培训的结果就是Diploma of Building and Construction(CPC50210),一般的情况是TAFE上两年full time的课,现在也有了online的可以选择。实际的工作经验基本对各种情况要求不一样,有的要求7年有的要求5年,而且这工作经验的细节也不一样,有的要求不能是管理岗位,不能是设计,只能是实际操作的建造工作,有的则允许是工程管理岗位。还有要求是皇家建筑师协会等的会员的,这种显然不适合新到澳洲的试图进入这行业的人,只对当地人有参考意义。
Set 1
•Completed the CPC50210 Diploma of Building Construction or equivalent qualification and at least seven years of experience in carrying out or supervising building work
•Form 05 Building practitioner set 1 initial application
•Registered Training Organisations
Set 2
•Membership (Level 1 or 2) of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects
•Registration under the Architects Act 2004
•Membership (Fellow, Member or Chartered Professional Engineer) of the Institute of Engineers, Australia
•Membership (Fellow or Member) of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
•At least five years of experience supervising building construction
•Form 06 Building practitioner set 2 initial application
Set 3
•Membership (Fellow or Member) of the Australian Institute of Building and with at least five years of experience carrying out, supervising or managing building construction
•Form 07 Building practitioner set 3 initial application
Set 4
•Experience in supervising or managing building construction for at least five years and sufficient to gain knowledge and skills equivalent to a person who completed the CPC50210 Diploma of Building Construction or equivalent qualification
•Form 08 Building practitioner set 4 initial application
•Form 48 Intention to sit Board examinations
Set 5
•Experience in carrying out building work for at least 7 years outside the specified area of the State (Schedule 3) and sufficient to gain knowledge and skills equivalent to a person who completed the CPC50210 Diploma of Building Construction or equivalent qualification
•Form 09 Building practitioner set 5 initial application
•Form 48 Intention to sit Board examinations
builder registration究竟是否必须要diploma of building and construction?从5个set看有多个都不需要,而是需要参加一个Board examination。当然这个考试也是针对对diploma学的那些内容的,如果是牛人,不学这个课或者自学也能考过。那么,学这个course对builder registration究竟有没有意义?