并且觉得挑我刺。其中一个问题是disadvantage of taking camera with you 旅游时候。我说if you focus on taking photos, cannot pay attention to sceneries. 结果她说why people do that? 我 for leaving memories 然后她觉得我说话前后矛盾,留下纪念不能专注于当下么。我you asked the disadvantage of photos。她 no ,disadvantage of camera。我急中生智说maybe it's a valuable thing,you have to take care of it
另外我说纪念品的时候,说珠宝衣服当地吃的,她表示不满意,说你觉得珠宝算纪念品么。我说i saw many people。。。还没说完,被打断了,we are talking about general questions,not your travel to xx。我当时应该立马说,yes, i am talking the general questions, please listen patiently before I finish.
北语403,是传说中的灭绝师太么?说实话好恼火,as i mentioned这话我就说了三次,感觉不认真听讲。别是昨晚刚分手,把气都撒我身上了把。