TAFE――Technical and Further Education(职业技术与继续教育)原帖:https://hioz.im/ibbs/thread-991598-3-1.html
Certificate I courses teach basic skills that can be used in simple jobs
Certificate II courses train participants for entry-level positions or apprenticeships, providing basic knowledge and helping you to develop an interest in a particular industry
Certificate III courses help you to develop skills, knowledge and problem-solving abilities
Certificate IV courses train you for supervisory and management positions - they're suited for people who want to advance their careers or further develop their job skills
Diploma courses teach both general and specific skills in professional, technical or creative fields
Advanced Diploma courses teach high-level practical and professional skills in a range of technical, professional and creative fields
Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma skills expand on a student's already high level of skills - these qualifications are equivalent to a university degree with Honours作者: Thomas3201 时间: 7-4-2015 14:44
mark,谢谢。作者: canoejo 时间: 8-4-2015 13:43
学习了作者: mcmay 时间: 8-4-2015 22:07
有空有钱就去吧,为自己充充电,积累积累技术资本还是很有必要到的。作者: jenny631 时间: 9-4-2015 12:24
tafe课程设置比较灵活,可以上part time课,有PR的话学费是和local学生一样的,有些还有优惠价。作者: denghy99 时间: 9-4-2015 12:58
The fee for TAFE is too expensive from this year in NSW. I believe less people will attend TAFE作者: sdcj9912qw 时间: 27-9-2015 01:08
还是得有钱,有时间,不然光去学,肚子也得填饱啊。/作者: 半斤八两61 时间: 28-9-2015 17:25
学习了作者: ellena 时间: 2-12-2015 17:36