
标题: 在悉尼找移动通信GSM的工作容易吗? [打印本页]

作者: GG_K    时间: 18-1-2005 11:12
标题: 在悉尼找移动通信GSM的工作容易吗?
作者: jovizheng    时间: 15-2-2005 16:56
标题: re:顶一下!
作者: 钟铭铭    时间: 16-2-2005 17:56
标题: re:你具体是做GSM哪一块??
作者: GG_K    时间: 16-2-2005 20:32
标题: re:GSM radio network pl...
GSM radio network planning and optimization.钟大侠请问你的email地址我们可以长联系,大侠是男是女?谢谢。
作者: GG_K    时间: 17-2-2005 14:28
标题: re:顶

作者: shyeric    时间: 17-2-2005 14:43
标题: re:同行[audio07]
同行<P><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><OBJECT codeBase='<a target=_blank href=></a>#version=4,0,2,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='48' height='48' Id='Audible43715852992'><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf'><param name=menu value=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=play VALUE=false><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='../plug-ins/audio/swf/07.swf' quality='high' pluginspage='<a target=_blank href='>'</a> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='48' height='48'></embed></OBJECT></td><td align='left' style='cursor:hand;' title='鼠标悬停播放' nowrap  onclick='document.Audible43715852992.Play()'>加油喔!</td></tr></table></p>
作者: GG_K    时间: 17-2-2005 16:39
标题: re:shyeric 别光说是同行啊,我还在中...
shyeric 别光说是同行啊,我还在中国呢,你在悉尼吗?工作情况咋样啊?说说啊?<br><br>

作者: 二黑子    时间: 17-2-2005 19:12
标题: re:up
作者: dearjelly    时间: 17-2-2005 19:19
标题: re:估计比较难哦
作者: GG_K    时间: 17-2-2005 21:27
标题: re:dearjelly,难在哪儿?具体说说行...
作者: garysu    时间: 18-2-2005 20:10
标题: re:自己上搜索gsm不...
作者: nomad0309    时间: 18-2-2005 22:45
标题: re:现在难找GSM的RNP工作,如果有3G的...
作者: Having_Fun    时间: 28-3-2005 20:01
标题: if u got lots of field experience, or network optimization,test.
I think u still got some chance, but the opportunity is far less than other computer job.<br>
we are the same background, I am thinking to change my direction. Up to now, just got one interview, enter the second round, and then failed because they need a system testing engineer with solid shell script experience and understanding for system test.<br>
I suggest u to change to database related job before coming to OZ. Personal opinion.
作者: GG_K    时间: 29-3-2005 18:38
标题: re:It's pretty hard to...
It's pretty hard to change my working direction in that short time. I am gotta go to sydney soon. Dear having_fun, is it easy to get a decent labor job? All that I wanna is to maintain my family. In the case that i didn't get a major-related job, I can also do a labor job and do further study simultaneously.Dear having_fun, you got MSN? if u do have, please let me know.
作者: xiaoxue0826    时间: 29-3-2005 20:44
标题: re:你可以试着上几个通信公司的网站,尤其是爱...
作者: GG_K    时间: 30-3-2005 12:34
标题: re:刚上了爱立信,阿尔卡特的Au网,都不招人...
作者: davidzhao    时间: 26-9-2005 14:41
标题: re:i also work in gsm s...
i also work in gsm system maintenance and rnp,especial ericsson<br>
it is hard to find job for me<br>
maybe we can keep contact and exchange informations<br>
my number is 0433265033,send messages

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