam rm, family room
fridg, refrigerator
furn, furnished
ga or gar, garage
gdo, garage door opener
h/w or hdwd flr, hardwood floors
ht/hw, heat/hot water
incl, included
kit, kitchen
lndry, laundry
lr or lvrm, living room
lrg or lg, large
lux, luxury or luxurious
mbr, master bedroom
mo, month
mod, modern
mw, microwave
negot, negotiable
ns, non smoking or non smoker
ono, or near offer
osp, off street parking
pd, paid
ph, penthouse
pl, swimming pool
prkg, parking
pvt, private
rm, room
sec, security or secure
sec dep, security deposit
sep entr, separate entrace
sm, small
spac, spacious
sq ft or sf, square feet
stu, studio
stv, stove
terr, terrace
trans, transportation
twnhse, town house
unfurn, unfurnished
util, utilities
vict, Victorian
vu, view
w/, with
w/d or wd, washer/dryer
w/w or w/w cpt, wall-to-wall carpeting
wd hkup, washer/dryer hookup
wic, walk-in closet
yd or yrd, yard作者: lihuaflower 时间: 4-6-2008 02:43