2月7日拿到雅思7炸成绩后,楼主于2月11日递交了ACT 190 Nomination的申请,材料清单如下:
- CV
- Employer references
- Research into current ACT employment opportunities
- Commitment to Canberra statement
- Signed and witnessed ‘Declaration of Financial Capacity’
- Passport
- Study completion letter
- IELTS report
- Skill assessment
“Research into current ACT employment opportunities”即是在seek.com.au, careerone.com.au等网站上找5-8个和自己提名职业相符的招聘广告,并陈述胜任理由。楼主的做法是将那些广告一一截图贴在Word里,每个广告跟一段employment statement,然后转成PDF。需要注意的是 - 注明要citizen的那些广告不能算,截图时不能显示广告时间的那些也不能算。
“Commitment to Canberra statement”楼主分了如下四段来写。
1. Why immigrate to Australia.
2. What draws you to canberra.
- History
- Open & progressive
- low unemployment, low crime
- food & entertainment
3. Why Canberra and not the other 'bigger' cities.
- climate
- Outdoor lifestyle
- proximity to mountains
- education system (if you have kids)
4. Conclusion
“Declaration of Financial Capacity”可以从在线申请系统中下载,自行填写资产数额后,找律师、公证员、使馆工作人员之类的见证签字。楼主找的是个澳洲CPA,虽说也是Justice of the Peace,但唯恐ACT不认,所以额外提交了银行存款证明。
接下去要做的就只有等待了。Acknowledgement中这样写道 - The average processing time is currently 8 weeks. Applicants should note that this timeframe may vary depending on demand. Please do not contact the MIS team before this time elapses to enquire about the progress of the application as constant enquiry is time consuming and can delay processing.