
标题: 一波N折的ACS职业评估经历(新增建议若干) [打印本页]

作者: 兔子的狗窝    时间: 2-10-2007 16:30
标题: 一波N折的ACS职业评估经历(新增建议若干)
怎么有Katrina Robinson这么乌龙的CO的啦,本人6月中旬提交ACS职业评估申请,其间补料一次,没赶上9/1也就算了,发过来的RL还有拼写错误,发还给ACS后左等右等更新的RL还不来,昨天发信过去催,今天总算收到回复了,说今天才寄出,敢情压根把咱这事儿给忘了......


各位请看我的ACS Skills Assessment辛酸史:
2007/5/19   雅思 L6 R6.5 W6 S6
2007/6/15 ACS 签收
2007/6/20 RN
2007/6/21   兴业银行万事达信用卡扣款失败,是老婆叫我打电话问银行才知道的,银行并没有主动通知我
2007/6/22   通过深发展汇款,多花了200多块钱手续费
2007/7/10   IP(Katrina Robinson)
2007/8/06   发email要求安排快递,第二天得到回复,未提及补料事宜
2007/8/15   收到Email要求补料(晴天霹雳啊,没看内容的时候还以为通知我安排快递呢)
2007/8/18   TNT把补料寄出
2007/8/24 再次IP
2007/9/06 WA
2007/9/13   CF
2007/9/14   RL(MODL)
2007/9/15   发觉工作经历中某单位的名字拼写错
2007/9/18   Email告知KR说RL出错,回复我要求把原信寄回
2007/9/19   TNT把错误的RL寄回
2007/10/1   Email询问KR何时已寄出更新的RL(总以为她会加紧处理的)
2007/10/2   收到Email说今天刚刚寄出,希望我尽快收到






[ 本帖最后由 兔子的狗窝 于 6-10-2007 01:32 编辑 ]
作者: 兔子的狗窝    时间: 2-10-2007 16:36
标题: 请求安排快递的Email及回复
Dear Officer:
    I'm one of your skills assessment candidates. As far as I know, Result Letters usually were posted by air mail. It means I'll wait for 1 to 3 weeks to receive the RL. But I can not wait so long. As you know, the new criteria of General Skilled Migrantion Programme will become effective in the next month. So that many candidates as me want to lodge the application before 1 September.
     For efficiency, may you help me to post the RL by courier? I'll ask the DHL local office to offer the delivery service. If it is possible, please let me know when and where to fetch the RL and who's the contact person.
     Thank you in advance. I'm waiting for the reply.

Best regards.
xxxxx xxxxx


Thank you for your email.

I will contact you once your assessment has been completed so that you may arrange a courier.

Kind regards

xxxxxx xxxxxx

Company name:  ACS Pick up address:  Lvl 3, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW      Post code: 2000  Tel No:  02 9299 3666 Contact person:  Margaret  Business hours: 8.30 - 5.00pm  Package will be ready (date):  to be advised

[ 本帖最后由 兔子的狗窝 于 5-10-2007 22:51 编辑 ]
作者: 兔子的狗窝    时间: 2-10-2007 16:41
标题: ACS要求补料的Email
Dear Mr xxxxx xxxxx,

Skills Assessment Ref No: xxxxxx

I refer to your application for Skills Assessment and wish to advise that before the processing of your application can be finalised, further documentation is required:

The assessor has requested that you provide certified copies of employer references from XXXXXX and YYYYYY.
These should be on company letterhead and include the job title, a detailed job description and precise dates of employment. They should also clearly state whether employment was full or part-time along with demonstrated levels of competence with any computer languages, the various types of hardware and software used and the extent of involvement with any major projects. Letters of appointment or contracts are not accepted.

Certified Documents
Please do not send originals, as liability cannot be accepted for original documents.

All original documents (and the translation into English where required) are to be photocopied and certified by an official of the appropriate immigration office, a Justice of the Peace or a notary public official. Photocopies or faxed copies of certified documents are not acceptable.

Documents submitted for assessment will not be returned to the applicant therefore it is in the applicant's own interest to have multiple copies certified.
When sending in extra documents please attach a copy of this email or list your reference number.

If after 35 days (if you live in Australia) or 49 days (if you live overseas) from the date of this letter, the requested documentation is not received the Australian Computer Society will forward your file to an Assessor , whereupon a result will be issued on the documentation held.



xxxxxx xxxxxx
Skills Assessment Officer
Australian Computer Society

[ 本帖最后由 兔子的狗窝 于 5-10-2007 22:56 编辑 ]
作者: 兔子的狗窝    时间: 2-10-2007 16:43
标题: 补料材料收到确认的Email
Dear Mr xxxxx xxxxxx,

This is to advise that documentation has been received and that we will proceed with your application based on these documents.

Please note that the processing time starts from that date in which all your documents are received.

Yours sincerely,

xxxxxx xxxxxxx
Skills Assessment Officer
Australian Computer Society Inc., National Office
ACS Level 3, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box Q534 QVB, Sydney NSW 1230

[ 本帖最后由 兔子的狗窝 于 5-10-2007 22:56 编辑 ]
作者: 兔子的狗窝    时间: 2-10-2007 16:46
标题: 发觉RL有错,要求修改的Email及回复
Dear Officer:
    First of all, thank you so much for dealing with my application for skills assessment. I received the reference letter last week. But when I wanted to lodge my online application for skilled migrants, I found that there was a mistake, as I marked in the attachment, include in the content of RL.
    The employer which I worked for from Jul. 2002 to Jul. 2004 should be XXXXX instead of YYYYY. So would you kindly to check the information again and send me another RL? For efficiency, I prefer to get a scanned e-copy asap.
    Thank you in advance.

Yours Sincerely,
xxxxx xxxxx


Thank you for your email.

Please accept my apologies for the error in your result letter.

In order for an amended result to be issued, it is required that the original letter is returned to our office.

Please return the original letter, highlighting the error and an amended copy will be issued to you.

Kind regards

xxxxxx xxxxxxx

[ 本帖最后由 兔子的狗窝 于 5-10-2007 22:57 编辑 ]
作者: ubuntuhk    时间: 2-10-2007 16:56
作者: 兔子的狗窝    时间: 2-10-2007 16:57
标题: 苦等RL不到,发信询问的Email及回复
Dear Officer:
    Thank you so much for your special care. Now I'm still waiting for the amended Result Letter. If the new RL have been sent to me, please tell me when did you issue it so that I can prepare for the migration application asap.
    Thanks a lot.

xxxxx xxxxxx


Thank you for your email.

The letter has been forwarded to you today. I expect that you shall receive it shortly.

Kind regards

xxxxx xxxxx

[ 本帖最后由 兔子的狗窝 于 5-10-2007 22:58 编辑 ]
作者: 熊猫阿三    时间: 2-10-2007 23:40
作者: 狗窝里的兔    时间: 3-10-2007 01:50
标题: 回复 #8 zsustar 的帖子
作者: 老鼠爱上猫    时间: 4-10-2007 13:26
作者: 熊猫阿三    时间: 4-10-2007 13:38
tiny好像也是碰上他了,才签收呢,就已经闹了扣错钱和打错given name的乌龙了,不知道后门还有多少磨难啊...
作者: zhaoce    时间: 4-10-2007 22:11
我也是Katrina Robinson评估的
作者: conty    时间: 4-10-2007 22:32
作者: 兔子的狗窝    时间: 12-10-2007 18:04
标题: 终于收到更新后的RL了
作者: EricW    时间: 12-10-2007 18:15
作者: procoder    时间: 15-10-2007 02:11

作者: 兔子的狗窝    时间: 26-10-2008 23:26
作者: 小波    时间: 26-10-2008 23:29

作者: jacobzl    时间: 27-10-2008 00:11
我那会比你牛逼,看要来不及赶91了,给LAURA发信,老也不理我,我就给ASSESSMENT1234都发了一遍,LAURA回信了,说我没必要给她所有的同事都发一遍,她会尽快办理的... 然后折腾折腾,信一到就送DIAC,8月31号收到。

作者: Levi    时间: 29-10-2008 13:08

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