
标题: 背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。) [打印本页]

作者: chenyi1976    时间: 28-9-2006 00:25
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 标题: 背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
• When officers called the office number provided by you of Huawei Technologies, they were referred to the HR Department in Shenzen who failed to find your record on their database<br>
• When officers called the Shanghai Office of Huawei they were informed that, as you had left they were unable to verify the details of your employment. They also informed us that they were not sure if your referee was employed in their office<br>
• Hence your claimed work experience is unverifiable.
作者: chenyi1976    时间: 28-9-2006 00:28
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 标题: Re:请教
VO是 fee lee。<br>
我准备把流程走通以后,直接发邮件给VO投诉那个Australian Immigration Officers in Shanghai<br>
Telephone checks conducted by Australian Immigration Officers in Shanghai in August 2006 revealed the following :
作者: KALALA    时间: 28-9-2006 01:09
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
这么重要的事应该提前做好准备啊 祝你好运
作者: bard    时间: 28-9-2006 01:38
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: 清风不写字    时间: 28-9-2006 02:01
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible29213665'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible29213665.Play()'>一定要幸福喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: beyond_space    时间: 28-9-2006 02:10
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
准备充足的证据证明你的工作经历, 劳动合同、工资条、领导及客户的证明信等, 我的背调和你查不多,05年7月份的fn 139 acs, 就因为背调出问题,等到现在没结果。
作者: tpsreset    时间: 28-9-2006 02:26
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: maggie2007    时间: 28-9-2006 11:21
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
提供你的劳动合同等证据,相信你会胜利的。<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible54879137271'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible54879137271.Play()'>加油喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: sh1_hai    时间: 28-9-2006 11:51
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: chenyi1976    时间: 28-9-2006 11:57
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: 大富豪    时间: 28-9-2006 12:01
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!

[[i] 本帖最后由 大富豪 于 14-6-2007 12:38 编辑 [/i]]
作者: 度筱齐    时间: 28-9-2006 12:11
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible57161640319'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible57161640319.Play()'>一定要幸福喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: 银镯子    时间: 28-9-2006 12:14
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: 想念天空    时间: 28-9-2006 12:28
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: jeffxi    时间: 28-9-2006 12:30
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!

作者: springoz    时间: 28-9-2006 12:56
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
jeffxi很幸运,你是外企知名公司吗? 没有贝雕的原因,是不是也和这个有关系?
作者: springoz    时间: 28-9-2006 13:00
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: funjoke    时间: 28-9-2006 13:03
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: Candy0008    时间: 28-9-2006 13:53
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: kevinsky    时间: 28-9-2006 14:32
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
jia you ba !
作者: 大富豪    时间: 28-9-2006 14:37
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: maggie2007    时间: 28-9-2006 15:54
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: 鹰扬天下    时间: 28-9-2006 16:38
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: jeffxi    时间: 28-9-2006 18:36
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
Forget about agent!<br>
You can do that now and make sure there is no missing this time!<br>
Time is not so urgent. To get enough and right evidence docs is first thing to consider now.<br>
Good Luck!<br>

作者: chenyi1976    时间: 28-9-2006 18:57
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!

作者: jl162401    时间: 28-9-2006 19:16
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
想当年,98年毕业,华为到我校大张期鼓的招人,没有请我们系老师吃饭,遭到我系老师全力抵制,不允许学生去华为公司,更加上上届毕业的师兄的血泪控诉,要求回学校重新再分配,我最终还是没有选择年薪X万的华为市场部,否则我就掉进大染缸了。<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible18143365812'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible18143365812.Play()'>一定要幸福喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: hover    时间: 28-9-2006 22:21
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: icebear    时间: 29-9-2006 08:05
标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
作者: chenyi1976    时间: 30-9-2006 12:51
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 标题: Re:请教:我,背调出问题了!!
Dear Mr or Ms Fee Lee<br>
I received your letter forwarded by my agent in September 27, 2006.<br>
I reply your letter to explain the things and provide more referees, as quick as possible. <br>
Your letter said:<br>
“Telephone checks conducted by Australian Immigration Officers in Shanghai in August 2006 revealed the following : <br>
? When officers called the office number provided by you of Huawei Technologies, they were referred to the HR Department in Shenzhen who failed to find your record on their database <br>
? When officers called the Shanghai Office of Huawei they were informed that, as you had left they were unable to verify the details of your employment. They also informed us that they were not sure if your referee was employed in their office <br>
? Hence your claimed work experience is unverifiable.”<br>
To point 1, I call the HR department in Shenzhen, and they answer me that they can not offer the telephone query about employee of Huawei, because Huawei think the employee information is business secret. Huawei HR also tell me that, if official letter of embassy/company/government is provided, they can provide certificate with HR cachet. <br>
All above situation is unknown to me before because I am familiar with HR Department.<br>
I have get certificate with Huawei HR cachet with the help of my old workmate in Shenzhen, now the certificate is in express delivery to shanghai. I will send the certificate to make the notarization once I receive it. After that, I will deliver it to you as soon as possible.<br>
The certificate write my name, personal identity card number, the date join Huawei, the date leave Huawei, the work I do in Huawei, and most important: HR Department cachet.<br>
To Point2, For the same secrecy reason, the Huawei HR department in shanghai can not offer the telephone query too. Huawei shanghai is the subsidiary company of Huawei Shenzhen. I have called them for the detail progress of telephone check. They told me that, when Australian Immigration Officers asked whether the referee (my old project manager) is employed by Huawei, they doubt the telephone is from the compete company, so they said they can not confirm with bad manner. <br>
In fact, if Australian Immigration Officers call the referee’s office number or mobile, they can find him easily. I have called my referee, he told me he never get any call from embassy. What a pity, if he got, he can help the officer to contact the HR Department and explain all.<br>
It seems that there are some terrible communication problems between Australian Immigration Officers and Huawei HR Department.<br>
I think it is a better solution to provide more referees while providing the certificate with Huawei HR cachet. Here is my Referees List below.<br>
Referees List:<br>
P.S. <br>
1, The office phone number is direct line. You can use telephone exchange too. This may be helpful for immigration officer to confirm the phone number is Huawei's number.<br>
For Example:<br>"+86 21 61143565"(Office) equals to "+86 21 68644808 43565"(Office)<br>"+86 21 61143461"(Office) equals to "+86 21 68644808 43461"(Office)<br>"+86 21 61143605"(Office) equals to "+86 21 68644808 43605"(Office)<br>
2, The office phone number of referee is the newest, but change office is possible, if happens:<br>
if the referee is in shanghai, please call "+86 21 68644808 0" for the extend number of the referee; <br>
if the referee is in Shenzhen, please call "+86 21 28780808" for the extend number of the referee; <br>
I resigned from Huawei in January 18 2006, and join the ×××××× Optical Network Inc(<a target=_blank href=http://www.>http://www.</a>×××××× My baby was born in March 3 2005, when she grow older and older, I think I should spend more time with her, ×××××× provide me much easy work and much private time, that’s the reason I left Huawei.<br>
I notified my agent Ms Pin Yi of my resign event when I changed work and asked her should I add some document for immigration. She just told me to wait her message. About July 2006, when I call Well Trend United Inc again, they told me Ms Pin Yi has resigned from Well Trend United Inc about April 2006, but neither she nor Well Trend United Inc notified me. <br>
In September 22 2006, Well Trend United Inc asked me to sign a file to change my agent to Mr Xiang Feng, but they should do this work half a year ago.<br>
That’s the reason why I did not hand my resign & new company information to you.<br>
And that is why I write this letters to you myself instead of by agent too. I do not know whether I should trust my agent.<br>
From October 1 to October 7, It is National Holiday in China, so the notarization department and many government/company departments do not work during the holiday. There should be enough time to prepare the certificate before Response Day(October 23, 2006), but I think I should notify you I have lost one week before the Response Day for force majeure.<br>
I welcome the Australian Immigration Officers to do more check and go to my company to check my work.<br>
My office number: 略<br>
My mobile: 略<br>
×××××× Company Address: 略<br>
Australian Immigration Officers in shanghai also can go to Huawei shanghai to do some check too. Because I have resigned, they can ask my referee about my work in Huawei. Huawei shanghai has many office addresses. My Referees’ offices are all in No.27 XinJinQiao Road Shanghai, but from my experiences, they often come to other two office address for company business.<br>
So I list all addresses for reference.<br>
1: Floor9, JinMao building, No.88, Century road, Pu Dong New District, Shanghai(上海浦东新区世纪大道88号金茂大厦9楼)<br>
2: No 27, Building No3,4,5,7, XinJinQiao Road, Pu Dong New District, Shanghai(上海浦东新区新金桥路27号,3、4、5、7号楼)<br>
3: Nong 91, No 98, E San Road, Pu Dong New District, Shanghai (上海浦东新区峨山路91弄98号)<br>
I also make the certificate of ×××××× with HR cachet.<br>
Are these information and documents enough? I am not sure. I have less experience and my agent is not very reliable. So I really appreciate you if you can tell me what document I should prepare and what I can do.<br>
Consider this letter is important for me, so if you have time, please write back a short letter to confirm you have received this letter.<br>
Thanks for your time to read my letter. <br>
Yours Sincerely<br>

作者: holly2005    时间: 30-9-2006 13:48
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
作者: springoz    时间: 30-9-2006 14:05
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
VO应该会被你感动的...GOOD LUCK!<br>

作者: tpsreset    时间: 30-9-2006 14:13
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
作者: chenyi1976    时间: 30-9-2006 16:15
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
作者: 清风不写字    时间: 30-9-2006 23:02
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible29140379380'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible29140379380.Play()'>一定要幸福喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: leslie1207    时间: 1-10-2006 00:34
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
作者: newcomer6    时间: 1-10-2006 11:10
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible50240536610'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible50240536610.Play()'>加油喔!</td></tr></table></p><br>
<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible41290936610'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible41290936610.Play()'>一定要幸福喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: Winnie1010    时间: 1-10-2006 12:46
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
看了这么多移友帮忙想的办法,都不错的。现在只想说祝你好运,祝所有的移友都好运吧!!<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible49379942380'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible49379942380.Play()'>加油喔!</td></tr></table></p><P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible40430342380'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/05.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible40430342380.Play()'>一定要幸福喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: janice2188    时间: 1-10-2006 13:20
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
祝好运!<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible39759244432'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible39759244432.Play()'>加油喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: james_ly    时间: 10-10-2006 16:46
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
作者: liuyuxing168    时间: 20-10-2006 17:39
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
作者: 上官闲云    时间: 25-10-2006 13:47
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
作者: migrate    时间: 25-10-2006 14:30
标题: Re:背调出问题了(38楼给VO的回信大家看看有没有问题,谢谢。)
作者: chenyi1976    时间: 13-3-2007 16:43
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 因为freeoz论坛不稳定,所以好久没来了,我已经准签了。谢谢大家关心。
作者: sisleycpa1    时间: 13-3-2007 19:54
恭喜楼主,这就是很紧不怕火炼阿 ~~!!!
作者: suxuerong    时间: 15-3-2007 01:38
作者: freeok    时间: 7-10-2007 02:29
作者: 熊猫阿三    时间: 7-10-2007 03:04
作者: jacobzl    时间: 7-10-2007 05:16
标题: 找过去你在华为工作的所有证据

作者: maaboo    时间: 7-10-2007 13:54
作者: christinasunny    时间: 8-10-2007 16:33
标题: 回复 #43 chenyi1976 的帖子
作者: prowessliu    时间: 8-10-2007 17:05
标题: ~~
I think it would be more suasive if you could offer a statement from the manager of HR and state that "they can not offer the telephone query about employee of Huawei, because Huawei think the employee information is business secret".
BTW, 'compete company' may be better with competing/rival company
作者: cherrygump    时间: 12-10-2007 04:48
作者: laureate    时间: 12-10-2007 10:00
作者: jess    时间: 26-4-2008 15:34
原帖由 chenyi1976 于 30-9-2006 11:51 发表

Dear Mr or Ms Fee Lee

I received your letter forwarded by my agent in September 27, 2006.

I reply your letter to explain the things and provide more ...

good job!!
作者: susanlee1981    时间: 22-5-2008 02:28
作者: sparkzhu    时间: 18-3-2009 18:55
作者: butterfly21c    时间: 13-8-2009 20:28

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