
标题: 期盼以久的大片,有同好吗? [打印本页]

作者: claxton    时间: 30-5-2007 17:15
标题: 期盼以久的大片,有同好吗?
作者: tuwh    时间: 30-5-2007 17:22
作者: lianglexiang    时间: 30-5-2007 17:22

作者: claxton    时间: 30-5-2007 17:44
原帖由 tuwh 于 30-5-2007 16:22 发表

最新预告片 1080p ... p;sdm=web&pt=rd

不知道这个连接还有效吗 你可以试试,配置一般的机器也可以跑的很顺畅....

作者: claxton    时间: 30-5-2007 17:45
原帖由 tuwh 于 30-5-2007 16:22 发表


[ 本帖最后由 claxton 于 30-5-2007 16:55 编辑 ]
作者: tuwh    时间: 30-5-2007 17:56
作者: claxton    时间: 30-5-2007 18:02
原帖由 tuwh 于 30-5-2007 16:56 发表

作者: jeffxi    时间: 30-5-2007 18:24
作者: 度筱齐    时间: 30-5-2007 18:37
作者: Allen2005    时间: 30-5-2007 19:40
标题: 回复 #9 度筱齐 的帖子

作者: davidh    时间: 30-5-2007 21:16
作者: flug    时间: 30-5-2007 22:55
哈哈,我从知道的时候就开始等了. 马上就到了. 去看首映~~~
据说故事是霸天虎进攻汽车城,然后擎天柱和威震天决斗身亡, 补天士成为新首领的那一段故事.

给大家个链接, 这是我找到的故事最完整的了:A History of Cybertron
作者: flug    时间: 30-5-2007 23:05

On October 5, 2005, Megatron and his Decepticons decided to destroy
the Autobot presence on Earth once and for all.  Learning that Optimus
Prime was sending a supply mission to Autobot City from one of the
Autobots' Cybertronian moonbases, he led his elite strike force, much
the same one he had controlled on Earth, aboard the supply mission's
shuttle, sneaking aboard during preflighting and then slaughtering the
unprepared crew in flight.  The Autobot City defenses, and the
shuttle's own WDF escort pilot (Commander Benjamin D. "Gryphon"
Hutchins, WDF Executive Officer, who had personally requested the
assignment), were unaware that anything was amiss, and the shuttle
penetrated all of Autobot City's air-defense nets but one before being
detected by a sharp-eyed infantry soldier named Hot Rod.  The
Decepticons then abandoned the shuttle.

Pitched ground and air battles resulted in a net Autobot loss; the
badly outnumbered Autobot forces were driven back and back.  Their
only real airpower were the Aerialbots and the single WDF pilot; the
Decepticon air warriors downed two Aerialbots (killing neither) and
Commander Hutchins (who in his crippled Valkyrie Veritech fighter
fought the rest of the battle in battroid mode as a ground soldier,
earning himself an Autobot Valor Medal for distinction and an Autobot
commission), achieving air supremacy and forcing the remaining
flight-capable Aerialbots to put down for their own safety.

The Constructicons then formed Devastator, and with him at the
spearhead, the Decepticons laid siege to Autobot City.  Autobot
communications officer Blaster did manage to get a message out before
the booster antenna array was destroyed, but no one knew if it had
been heard.  Inside Autobot City, the Autobots and their one WDF ally
hunkered down, fought back as best they could, and waited grimly to

The next morning, just after dawn, Devastator penetrated Autobot
City's inner curtain.  Megatron gave the order for the slaughter to
begin, and just as he did so, an Autobot reinforcements shuttle
arrived.  Grimlock and his Dinobot special operations team disembarked
in the air and, using drop packs, descended directly into the combat
zone, engaging and defeating Devastator, while the shuttle landed just
outside Autobot City and an Autobot reinforcement team including
Optimus Prime himself disembarked.
作者: flug    时间: 30-5-2007 23:06

Prime is reported to have said, to no one in particular, "Megatron
must be stopped.  No matter the cost," before charging alone into
Autobot city and, in the most impressive display of his combat skills
ever captured on film, plowing and blasting his way through most of
the Decepticon force to reach Megatron himself.  He challenged
Megatron to single combat, and was well on his way to winning when the
untimely intervention of Hot Rod, who was attempting to help, cost
Prime dearly.  Unable to shoot Megatron with Hot Rod in his way, Prime
was forced to accept mortal injury before receiving his shot.  When it
came, though, Optimus Prime took it, with all the guts that had earned
him his reputation as the finest warrior the Autobots possessed.  In
the end, both commanders were near death.  The Decepticons retreated
in disarray, and the Autobots, shocked and without a medic (their
chief medical officer, Ratchet, although the sole survivor of the
original supply shuttle crew, was unconscious, badly wounded), had to
watch as their beloved commander gave the Matrix of Leadership to
Ultra Magnus and then died.
作者: Microhard    时间: 30-5-2007 23:08
one of my fovarite cartoon.
waiting for long time
作者: flug    时间: 30-5-2007 23:16
Megatron 威震天
Decepticon 霸天虎
Autobot 汽车人
Optimus Prime 擎天柱
Hot Rod 补天士在得到能源宝之前的名字
Aerialbots 飞行太保, 汽车人的空中部队
Constructicons 建筑机器人,就是组合成大力神的那些霸天虎
Devastator 大力神
Blaster <忘记了>
Grimlock 钢锁, 霸王龙汽车人
Dinobot 机器恐龙
Ultra Magnus 通天晓, 据说是擎天柱在得到能源宝之前的孪生兄弟
作者: 大白兔    时间: 31-5-2007 00:44
作者: claxton    时间: 31-5-2007 01:05
原帖由 大白兔 于 30-5-2007 23:44 发表


当预告片里打出 some have come to protect us, 擎天柱的汽车从远处缓缓的驶向男女主角的时候,我有种莫名的感动,也许在钢铁面前人类还是太过渺小了....
作者: chubbycat    时间: 31-5-2007 01:21
seems to be a good movie!
作者: 困困    时间: 31-5-2007 10:25
作者: 十二门徒    时间: 31-5-2007 16:57
作者: paopaotoo    时间: 31-5-2007 18:09
作者: Flyhigh    时间: 31-5-2007 23:33
期待呀, 可预见的未来。。。

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