
标题: 删了吧 [打印本页]

作者: 连城诀    时间: 13-8-2014 19:31
标题: 删了吧
本帖最后由 连城诀 于 31-3-2015 23:38 编辑

作者: yping88    时间: 13-8-2014 19:46
Either IELTS or OET!
作者: 连城诀    时间: 13-8-2014 20:22
yping88 发表于 13-8-2014 18:46
Either IELTS or OET!

ielts 7 or 8 移民打分差别很大,OET怎么个积分法?
作者: yping88    时间: 13-8-2014 20:30
本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-8-2014 19:32 编辑

OET--L, R, W & S, all 4 has to be B or above. They are rated respectively using the letters: A, B, C & D, with A the best! I am not sure if there is such a process as remarking when somebody is not happy with their mark.

All the material is clinically related stuff! It will feel comfortable for people who have medical or nursing background!

Hope this helps!
作者: 连城诀    时间: 13-8-2014 21:41
本帖最后由 连城诀 于 31-3-2015 23:39 编辑
yping88 发表于 13-8-2014 19:30
OET--L, R, W & S, all 4 has to be B or above. They are rated respectively using the letters: A, B, C ...

作者: yping88    时间: 13-8-2014 21:55
本帖最后由 yping88 于 14-8-2014 06:23 编辑

I have no idea how it works in marking system when it comes to nurse immigration category. IELTS 7 x 4 or OET B x 4 will be a must for nurse registration requirement, only meeting this requirement can a registered nurse get an employment with a hospital. Then, he/she can be nominated for an employer-sponsored immigrate.

But don't quote me on the current policy on an independent-skilled immigration for nurses! All I am sure is that getting a registration is the essential step even before we can talk about anything else!
作者: 水煮鱼渺然    时间: 13-8-2014 22:00
OET 不会比雅思4x7 简单多少的
OET能考过的 基本上也具备雅思那个水平

作者: davidluan    时间: 13-8-2014 22:25
OET 的写作比雅思容易些,其他的差不多,英语要基础好,还得用功准备,我认识的几个小护士都考得很辛苦,有的两年才过

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