
标题: 关于medicare levy and medicare levy surchage [打印本页]

作者: luoyi727    时间: 6-9-2007 11:13
标题: 关于medicare levy and medicare levy surchage
medicare levy
除了低收入人群和特殊人群外,基本上每个人都需要交纳medicare levy,这笔钱不是在平时工资里witheld的,而是在年底tax return是计算并交纳。通常medicare levy = 1.5% of your taxable income

谁可以被赦免medicare levy:
是否需要交纳medicare levy是根据你的实际家庭收入来判断的,有2种类别可以赦免或者减免
1. 低收入人群减免(我贴英文,避免翻译错误)
Part A - Low income earner
---If your taxable income was: equal to or less than the relevant threshold amount – you do not have to pay the Medicare levy
----more than the relevant threshold amount but equal to or less than the phase-in limit and you were not in:
    ---a Medicare levy reduction category based on family income (see Part B), or
    ---one of the exemption categories given (see Medicare levy exemption).
Your Medicare levy is reduced. It is calculated at 10 cents for every dollar above the relevant threshold amount but equal to or less than the phase-in limit. We will work out how much Medicare levy you have to pay.

All other taxpayers       Relevant threshold amount    phase-in limit
                                      $16,740                               $19,694

2. 被赦免情况(medicare levy exemption),只说大家能碰到的情况
------You were a blind pensioner or you received the sickness allowance from Centrelink.
------You were not an Australian resident for tax purposes..
-----You have a certificate from the Medicare Levy Exemption Certification Unit of Medicare Australia showing that you are not entitled to Medicare benefits. A letter from Medicare is not sufficient. For more information on how to apply for an exemption certificate, contact Medicare Australia on 1300 300 271 or visit their website
If you were not in one of these exemption categories, you are not entitled to an exemption.

medicare levy surcgarge
个人或者即庭收入超过MLS thresholds, 而且没有私人保险,可能需要交纳; medicare levy surcgarge=  1% taxable income (including your total reportable fringe benefits). The MLS is in addition to the 1.5% Medicare levy

Taxable income for Medicare levy surcharge (MLS) purposes=taxable income + your total reportable fringe benefits amounts, and + the amount on which family trust distribution tax has been paid - post-June 1983 elements of an eligible termination payment (ETP) where the maximum tax rate is zero.

medicare levy surcharge也有赦免情况和Medicare levy基本一致

什么是MLS thresholdsls:
---个人:a single person with no dependants and had a taxable income for MLS purposes greater than $50,000
Number of dependent children
Surcharge income threshold
More than 4 dependent children
$104,500 plus $1,500 for each additional child

作者: Flyingself    时间: 7-9-2007 00:06
作者: luoyi727    时间: 7-9-2007 00:09
你家情况是啥,这里的私人保险要在31岁以前买,否者会被加medicare loading,
作者: mickeyzpy    时间: 7-9-2007 00:38
其实MEDICAL LOADING也不贵阿,每年高2%。如果少交一年1000,远比2%省钱阿。


作者: 单衣纵酒    时间: 7-9-2007 10:43
原帖由 Flyingself 于 6-9-2007 23:06 发表
我在medibank看到私人保险的介绍,这里所谓的couple是指没有孩子的夫妻么?有孩子或者单亲才能算是family?有人买过medibank的私人保险么,如何操作的?我们可能得买私人保险了,否则要被MLS,摊子里有经验的TZ ...


作者: luoyi727    时间: 7-9-2007 11:13
作者: 单衣纵酒    时间: 7-9-2007 11:20

打个比方,你买Hospital Cover的时候有一个Exess Level项,同档次的选择

作者: Flyingself    时间: 7-9-2007 13:07
原帖由 luoyi727 于 6-9-2007 23:09 发表
你家情况是啥,这里的私人保险要在31岁以前买,否者会被加medicare loading,

作者: Flyingself    时间: 7-9-2007 13:13
原帖由 单衣纵酒 于 7-9-2007 09:43 发表




作者: 单衣纵酒    时间: 7-9-2007 14:46

作者: Flyingself    时间: 7-9-2007 14:58
原帖由 单衣纵酒 于 7-9-2007 13:46 发表


明白了!还有一个问题你说的按天算MLS,是指从我第一次发薪算起还是不管你那天开始发薪的,都从financial year的开始算起?算到我买私人保险那天!
作者: shurman    时间: 7-9-2007 17:32
原帖由 mickeyzpy 于 6-9-2007 23:38 发表
其实MEDICAL LOADING也不贵阿,每年高2%。如果少交一年1000,远比2%省钱阿。


不过,只是我的个人看法,仅供参考。每 ...

The programing coding for private medical insurance is

IF ( your_age<=31 year or (your_age>31 year and your_pr_time<=1 year)  {
} else if (your_age>31 and your age<=65)  {
} else {

It will be 20% more when you are 41 years old and 40% more when you are 51 years old and 60% more when you are 61 years old and 70% more when you are over 65 years old.
作者: sqfo    时间: 9-9-2007 00:51
原帖由 shurman 于 7-9-2007 16:32 发表

The programing coding for private medical insurance is

IF ( your_age31 year and your_pr_time31 and your age

人才啊! throw new exception
作者: jingsun    时间: 9-9-2007 14:33
原帖由 Flyingself 于 7-9-2007 12:13 发表


这也是人才啊。。。。。 仰慕ing
作者: jason-zhu    时间: 30-9-2008 15:58
原帖由 luoyi727 于 6/9/2007 10:13 发表
medicare levy surcgarge
个人或者即庭收入超过MLS thresholds, 而且没有私人保险,可能需要交纳;...

Private Health Insurance有两种:Extra Cover & Hospital Cover.

If your taxable income is over $50,000 per year (or $100,000 combined for couples or most families) and you don't have the appropriate level of hospital cover for you and your dependants, you may have to pay the 1% Medicare Levy Surcharge.Hospital cover with Medibank Private can help you avoid the surcharge! For example, if you are single and have a taxable income of $55,000 a year, hospital cover could save you $550 in tax.

所以,是不是说:无论有没有私人医疗保险都要pay medicare levy(无法减免);有Extra Cover和Hospital Cover的,所支付的Hospital Cover部分可以抵减部分应缴的medicare levy surcgarge(仅在你的家庭年收入超过10万以上的情况)。

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