They will probably just take the money, and that's it.作者: 法证先锋 时间: 1-7-2013 16:48
是收银员的错,不是我的错,我不需要为此承担责任。 that is all. 作者: nil 时间: 1-7-2013 16:58
怎么这个法证先锋老是发法盲贴呢。作者: 熊猫阿三 时间: 1-7-2013 17:55
别吓我,我英文很烂啊。。。作者: ricowang 时间: 2-7-2013 12:41
CALL them first to decide how to proceed, it's their fault so you should not pay for driving back to the shop just for paying it
the best solution is take a photo/barcode, and pay next time when you visit the same shop again in the future. I believe the shop would agree on this.作者: ricowang 时间: 2-7-2013 12:43