
标题: 诚聘eBay兼职人员 [打印本页]

作者: longba    时间: 31-5-2023 14:18
标题: 诚聘eBay兼职人员
负责产品刊登以及回复客户邮件 促成订单交易
年龄不限 男女不限
为人随和 善于沟通
英文熟练 上网方便
手机电脑皆可胜任 居家办公 足不出户即可有一份额外的收入
时间灵活 抽取你的业余时间即可
v jld66889
作者: longba    时间: 6-7-2023 12:56
Part-time staff wanted at home working hours are very flexible spare time can;
Responsible for product shelving and responding to customer emails to facilitate orders (both mobile and computer);
No experience can help guide the whole process have any questions can consult;
Can speak basic Chinese and English;
No deposit will be charged;
v jld66889

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