望有经验的筒子能介绍一下经验。万分感谢!作者: michael.guo 时间: 20-3-2007 18:08
1. pay all the price money off before you get the key.
2. yes!!! of course. but the solicitor will charge you. this money you must pay.
3. NO!!! they re bull shit. if you ask them to do the inspection, they must tell you everything ok. you should do it yourself. check everything you should get in the apatrtment and the building quality,like leakiing or not, and the actual living size area...by the contract.
4. same as no.1
5. from AU$450 - AU$1000. make more call for the cheaper offer, or read the property magazine. normal solisitor is ok, you don't need the famous one.
6. congrulation you, my friend.