听力素材:要想听力考的好,多听剑桥不可少。剑桥1~6就是训练听力的权威教材。除此之外,Listen to This也是很不错的,如果你能把LTS的中级水平听熟,雅思听力6分那应该是稳拿的。此外,还有一个值得推荐的是上海的ICS外语频道,每晚七点半有个半个小时的《说东道西》节目,也可以一听。节目内容是几个外国嘉宾讨论关于中国的话题,相比于CCTV9的严肃英语新闻,这个节目都是老外没稿子的随意聊天,话题与我们比较接近,语言也相当口语化,坚持听应该会有不少收获。对了,还有BBC的英文教学网站,网址是http://www.bbc.co.uk/china/learningenglish/,里面有个学英语存档,有很多英文的MP3。这些MP3的内容、风格及长度都与雅思英文听力类似,是学习雅思听力的极好材料。网上其它推荐的听力素材基本都是英文新闻,相当的不口语,与雅思听力内容差距较大。
这里是一个小作文的例子:You have just moved into a new home and are planning to hold a party. You are worried that the noise may disturb your neighbour. Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter: introduce yourself, describe your plans for the party and invite your neighbour to come.
拿到题目,首先编,信写给Mr. Johnson,因为是新邻居,不熟,所以不能直接Dear Sam。然后,根据要求,编三段。第一段:我是Linda Server,昨天刚刚搬到您的隔壁——No. 15, Oak Street。我是一个大学学生/老师,就在附近的Westwood大学上学/教书。第二段:为了庆祝我搬新家,我将在明晚7点半在新家举办一个BBQ烧烤会,会持续到10点左右,声音或许会骚扰到你,请谅解。第三段,为了避免骚扰到你,我邀请你和你的全家也来参加晚会。因为不是正式聚会,因此不用穿礼服,也不用带礼物。最后,翻译成英文。
第一个例子:Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree? 这个例子来自于剑桥6的126页上,GT2的大作文。问题很简单,赞成或反对。对于这类题目,我的架构模版是,第一段提出自己的观点,然后三段分别并行的叙述自己的观点,第五段结尾。拿到题目后,首先花一分钟时间决定赞成还是反对,并准备三个理由,写下来,比如我的观点就是赞成孩子多用电脑,理由是电脑让孩子们更多的接触外部世界;从小学电脑让孩子跟得上时代的步伐;学电脑让孩子更有创造力。理由站不站得住脚没关系,写大作文的目的不是辨明真理,而是表明写作能力。
我的大作文第一段的模版是:In recent years, XXX has made a tremendous impact on our daily lives. It is hard to imagine that ... without XXX. Although, it had been argued that whether XXX is .... In my opinion, I firmly believe that .... My arguments for the opinion are listed as follows. 这个模版几乎可以套在任何话题作为第一段,虽然没新意,但是熟练的话,可以在两到三分钟内完成第一段。毕竟,对于6分水平的雅思考生来说,考作文时最缺的就是时间,怎么样能写得又快又不犯错就怎么写。
我的第二三四段的开头模版是:The first point jumps into my mind is ...; Another point I can think of is ...; One more point pops into my head is ...。其实,这原本是环球雅思曾丽娟的口语套句,我觉得不错,就抄来作为作文的模版了,呵呵。这三段中,每一段具体的论述就没什么模版好套了,随机应变罢了。可以适当的举一个例子,最好是自己的例子,不是自己的也说成是自己的。比如说自己为了更多的通过电脑网络接触外部世界,发奋学习英语等,就可以证明电脑让孩子更加愿意学习,跟上时代步伐。要注意的是,每一段论证不要太深入,否则会写太多,一般这三段,每一段4到6行就可以了。
我的最后一段的模版一般是这么开头的:Given the factors I have just outlined, I want to say that ...。具体内容就是一些总结的话了,比如:我想说XXX是非常重要的,尽管它有这样那样的缺点,但它还是很重要的,我们要做的是……而非……。例子如下:Given the factors I have just outlined, I want to say that computer skills are essential for children. In spite of negative effects, computers give children the benefits far outweighing the problems they bring. What we should do is observing and adjusting the ways which children use computers, rather than taking away them from children. 这段总结绝对不是7分或者8分的水平,但是可以保6分。
第二个例子:Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Describe the skills a person needs to be a good parent. 这个例子来自于剑桥6的113页,GT1的大作文,两个问。另一个同样类型的例子是是2007年9月22日的G类雅思考试大作文,描述了很多人喜欢关心明星的隐私,要求描述一下原因,并论证这样好不好,同样是两个问。
例子一:你更喜欢小说还是电影?我的回答首先罗列了小说的优点,然后是缺点;紧跟着是电影的优点,缺点,最后表明我的观点,我更喜欢小说。回答时,注意使用连接词来将各条理由分开,以利考官理解。既然我们的英文表达能力不强,我们就用清晰的结构来补,就像做PPT的讲演稿一样,一条一条排列清楚。first,second,the last one等全部用上。
Q: Which one would you perfer, A or B? Why?
A: It seems to me that A is surely more preferable than B. The reasons are pretty obvious. The first reason jumps into my mind is ..., you know, can you image how someone can do ... without/if ...? Another reason I can think of is ..., there is no way for someone to do ... without ...! One more reason pops into my head is ..., I think doing ... is the very last thing I want to do.
Q: Which one would you perfer, A or B? Why?
A: Honestly speaking, I love them both and I can't rule out any of them. Say, A can offer us ..., but I am not saying B is not cool. I mean B has its own edge as well. B can ... I think this is why people are always saying "Everything exists for a reason!"
Q: Which one would you perfer, A or B? Why?
A: Generally speaking, I would love A. Because I can ..., but it really depends. It depends on ..., you know ....
Q: What is difference of ... compare women with men?
A: Well, first I have to say there is a big difference in terms of ... comparing women with men. Women are more likely to be ..., they can always successfully do ...; However, men tend to be ..., they usually .... It seems quite interesting, but I think this is a natural result of their different natures. It is hard to explain, but it is like women love girly stuff. Say, flowers, cosmetics and nice outfits and man are big fans of sports, computer games, car models.
Q: What is the difference of ... comparing the elder people with young kids?
A: Well, first I have to say there is a big difference. The elder people are more likely to be ..., and they love doing ...; however, young kids tend to be ..., and they usually ... It seems quite interesting, but I think this is a natural result of different times they were born. To those young kids, what those elderly people do is so 60s or 50s; and to elderly people, what young kids do is fashionable to be accepted by them.
Q: What is the difference of ... comparing 20/30/40 years ago with today?
A: Well, first I have to say there is a significant change in terms of ... compare 20/30/40 years ago with today. Thanks to the ever-increasing Chinese people's living standards and ever-growing Chinese economy, gone forever are those days when we Chinese people were confined to ...; here comes the time when we Chinese are offered millions of options: ... ... ...
Q: Can you compare A with B?
A: Well, first I have to say there are some obvious differences between A and B. The first and biggest difference I can think of is ... Say, A be mostly concentrated on ...; however, B is more likely to focus on .... Another difference jumps into my mind is ..., A tend to be ... oriented; however, B be more ... featured.
Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of ...?
A: Well, this has already become the ""talk of the town"" today. First, it has millions of advantages. The first advantage I can think of is ..., another good thing is ...; However, its disadvantages, in a sense, are ruining its reputation as well. Talking about the things less impressive, the first thing jumps into my mind is ..., another thing pops into my head is ...
Q: What are the things you dislike on ... and how do you think those things can be solved in the future?
A: Well, speaking of the things I dislike on ..., the first thing pops into my mind is ..., which I think is a natural result of ..., so I suppose a systematic and reasonable regulation and rule should be carried out based on currently unsatisfactory situation. Hum, ... sounds like a good idea, and ... might contribute a lot to this situation as well.
Q: How do you think of ... in the future?
A: Well, although ... be not perfectly developed yet, I have to say it is a cool thing and its adventages are far outweighting its disadvantages. And with the joint effort coming from both government/and individual, I firmly believe that the future of this issue will be very bright.
Q: How to do something? Can you recommend some ways to do ...?
A: Well, there are obviously plenty of ways to do ..., and it varies a lot from people to people. But for me, the top priority is ...; Another factor I take into consideration is ...; One more way I can think of is ...
Q: How do you think ...? (importance of ...)
A: Well, this has already become a buzzword which is so popular that it will pop up everywhere every time when you read newspaper, glimpse magazine or surf the Internet. Of course, opinions vary greatly from people to people. I think this is a cool thing. Because firstly ..., another thing I can think of is it ...; However, there is always a fine line in everything. The same here: Don't ever go way too far.
A: Well, we are all living in a world where ... is becoming more and more important. It is very hard to imagine how someone can survive without doing ...; And obviously, it has become the one of the very few things that can't be measured in terms of money.
Q: What do you usually do when ...?
A: First, I have to say there isn't any particular thing I usually do when ..., it varies a lot. Say, it depends on .... If ..., I will do ...; I would do ... if .... Sometimes just go with the flow.
Q: What kind of ... do ... like?
A: Well, it really depends. It mainly depends on sex and age. Say, if you are a lady, ... would please you; But if you are a man, ... would turn out to be your call. Besides, if you are a little kid, ...; But if you are an adult, ...
Q: How often do you usually do ...?
A1: Well, generally speaking, I usually do..., but it really depends.
A2: It depends on whether I have enough pocket money or not; you know there is no way for me to do ... without ...
A3: It also depends on whether I got enough free time or not; say, it is very hard to imagine how I can do ... without ...!
A4: It depends on what mood I am in as well; can you imagine how I can do ... without being in a good mood?
A5: Last but not least, it depends on whether there is anyone treats me or not! You know, I would never say ""No"" if there is anyone treats me.