
标题: Maye Musk -----马斯克妈妈使我无法试驾电动车 [打印本页]

作者: snapdragon    时间: 11-7-2020 22:33
标题: Maye Musk -----马斯克妈妈使我无法试驾电动车

“Maye Musk的自传听完了,感觉还蛮有收获的。她年轻时候因为婚姻不好,后来有自己抚养三个孩子,一直到40多岁都很艰难。到50岁以后三个孩子都成人了,她一直奋斗的模特和营养师的事业也都越来越好。现在70多岁,事业成功,三个孩子也在各自领域卓有成就,还有11个孙子孙女,一大家人相亲相爱,自己单身但是有只狗狗作伴,生活得很快乐。感觉生活就是这样啊,她晚年的成功不过是一辈子努力最后水到渠成的事。”

本来要去徒步穿越一个叫光头山的山峰,但因下雨取消了。这大概就是和这本书的缘份吧。我也开始听,然后又是某种机缘,蔚来已来,蔚来邀请我去试驾。试驾路上,我听得都不愿意试驾了,于是给谄媚地请求他,“男人和车在一起最酷了,你帮帮我吧。这是我对你最长情的告白了。”哈哈。成功后, 我在“女王副驾”上舒适地坐着听我今天的女主,Maye 讲话。任他们在讨论着四驱,油车和混合车,电车的区别。

听到她的 marriage中,因为那么多的原因会被 hit, beaten up. 我不禁加了点倍速,使得我听不出来声音背后那种绝望和悲哀。以使不要象听 the great alone 时,听到leny 的妈妈受到婚姻中 abuse 时,那种泪眼婆娑……


试驾结束,我告诉对方,希望我们的自主品牌加油,改变Musk一支独秀的现状。但对方告诉我,事实上,Model3 是 musk 家一支独秀,而越野是我们的蔚来在一支独秀。而且,年底,蔚来应该也会出轿车款。朋友圈中小T 和小蔚都有。小蔚的貌似换电池是比较独特的,并且车库里有三分钟自动换电池的 sao 操作。

蓝色的好酷,试的是一辆红色的,也很 cool.


这使得我的悲伤情绪能有所转移。记得从前有一个朋友,她就承受了类似的家暴。她的父母帮她看她女儿看了几年,后来去上海和她弟弟一起生活了,走时,留了一句话是,“你把自己的命保住就好!我们你就别操心了!” 试想想,那是怎样的一种绝望啊。

而 Maye 挺过来了。她依然乐观。当然樱版也说过,Maye是个jerk magnet 也真是奇怪了。

后来她终于获得自由,到了        Toronto, 在那里的朋友曾经和我约过一次微信语音通话,12个小时的时差使得能正常讲话的时间超不过一个小时。

第三部分讲的是 family, 第十二章标题就是:THE MAGIC OF TWELVE
If children show interests, encourage them

People ask me how I have raised such successful kids. I did it by letting them follow their interests.
I love my kids, and I’m so proud of them for everything that they have accomplished. My oldest child, Elon, is making electric cars to save the environment and launching rockets. My middle child, Kimbal, opened farm-to-table restaurants and is teaching children across the country to build fruit and vegetable gardens in underserved schools. My youngest child, Tosca, runs her own entertainment company, producing and directing romance films from bestselling novels. They all have different interests.
This reminds me of my siblings and me; we all went our own way. My parents were happy to support our different interests. In the same way, my children showed their interests at an early age, and to this day, they continue with the same interests and love them.

十三章,Elon 提出建议要去 NY. 十四章的开头,就是MOVE AHEAD

Everyone has reasons for moving from one place to another. There has to be a really good reason to move, as moving is hard.

Also, I get very restless and like to explore and learn about new cities, new countries, new cultures.

这节所以让很多人有共鸣,同时让我等感觉有些畏惧未来的路。而她却并不畏惧,她又搬到了 San Francisco. 她说:I learned that the more you get paid, the better you are treated. So, 又有什么可畏惧的呢?


记得前段时间看她注册了抖音账号,当时就觉得好佩服她,一个年入古稀的老人依然在学习新事物。不是 TIKTOK,而是 douyin.  她有什么事情做不成呢?


突然觉得美国人,不仅有Elon Musk 这样的年轻一代,很 tough地追求自己的梦想,technology changes this world so much。也有非常 tough乐观的老一代。这个国运不会太差,即使眼下有些“堕落”!



My life is very full with friends and family, without a romantic relationship, but I also enjoy a quiet night in with my dog, Del Rey. Even if it is a Saturday night.
My mom used to say, “If you are unhappier when he is with you than when you are alone, get out of the relationship. If you are happier when he’s with you than when he’s not with you, then you stay in the relationship.”

I’m glad to report that Del Rey and I are in a very good relationship.


作者: snapdragon    时间: 11-7-2020 23:27
When I was writing my first book, I was working out a lot, doing step and yoga classes at night. I overdid it and started getting pains in my buttocks. So naturally I started working out even more. This pain went into my thigh, then down my right leg. It was so painful that I could not touch my knees. If I dropped something on the floor, I would leave it there for a few days until I could cope with the pain of getting on my hands and knees to pick up everything I had dropped.



What I have learned is you should listen to your body; don’t push it past pain. You don’t always need an aggressive training schedule.

作者: 欧阳京    时间: 11-7-2020 23:40

My life is very full with friends and family, without a romantic relationship, but I also enjoy a quiet night in with my dog, Del Rey. Even if it is a Saturday night.
My mom used to say, “If you are unhappier when he is with you than when you are alone, get out of the relationship. If you are happier when he’s with you than when he’s not with you, then you stay in the relationship.”

very full with? friends and family but no romantic relationship? but I also? Even if? 听起来让我心里无比凌乱。
when he is with you than when you are alone? 为了意思完整而忘记了省略语也可以达到同样目的,而且简洁。


Without a romantic relationship, I can still live my life to fullness with friends and family. Also, my dog Del Rey always makes my quiet nights enjoyable, even on Saturdays.

My mom used to tell me, “If you are not happier when you are with him than alone,  get out of the relationship. If you are happier when you are with him than not,  stay in.”


作者: snapdragon    时间: 11-7-2020 23:44
欧阳京 发表于 11-7-2020 23:40

My life  ...

作者: 欧阳京    时间: 11-7-2020 23:59
annahw 发表于 11-7-2020 23:44

作者: snapdragon    时间: 12-7-2020 00:08
欧阳京 发表于 11-7-2020 23:59

这是她的自传吖 71岁的人了,原谅一下?鸡蛋里没有骨头
作者: 欧阳京    时间: 12-7-2020 14:13
annahw 发表于 12-7-2020 00:08
这是她的自传吖 71岁的人了,原谅一下?鸡蛋里没有骨头


作者: snapdragon    时间: 12-7-2020 15:33
欧阳京 发表于 12-7-2020 14:13

不过,作者的英文水平确实让我信心 ...

作者: sandra84    时间: 14-7-2020 09:43
作者: snapdragon    时间: 14-7-2020 10:47
sandra84 发表于 14-7-2020 09:43
很多自传作者不是文学家,读起来没有读名著那么流畅。我本地朋友推荐我看毛最后的舞者,我看了几页放弃了, ...

不过,我却好喜欢Mao's Last Dancer开头那种画面感,很唯美

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