标题: “new Migration Programme commences in July 2014” [打印本页] 作者: waking 时间: 1-4-2014 12:58 标题: “new Migration Programme commences in July 2014” 亲爱的兄弟姐妹们,我最近有收到一份移民局的回信。有下面一段话,听说很多人也收到类似的回复,不知道你们是怎么理解的,是否有得到移民局进一步澄清? 开个帖子,供大家分享资讯。
The Department appreciates the delay in processing your application may cause you some concern, however, the remaining places in the Migration Programme are being allocated having consideration to a number of factors (i.e. initial entry dates). The new Migration Programme commences in July 2014, so in the event your application is unable to progressed before this date, it will be progressed at that time.