就是还没考啊。。作者: 达生 时间: 15-8-2013 21:19
跟之前州担保的时候填的那一些常识性问题差不多,很简单的。作者: ulooo 时间: 15-8-2013 22:13
There is no limit to the amount of times you can take each section, however after three unsuccessful attempts you will have to wait 20 minutes before resuming.
看到这句话大家可以放心了:)作者: ulooo 时间: 15-8-2013 22:21
Which precious metal is mined in Boddington?
(a) Silver (b) Gold (c) Nickel (d) Copper
What is the capital city of Western Australia?
(a) Perth (b) Darwin (c) Bunbury (d) Swan (e) Kings Park
What is mined in the Peel region?
(a) Bauxite (b) Copper (c) Gold (d) Both a and c (e) All of the above
The longest river in Western Australia is:
(a) Murray (b) Gascoyne (c) Swan (d) Avon
What is the nearest capital city to Western Australia's capital?
(a) Darwin (b) Sydney (c) Adelaide (d) Melbourne (e) Brisbane
Please answer true or false to the following statements
Mandurah is a suburb of Perth.
(a) True (b) False
It rarely snows in Western Australia in the winter.
(a) True (b) False
On a regional provisional visa I am able to live and work in Perth if I find it difficult to find employment in the Peel region.
(a) True (b) False
Construction is a major industry sector in the Peel region.
(a) True (b) False
Australia is a democracy.
(a) True (b) False作者: chingwu 时间: 15-8-2013 22:28
有意思作者: ulooo 时间: 15-8-2013 22:40 本帖最后由 ulooo 于 16-8-2013 01:15 编辑
还有就是题目是根据你选的区域自动生成的。我前面生成的题目是因为选了Mandurch。你如果选不一样的城市会生成不一样的题目。作者: ulooo 时间: 15-8-2013 23:46
系统生成啥题就做啥题,我是现场直播的。发现很多重复的,应该是有题库的。后面考试的同学看到的考题顺序应该和我不一样,但基本题目差不多。作者: ulooo 时间: 16-8-2013 00:44
The median weekly rent in the Mandurah-Murray area in the 2013 March quarter was approximately:
(a) $180 (b) $290 (c) $370 (d) $480 (e) $610
What was the average cost per litre of unleaded petrol in March 2013 in the Peel region?
(a) 95c (b) $1.50 (c) $2.00 (d) $2.50
The median house price for Mandurah-Murray in 2012 was approximately:
(a) $295 000 (b) $385 000 (c) $550 000 (d) $580 000
Please answer true or false to the following statements
On a temporary regional visa I have access to Medicare, the government subsidised Australian health care system.
(a) True (b) False
In Australia school is compulsory from pre-primary to year 12.
(a) True (b) False
I do not require a tax file number to work in Australia.
(a) True (b) False
Medicare, the government subsidised Australian health care system covers all dental work.
(a) True (b) False
The amount of tax I pay in Australia depends on my income.
(a) True (b) False 作者: ulooo 时间: 16-8-2013 02:19
总之感觉就是让你提前做好对那里情况的了解的准备。不会影响你申请的。作者: LeeTheRiskTaker 时间: 16-8-2013 12:38
楼主是489?作者: xiaohu 时间: 16-8-2013 12:45