
标题: 关于买车,给点儿建议吧 [打印本页]

作者: y2k1978    时间: 5-6-2006 21:36
标题: 关于买车,给点儿建议吧
作者: ophelia_cn1    时间: 5-6-2006 21:55
标题: Re:关于买车,给点儿建议吧
3K? 先不谈是否舒适的问题,这各价位的车,安全么?
作者: Espresso    时间: 6-6-2006 14:51
标题: Re:关于买车,给点儿建议吧
作者: shaoshuai_dl    时间: 6-6-2006 16:56
标题: Re:关于买车,给点儿建议吧
If you are a 车盲, I strongly don't recommend you to buy a car the price is under 3000, it is quit hard to find a good quality car at that price. Considering about the money you will spend on repairing, that kind of car is not cheap at all.
作者: 球球    时间: 6-6-2006 17:12
标题: Re:关于买车,给点儿建议吧
Strongly agree with Espresso<br>
Try to spend 4000 to 5000 and get a big car like Ford Falcon and Holden Commodore if you do not drive long way every day.<br>
If you are a Gentle man, try to learn something about cars, which will save your money and actually it is quite interesting.<br>
You cannot assume a car with the price of 3000 does not need repairing at all. <br>

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