1. 填写完整的核对表(http://www.china.embassy.gov.au/files/bjng/Checklist%20101%20_Child%20Visa_%20-%20China%20-%20final%20_CN_.pdf)
2. 47CH 表格-子女移民澳大利亚申请表
3. 40CH 表格-子女移民澳大利亚担保表
4. 签证申请费缴费证明 (问题:请问签证费用14000多元可以在递签时缴纳么?我准备在北京递签)
5. 担保人是澳大利亚公民、永久居民或作为有资格担保的新西兰公民的身份证明 - 我们夫妻双方的护照复印件+PR签证复印件
6. 担保人的近期护照照片1张,请在照片背后写上姓名
7. 担保人的收入证明— 例如担保人最近两年的税收评估证明/退税证明(问题:请问必须提供纳税证明么?要去税务所还要公正,很麻烦。单位开具的salary certificate+pay slip是否可以?)
8. 夫妻双方的无刑证明(国内的要公正,如果在澳大利亚10年内累计停留12月以上也要提供)
9. 子女申请人护照首页的复印件两份(包含本人信息页,如名字,出生年月等)
10. 子女申请人的近期护照照片4张,请在照片背后写上姓名
11. 子女申请人的出生医学证明书的公证,请附上英文翻译
12. 子女申请人的户口本公证,请附上英文翻译
13. 1229表格或者法律声明statutory declaration(问题:如果夫妻双方都已经是PR还需要提供1229表格和法律声明么?)
14. 中文邮寄地址和电话号码
15. 结婚证公证(非官方要求,个人觉得有必要)
16. 个人情况说明(希望有些帮助吧,有朋友给CO发了这个4个月下签)作者: hanyue112 时间: 8-2-2014 13:50
When mailing your application to Beijing AVAC, you MUST include two separate slips of payment evidence in your application documents:
one for the Visa Application Charge made out to Beijing Visa Office
one for the AVAC service fee and return courier charge made out to Beijing AVAC
Visa Application Charge
How to Pay Visa Application Charge Chinese Postal Money Order – Payee Details
At any China Post office by Chinese postal money order made out to: Australian Embassy Beijing
Payee’s name (收款人名字) should be recorded as:
Payee’s address (收款人地址) should be recorded as:
“中国北京市朝阳区东直门外大街21 号,邮编:100600”
AVAC Service Fee and Return Courier Charge
How to Pay AVAC Service Fee and Return Courier Charges Money Transfer – Payee Details
At any Postal Savings Bank of China (PSBC) by money transfer made out to Beijing AVAC (RMB 175 per application for AVAC service fee + RMB 50 per passport/applicant for return courier charge [domestic only])
1. 账户名称:北京东方天晓出入境服务有限公司
Name of account: Beijing Eastern Tianxiao Immigration Services Co. Ltd.
2. 所属银行:中国邮政储蓄银行有限责任公司北京朝阳区吉庆里支行
Name of bank: Chaoyang District, Beijing, Jiqingli Branch of Postal Savings Bank of China
3. 银行账号:100833012980010001
Account of bank: 100833012980010001
Please note the following points when you post and transfer money:
All information must be written in Chinese
The money order and money transfer must be for the exact amount
The detailed address of the applicant should be provided
You must write the full name of the applicant. If a representative of the applicant is paying the fee, the name of the applicant must also appear on the slips of evidence
The notes section at the bottom of the slips can be used to provide any additional information such as the subclass of visa you are applying for.
The postal orders may take up to a week to arrive at the relevant office and processing of an application cannot begin until the payment is received. 作者: hanyue112 时间: 8-2-2014 13:52