做妈妈的只好硬着头皮往下算,不就是她的答案上加3.14么? 当她说,14pi equals fourty three point nine six 时,我一时没反应过来,问她,“你刚才是多少?” 小人儿一脸坏笑,“你是不是准备用我的往上加3.14呢?” 也许是我表情出卖了自己,她接着问,“丢人不丢人?” 哈哈哈哈哈…… 硬核老母亲脸一热,手搭额头半遮面望向窗外,无地自容!
game3, 歌改文。
《something just like this》,于是我想起了《朗读手册》里的诗句,开始按诗编故事, long long ago, there was a little boy whose mother read him stories every ...不久就被小人儿打断了,“跟little boy 的妈妈扯不上关系嘛,再说了有些根本就不是读的故事,而是电影” 。我狡辩,long long ago 啊.....
“也没有那么 long ago 嘛,你想 Spiderman ,Batman啊,要不这样,就说 a little boy wants to be super heros like Spiderman or Batman. bla bla bla , later his friends and family told him, don't be super hero, just be urself, no one ask u , why aren't u batman, but they will ask u why aren't u u. ”