
标题: 我1月25日雅思考试大作文回忆,请大家不吝赐教 [打印本页]

作者: letwind    时间: 27-1-2014 20:58
标题: 我1月25日雅思考试大作文回忆,请大家不吝赐教
刚在1月25日考了三鸭,因为小作文花时间太久,大作文写的很仓促,只写了30来分钟,后来回忆出现了几处错误。如直接将摄氏度写成了centigrades,而不是degrees centigrades, 还有最后一句话画蛇添足,写了starting from now on再加了了个in the future...我估计肯定是要扣分的..sigh.. 请大家看一下并提意见,已经预定了3月两场考试了... 以下是我的回忆,大概90%的内容就是考场上写的吧。。

大作文题目: The international community should act immediately to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Do you agree or disagree?

I strongly uphold the call to curb the use of fossil fuels such as oil and gas, to contain the environmental damage it made to the international community in which we are all bound to each other.

It’s an undeniable fact the over one hundred years of continuous exploitation and  consumption of fossil fuels have had tremendous amount of negative impact to the earth. The eco-system of the world has undergone dramatic changes in line with the explosive increase in the use of fossil fuels such as oil and gas. The temperature of the earth is at least 5 centigrades higher than what it was 100 years ago as stated in scientific research, which is attributable to the greenhouse effect associated with a massive build-up of pollutants, with the major source of pollution being fossil fuels. Moreover, the number of smog days in metropolitan areas in the world, especially in China, has been on a consistent rise in recent years , which is mainly due to increased emissions from vehicles that rely mainly on oil and gas for power. Therefore, it’s high time for international community to take corrective actions to rectify this situation. One way to tackle this problem is to seek alternative energy solutions.

The alternative energy sources such as wind power, hydro power and solar power can be considered to be suitable substitutes for the traditional fossil fuels as they have unparalleled advantage compared with oil and gas. First of all, these energy sources are clean and green with no harm to the natural environment, the generation of which only requires wind, water and the sun.  Furthermore, unlike the fossil fuels that are subject to full depletion one day, they are renewable energy sources which can be produced endlessly. Clearly it’s an absolutely wise decision for the international community to switch to these new energy sources.

In conclusion, the control on the use of fossil fuels should be strictly enforced. In the meantime, the eco-friendly new energy sources should play a dominant role starting from now on and in the future.

作者: meng365    时间: 27-1-2014 21:55
1鸭就过了  真厉害。看来楼主底子非常之好啊
作者: Eruisituisi    时间: 27-1-2014 22:04
作者: Kindler    时间: 28-1-2014 01:37
本帖最后由 Kindler 于 28-1-2014 02:39 编辑


题目问的是“reduce the use of fossil fuels", do you agree?


1. agree
2. 因为使用它会带来环境危害。污染,不合理开采,技术不成熟导致的种种后果。
3. 因为它是不可再生的,用完就没了,不符合可持续发展。还是留着些给子孙后代吧。
4. 重申观点。


感谢@Eruisituisi 分享经验。学习了。

作者: letwind    时间: 28-1-2014 11:22
谢谢KINDLER的点评,我现在也觉得有点偏题了,不应该谈solution,只谈reason就可以了,sigh... 还是认真准备3月下一次考试吧
Eruisituisi ,谢谢你的建议,我会找刘洪波的书来看看,不过我已经买了胡敏的“雅思写作真题题库”,打算大量加强写作的练习以提高熟练度,这样才能应付考场的高压和紧张的情况。
作者: sweetstar    时间: 28-1-2014 12:12
作者: wisezmz    时间: 28-1-2014 13:15
这篇作文不看好,估计顶多只能拿6分。因为把thesis-led 的题目写成了thesis-solution,整个框架都错了。
作者: 门外汉1982    时间: 28-1-2014 14:55


作者: letwind    时间: 28-1-2014 15:10
作者: halleybachelor    时间: 28-1-2014 15:55
本帖最后由 halleybachelor 于 28-1-2014 17:01 编辑

have impact to? (or have impact on?)
with the major source of pollution being fossil fuels. (Is there any missing word?)
sources can be produced endlessly? (or can be exploited?)

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