
标题: 想知道澳洲的真实失业率? [打印本页]

作者: circleyue    时间: 14-10-2014 17:01
标题: 想知道澳洲的真实失业率?
本帖最后由 circleyue 于 14-10-2014 17:04 编辑

To be classified as unemployed a person needs to meet the following three criteria:
- not working more than one hour in the reference week (只要工作满1小时就不算失业
- actively looking for work in previous four weeks (只要停止找工,或找找停停,就不算失业
- be available to start work in the reference week (不能工作的,生病,家里有事的,度假的。。。。哪怕你没工作,你也不算失业


以下数据来自Roy Morgan Research,它的统计方法不同。最大的不同是:A person is classified as unemployed if they are looking for work, no matter when.
12,224,000 Australians are in the workforce (up 19,000 since last month August; however down 243,000 since September last year);
11,016,000 Australians are employed (down 125,000 since last month August; and down 154,000 since September last year);
失业率 1,208,000 Australians are looking for work (9.9% of the workforce) (up 144,000 since last month August; but down 89,000 since September last year);
全职 7,168,000 Australians are employed full-time (the lowest since October 2011) (down 279,000 since last month August; and down 245,000 since September last year);
人口猛增,全职工作没怎么增加 Since November 2007 Australia’s population has increased by approximately 2.5 million Australians, and yet only 13,000 new full-time jobs have been created over the past almost seven years.
兼职人数达到新高 3,848,000 Australians are employed part-time (the highest since July 2011) (up 154,000 since last month August; and up 91,000 since September last year);
在做兼职,但还想工作更多的人 1,015,000 Australians are under-employed (working part-time and looking for more hours – 8.3%) (down 65,000 since last month August; however this is up 26,000 since September last year).
总共失业和就业不够的人数18.2% 2,223,000 Australians are unemployed or under-employed (18.2% of the workforce) (up 79,000 since last month August; but down 63,000 since September last year);

After this month’s fall the latest Roy Morgan unemployment estimate of 9.9% is now a substantial 3.8% higher than the figure currently quoted by the ABS for August 2014 (6.1%)


作者: 果脯    时间: 15-10-2014 10:31
偶觉得啊冻结一下WORKING holiday 的签证,失业率就会下来些
作者: angelar8    时间: 15-10-2014 15:04
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 现在不是还在降低457签证要求吗,以后工作越来越难找了。
作者: windwing00    时间: 16-10-2014 10:19
作者: bluceyu    时间: 18-10-2014 22:21
作者: circleyue    时间: 4-11-2014 19:38
Australia's unemployment rate for September will be revised up to 6.2 per cent when the Australian Bureau of Statistics releases the October labour force numbers on Thursday.

The revision, from an originally reported 6.1 per cent, was disclosed by the ABS as part of a statement that outlined a series of issues identified in seasonally adjusted labour force estimates over the period from July to September this year.

The number of unemployed in September will be revised up by 18,400 to 765,000.

As a result of the revision, there will now be a fall in employment of 32,700 over August and September, compared with the previously reported rise of 2,400.

With its release of September figures in October, the ABS abandoned seasonal adjustment for the latest three months.

The regular seasonal pattern had apparently gone haywire, so the ABS simply tacked the latest three months of unadjusted figures onto the long run of seasonally-adjusted data stretching back to 1978.

Today the ABS said it had identified a bias in recent figures - it was due to changes to the timing of supplementary surveys run in conjunction with the regular labour force survey.

The additional surveying previously had been done in the same months every year, so any bias they caused to the answers to the main labour force survey had been corrected by the usual seasonal adjustment process.

But the effect of the changed timing of the additional surveying had slipped through the net, the bureau's analysis found.

"As a result of this analysis, an approach has been developed to re-estimate the seasonality of the labour force data with specific adjustments made for the changed pattern of supplementary surveys," the ABS said.

"This approach will be adopted for the October 2014 labour force release and will result in revisions to the previously-estimated seasonally-adjusted (and consequently the trend) results."

The ABS will release the results of a technical review into the jobs figures in December and conduct a full seasonal reanalysis of the labour force figures early in 2015.

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