6. 我的EOI填写错了,Claim的分数比实际分数要多,该怎么办才好。
这个问题比较棘手,如果你已经提交了eLodge并完成了缴费,请立刻填写并上传Form 1023 (Notification Of Incorrect Answers)。 较常出现的是不小心Claim了社区语言的5分,或不小心算上了ACS减掉的工作经验。如果是189的话,由于申请是按照分数高低来排的,这种情况被直接拒签的可能性会稍微大一些。190则会好很多,因为只需要60分就好了,不经过高低分筛选的。 如果解释的合理并遇到了一个讲理的CO,则不会影响申请。但是大家还是要小心,因为严格按照移民局条文规定,这种情况签证官有权利直接拒签,不管你是189还是190. 下面贴上我的Nice CO给我的回信,给有种情况的XDJM们压压惊。
or the purposes of clarity, I would like to reiterate that the call centre’s information regarding the situation where a clients assessed points falls below what was indicated in their EOI is in fact, correct in general. However there are instances where clients can still be able to meet the minimum pass mark for the visa, even though they have fallen short of the EOI indicated points. However the call centre staff are not able to make this determination as they are not actually assessing the case, therefore they can only provide generalised information based on the information that you provide to them.
I have today assessed your case, and have found that you will be able to sufficiently meet the pass mark for the visa, despite the error made in your EOI.
I should be able to finalise your case shortly,作者: SAVANNA 时间: 21-10-2014 20:53
申请加精作者: mxz2004 时间: 21-10-2014 21:54
楼主文章写得太好了!感谢!作者: SAVANNA 时间: 22-10-2014 12:02
这么精华的帖子,版主不加精吗作者: Risingy 时间: 22-10-2014 12:31
之前看到过楼主的帖子,现在再看一遍co的信,还是觉得这个co真nice作者: Serin 时间: 22-10-2014 13:43
谢谢分享。转载的文章一般不加精华,并希望能注明出处。作者: 大地宝儿 时间: 22-10-2014 16:30 作者: SAVANNA 时间: 23-10-2014 12:30
zijiding作者: SAVANNA 时间: 24-10-2014 09:52
dingding作者: honglei1232 时间: 11-11-2014 16:19
学习了,好贴作者: huxini 时间: 11-11-2014 16:23 作者: wanderludwig 时间: 28-2-2015 16:10
great, thanks作者: hs79hs 时间: 1-3-2015 12:50
谢谢,正在准备材料,希望秒准作者: lummar 时间: 8-6-2015 00:14
关于point discrepancy,190是没有影响的,因为190 over claim没有任何好处。移民局为这个出过专门的解释。某个网友的帖子里面有具体的出处。我记不得就不提供了。作者: vlogo2911 时间: 9-6-2015 20:13