Generally, you are an Australian resident for tax purposes if you have:
* always lived in Australia
* moved to Australia and live here permanently
* been in Australia continuously for six months or more and for most of the time you have been
o in the one job and
o living in the same place, or
* been in Australia for more than half of the financial year, unless
o your usual home is overseas, and
o you do not intend to live in Australia.作者: beysup 时间: 14-5-2007 02:29
在国外工作的澳洲公民都不用报税,只要在澳洲工作才要,因为税是在发工资的时候已经扣除了,报税就是要求退税。作者: wdmznzd 时间: 14-5-2007 08:56
如果你把在中国的需要报税的收入换成澳币的话, 应该不会要你补交税的。作者: 三十而惑 时间: 20-5-2007 03:31
谢谢各位的回复。我现在也还在晕之中。主要担心在银行的存款产生的利息需要报税,所以想起这个问题。可能是我多虑了。作者: kevsl 时间: 20-5-2007 11:41
解惑了。原来还真没有仔细想这个问题。作者: zbnloveyou 时间: 21-5-2007 16:31
澳洲也不会查你在国内赚钱了没有,还是失业中,这个和国内收入没关系作者: 青山 时间: 21-5-2007 17:09
Generally, you are an Australian resident for tax purposes if you have:
* always lived in Australia
* moved to Australia and live here permanently
* been in Australia continuously for six months or more and for most of the time you have been
o in the one job and
o living in the same place, or
* been in Australia for more than half of the financial year, unless
o your usual home is overseas, and
o you do not intend to live in Australia.