标题: 有没有夜店达人给科普一下? [打印本页] 作者: 波斯猫梦露 时间: 20-9-2013 01:09 标题: 有没有夜店达人给科普一下? 上周末好多同事下班一起去夜店玩,我本来以为就是去聊天social,看到几个女生的性感的打扮,我越想越后悔,就找借口没去,两个同事都说好开车接送我了,我这么放他们鸽子,感觉特别不好意思,可是我从来没混过夜店,也不喝酒,平时也不化妆,去了还不够丢人的,以后可能还会有这种事情,所以来请教一下。作者: loveaussie 时间: 20-9-2013 11:56
it's social night out with girls nothing to be worried. you can dress casual if you don't comfortable with their way of dress. and put some make up on. if you don't want to drink alcohol just drink coke or lemonade those soft drink. that's fine. 作者: mcpiyo 时间: 20-9-2013 15:11
Perth有夜店吗?作者: bobgigi2333 时间: 20-9-2013 15:31
Bar嘛,不就是荷尔蒙充斥的地方,约炮的场所。不过你不想一夜情,也没人逼你作者: tulip_liu 时间: 20-9-2013 17:37
everywhere around northbridge...作者: 西澳电工 时间: 20-9-2013 20:15
我这好几个单身男性朋友,到处在寻觅楼主这样的稀有动物了。。。作者: leozhou1385 时间: 20-9-2013 21:32
it's social night out with girls nothing to be worried. you can dress casual if you don't comfortabl ...
thanks. but it is embarrassing to wear casual in clubs with all those sexy girls around. i'll try to learn how to do make up later. 作者: 波斯猫梦露 时间: 21-9-2013 19:08