标题: Tall Poppy Syndrome [打印本页] 作者: yping88 时间: 3-11-2018 10:09 标题: Tall Poppy Syndrome Please allow me to share something that rings the very bell with me.
The tall poppy syndrome (TPS)---is a pejorative term primarily used in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and other Anglosphere nations to describe a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers.
Australia and New Zealand’s usage of the term has evolved and is not uniformly negative. In Australia, a long history of “underdog” culture and profound respect for humility in contrast to that of Australia’s English feudal heritage results in a different understanding of “Tall poppy syndrome”.
作者: MICHELLE07 时间: 3-11-2018 17:13
Some of my colleagues , very intelligent but not collaborative, couldn't fit into the culture
they ended up with losing the job
I don't think they're Red Poppies, maybe Spiky Poppy? 作者: yearshappy 时间: 3-11-2018 19:35 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 3-11-2018 19:37 编辑
What are your thoughts on it, yping?
I simply put it: knock down the big fellow . It's a social phenomenon manifested in many cultures. We, Chinese, also have the similar sayings such as 木秀于林,风必摧之 ... 行高于人,众必非之; 枪打出头鸟
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Australia and New Zealand’s usage of the term has evolved and is not uniformly negative. In Australia, a long history of “underdog” culture and profound respect for humility in contrast to that of Australia’s English feudal heritage results in a different understanding of “Tall poppy syndrome”.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
I found the second para given is ambiguous. It concludes with 'a different understanding of ..' but does not say clearly what 'the different understanding' is. Isn't the underdog culture supporting that of tall poppy syndrome?
It's true Australia took no the hierarchical structure from the old world. Nonetheless, Australians have no differences in this from peoples elsewhere as Aussies love and support underdogs while scorning tall poppies.