I will put up those phrases and words alphabetically with the translation and examples right after them. Hope you guys enjoy it~
1. ace: excellent, very good
eg: The party was ace!
2.aggro: someone who is aggravated or upset
eg: That bloke got really aggro.
3.alf: a stupid person
eg: You're a real alf!
4.amber fluid: beer
eg: Ahh, where's that cool,refreshing amber fluids?
5.ambo:ambulance, ambulance driver
eg: Watch out for the ambo!
6.ankle biter: small child
eg: Where are the ankle biters?
7.ants pants: the height of fashion, person has a high opinion of themselves
eg:My new shoes are the ants pants
8. any old Joe Blow will tell you : anyone you don't even know will tell you
eg:I was not there on Friday. Any old Joe Blow will tell you.
9.apple eater: Someone from Tasmania
eg: Wally is an apple eater.
10.armchair sportsman: someone knowledgeable about sports but does not play it
eg:George is a real armchair sportsman, never played a game in his life!
11.arvo: afternoon
eg: Do you want to come around for a barbie this arvo?
12. as dry as a pommy's towel: very dry
The soil was as dry as a pommy's towel.
13. as fit as a mallee bull: very fit and strong
eg: Don't worry about John, he's as fit as a mallee bull.
14.Aussie: Australian
15.avos: avocados
egick up a few avos from the shop please luv.
a写完了是不是该b了?作者: lavender911 时间: 1-6-2013 13:45
1.back of bourke: a very long way away
eg: Larry lives out the back of bourke.
2.bail,bail out: leave, depart, usually angrily
eg:I'm sick of this place, I'm going to bail.
3.banana bender: a person from Queensland
eg:Barry is a banana bender.
4.bananas: someone going crazy with anger
eg: Wally has gone bananas!
5.banged up: pregnant
eg: Sally got herself banged up.
6.bar flies: men who drink and talk in the front bar of a pub for hours and hours
eg:The pub is full of bar flies tonight.
7.barney: argument, flight, punch up
eg:Tom and Mike got into a right, royal barney.
8.barrack: to support, or cheer on, your favourite team
eg:I barrack for the mighty Roos.
9.basket case: someone on the edge of mental collapse
eg: Larry is a real basket case
10 bathers: swimming costume
eg: Bring your bathers, so you can have a swim.
11.battler: someone working hard and only just making a living
eg: Old Jack is a real battler.
12.beak: your nose
eg:Check out Larry's beak!
13. bean counter: accountant
eg:I'm off to see the bean counter
14.beating around the bush: not getting to the point on a subject
eg:stop beating around the bush!
15.beauty: great, fantastic
eg:What a beauty!
16.beer o'clock: knock off time, time to finish what you are doing and have a well earned beer
eg:Is it beer o'clock yet?
17.belly flop: diving incorrectly into water with the stomach breaking the water
eg:If you belly flop, it's going to hurt.
18.betcha: I bet you, a wager
eg: I betcha you are wrong.
19: better half: your partner
eg:Where's the better half?
20:beyond the black stump: a long way away, the back of nowhere
eg:Jack lives beyond the black stump.
21:big bikkies: lots of money
eg:My new car cost big bikkies.
22.big note: brag or boast about yourself
eg: He's big noting himself again.
23.big smoke: a big city
eg: I've got to drive to the big smoke.
24.bikey: motorbike, cycle rider
eg:My brother is a bikey.
25.bikkie: biscuit, cookies
eg: pass me another bikkie, please?
26.bities: biting insects
eg: Watch out for the nasty bities!
27. bloke: man, guy, male
eg: He's a good bloke.
28.bloody: very
eg: That's bloody funny!
29. boody oath: of course, that's certainly true
eg: Bloody oath mate!
30. blow in: stranger in town, newcomer, just arrived
eg: That bloke over by the bar is a blow in.作者: lavender911 时间: 1-6-2013 13:49 标题: 回复 #4 MICHELLE07 的帖子 嗯,刚写完一部分B的内容~是呀,内容是有些枯燥 不过没关系的,只要有人可能会看到并且学到一个以前不知道的用法,而自己在写这个贴的过程中也有学习到和复习就Ok啦~作者: lavender911 时间: 3-6-2013 17:35 本帖最后由 lavender911 于 3-6-2013 16:37 编辑
1. blow in the bag: have a police breathalyser test (这个还蛮形象的,呵呵)
eg: I had to blow in the bag on the way home last night.
2. blow through: leave in a hurry
eg:I have to blow through.
3. bludger: lazy person, somebody who always relies on other people to do things or lend them things
eg: Rodney is a bludger.
4. bob's your uncle: all done, fixed (这个不知道关bob啥事儿~)
eg: Once you have put that last screw in, bob's your uncle.
5. bogan: person who takes little pride in his appearance, young, immature person (这个在悉尼西南区火车上很多很多,大家要小心)
eg: John is a bit of a bogan.
6.boofhead: idiot, stupid (这个,大家知道就好,尽量不用啦)
eg: Stop being such a boofhead.
7.bottle shop: liquor shop, off licence
eg: I need to stop at the bottle shop.
8.bread basket: stomach (介个也很形象~)
eg: He punched me right in the bread basket.
9.brekkie : breakfast (又是简写~)
eg: What's for brekkie?
10.brown nose : a creep or crawler, someone sucking up to their boss (每个公司都有一个这样的吧~)
eg: Stop being such a brown nose!
11. bugger off: telling someone to go away, in a not very nice way (agian,生气的时候再用哈)
eg: Bugger off you!
12. bummer: sigh, disappointed in something
eg: What a bummer!
13.bun in the oven: pregnant (不得不说老外还真会用比喻手法,如果不知道的就搞笑话啦)
eg: Jill has a bun in the oven.
14: burr up: get angry
eg: Take it easy mate, don't burr up.
15. bush telly: campfire (这个,也是神比喻)
eg: Let's sit around the bush telly.
16.bushed : tired, worn out
eg: I am bushed.
17.bust a gut: work hard, all out effort
eg: I busted a gut for you!
18.busy as a centipede on a hot plate: very busy (感觉和热锅上的蚂蚁有异曲同工之妙)
eg: I am as busy as a centipede on a hot plate.
19.busy as a one legged bloke in an arse kicking contest : doing nothing (介个~)
作者: 浩瀚蓝天 时间: 3-6-2013 18:30
标记一下,试着用用。作者: lavender911 时间: 4-6-2013 11:43 今天带来C的部分~
1. cabbie: taxi driver
eg: Where's a cabbie when you need one?
2.cactus: dead, broken, not functioning
eg: This tele is cactus.
3. cakehole: your mouth (这个,貌似也不是很nice的用法)
eg: Shut your cakehole.
4. call it a day: to finish what you have been doing for the day (很有成就感的一天呀~)
eg: I am going to call it a day.
5. chalkie: teacher (拿粉笔的人~就是的老师的啦)
eg: Mary wants to be a chalkie after she finishes school
6, cheapskate: someone will not spend money, tight wad (吝啬鬼)
eg: John is a real cheapskate.
7.cheese and kisses : the missus, your wife (为啥亲吻要和奶酪在一起?)
eg: How's the cheese and kisses?
8. chew the fat : have a good talk together
eg: Let's sit down and chew the fat.
9.chewie: chewing gun (口香糖)
eg: Do you have any chewie?
10.chock a block: full to the point you can fill no more, crowded to over flowing (水泄不通)
eg: The elevator was chock a block.
11. chuck : throw something, vomit (这个老外很喜欢用,还有toss也是一样的意思)
eg: Chuck those in the bin please.
12.chuck a sickie: take the day off sick from work when you are perfectly healthy. (Oh, we all have done that ~)
eg: I am going to chuck a sickie on Friday.
13.chuck a Uee : make a U turn whilst driving a car
eg: Just up here, you need to chuck a Uee.
14. clanger: tell a real big lie, say something inappropriate, a shock
eg: Stan told me a real clanger.
15. clocked someone: to hit someone
eg: George was annoying me, so I clocked him.
16. coat hanger : Sydney Harbour Bridge (这个很有趣,下次有人说去看coat hanger,大家可别带他去k-mart买衣架哦~)
17.coldie : a beer (OZ 果然是爱啤酒呀)
eg: You wanna another coldie mate?
18. come a gutser: make a bad mistake, have an accident
eg: I was riding my bike and come a gutser.
19.come good: turn out ok
eg: I was worried this morning but it's all come good.
20.crack onto : to make a pass at, chat up someone, pursue someone romantically
eg: Bill's trying to crack onto Mary again.
21. cranky: in a bad mood, angry (这个也经常用)
eg: Bert's in a cranky mood today.
22. crash: to stay over at someone else's place
eg: Can I crash at your place on Saturday night?
23.cut someone's lunch, cut someone's grass: get involved with someone's partner or possession (挖墙脚的赶脚)
eg: Harry is cutting George's grass. 作者: lavender911 时间: 5-6-2013 16:38 现在开始D篇~
1.docket : a bill, receipt (这个以前在做retail的时候,碰到一些年纪大的人会用)
eg: Where's the docket for my new jeans ?
2.dodgy: something suspicious and underhanded is going on (这个词用的很多,感觉很可疑的时候用)
eg: That new guy looks a little dodgy.
3. dog's breakfast : a mess, messy (哈哈,狗狗的早餐)
eg: Your backyard is a dog's breakfast.
4. dog's eye : meat pie
eg: I' m having a dog's eye for tea. (听同事说这个可别以为他真的吃狗狗的眼睛哦~)
5. donk : car/boat engine/motor bike
eg: My donk blew up!
6. don't come the raw prawn: don't try to put one over me, I'm not easily fooled
eg: Don't come the raw prawn with me!
7. down under: Australia (咱们的地理位置)
eg: I come from a land down under.
8. dropped your bundle: you lost control of the situation, and finding it hard to get it sorted out, finding it hard to cope with things.
eg: I got upset that I dropped my bundle.
9. dropped your guts: you have farted ()
eg: I just dropped my guts.
10. drover's dog: no good/useless/of no importance
eg: Larry is a drover's dog.
11. drum: information, tip off
eg: Give me the drum.
12.dudded : cheated
eg: I've been dudded.
13.duffer: not that smart
eg: Wally is a real duffer.
14. dunlop cheque: cheque that bounced
eg: Harry paid me with a dunlop cheque!
15. dunny: toilet
eg: I am going to the dunny.
作者: lavender911 时间: 5-6-2013 18:56
谢谢Michelle一直给我加分~很多我也没有听说过,大家一起学习~作者: lavender911 时间: 10-6-2013 14:22 Happy long weekend~ 今天回来跟大家继续交流
1. earbashing: nagging, non stop chatter, a length discussion or explanation(很爱唠叨的人,呵呵~)
eg: I got a right royal earbashing from Mary.
2. eat a horse: very hungry
eg: I am so hungry, I could eat a horse
3. even blind Freddy could see that: not understanding something that is obvious
eg: Even blind Freddy could see that.
4.exy: expensive
eg: Petrol is a bit exy.
5.fair crack of the whip: give me a chance
6.fair go : a chance, break (这个广告上经常用)
eg: C'mon, give me a fair go!
7.fella: male, person
eg: You're a funny fella.
8.five finger discount: stealing, shoplifting
eg: I picked it up with a five finger discount.
9. fizzy drink: pop soda, carbonated drink
eg: I feel like a fizzy drink.
10.flake out: lie down, collapse, to concede
eg: I was so tired, I flaked out on the couch.
11. flash as a rat with a gold tooth: dressed and groomed nicely (这个好形象哈)
eg: Barry's as flash as a rat with a gold tooth.
12. flat out: busy
eg: I can't answer the phone, I'm flat out.
13. footy: football including Australian rules, Rugby League, Rugby Union and Soccer
eg: Let's go to the footy on Saturday.
15. freshie: freshwater crocodile
eg: You have to be careful of the freshie.
16.furphy: false, unreliable rumor
eg: Don't tell me a furphy!
作者: MICHELLE07 时间: 10-6-2013 15:19
I'll call it a day.作者: lavender911 时间: 10-6-2013 17:52
Glad to know that~作者: lavender911 时间: 12-6-2013 22:38 呵呵,大家好,我又来了~ 开始G的部分
1.galah: loud, rudely behaved person
eg: Don't be such a galah!
2.gasbag: talking a lot
eg: Betty is a real gasbag.
3.give it away: give up
eg: I couldn't play footy anymore, I had to give it away.
4.give someone a bell: ring them on the phone
eg: I'll just give Sally a bell.
5.give the shits: to become angry, upset, short tempered
eg: Barry gives me the shits
6.go for broke: to put 100% effort
eg: In the last 1 minutes, go for broke!
7.going like hot cakes: something selling or given away very fast (遭疯抢~)
eg: The chips are going like hot cakes.
8. going off: used of a night spot or party that is a lot of fun
eg: Tonight is going off!
9.gone to the dogs: something or some place, is no longer any good
eg: The old pub has gone to the dogs.
10 good as gold: something is great (金价也会下跌~)
eg: I am good a gold.
11.good oil: useful information, a good idea, the truth
eg: Give me the good oil.
12. good on ya: you are happy with what they are doing well done
eg: Good on ya mate!
13.grey hairs: old people
eg:Careful of the grey hairs on pension day.
14.grumblebum: usually an older person who complains a lot
eg: Don't worry about Jeff, he's just a grumblebum.
今天就到这儿,端午节快乐哦~作者: 指纹 时间: 12-6-2013 22:43
真强!为啥你们知道那么多?作者: lavender911 时间: 12-6-2013 22:45
才女光临,不甚荣幸呀~作者: tingnishuo 时间: 15-6-2013 11:18
Cool banana!作者: lavender911 时间: 19-6-2013 16:35 我来了~今天带来H的部分~
1. Hang out: spending time out, usually with friends (很常用~)
eg: I just want to hang out with my friends.
2. happy as a pig in mud: very happy (猪在泥巴里很开心?)
eg: Jill was as happy as a pig in mud.
3.hardcase: someone with closed mind, but they might not think so/ tough guy (难搞的家伙)
4.have a cuppa: have a cup of tea or coffee
5.heaps: a lot, plenty (年轻人很喜欢用)
eg: Stay for lunch, there's heaps of food.
6.help you get a leg up: someone is going to help you get started at something
eg: Mary was great. She helped me get a leg up.
7.hit the hay: go to bed to sleep
eg: I'm gunna hit the hay.
8. hooley dooley: an exclamation of surprise, similar to good heavens, my goodness
9. hoon: a person who drives fast or recklessly
eg: Barry is a hoon
10 idiot box: television
eg:What's on the idiot box?
11.I'm calling it: had enough, time to call it quits typically said on Friday afternoon (等不及要回家啦)
eg: I'm calling it!
12. in the nuddy: naked
eg:Barry run through the house in the nuddy!
13. it's a ripsnorter: something is really great
eg: My new stereo is a ripsnorter.
14. it's gone walkabout: lost, can't be found
eg: My key have gone walkabout.
15.jug: electric kettle
eg: Put the jug on.
16.jumper: usually a woollen sweater
eg: Where's my blue jumper? 作者: 指纹 时间: 19-6-2013 16:44
2. happy as a pig in mud: very happy (猪在泥巴里很开心?)
Are you ready I'm ready to be your follower 作者: 考拉ing 时间: 5-1-2014 15:32
才看到这么好的帖子,谢谢LZ的分享,最近一直找学习俚语的资料~作者: lavender911 时间: 7-1-2014 13:32
我又回来了,真不好意思~偷懒太久了~废话不说,继续~ 1. keen as mustard : enthusiastic about something
eg. George is as keen as mustard.
2. kick the bucket: dead, to die
eg.Larry kicked the bucket. (不得不说,英语的俚语还真是花样百出呀,死就死啦,关bucket什么事呀)
3.kindie, kindy: kindergarten
4.kip: short rest, sleep ,nap
eg: Time for a kip
5. knickers: female underwear
eg. All my knickers are in the wash.
6. knock: to put down, criticise
eg: Don't knock it until you have tried it. (这个用法以前也没有听说过~)
7. knock back: refusal, refuse
eg: The bank knocked back our loan application (可以和上一个用法联系起来)
8. knock off time: time to go home from work
eg: Is it knock off time yet? (快下班时大家会这么问,总感觉最后的那点时间怎么过的那么慢~)
9. knocked up: pregnant
10. laughing gear : your mouth (哈哈,嘴是用来笑滴)
11. leading you up the garden path : someone is trying to deceive you, but you are not awake up to it
eg: Mary was leading me up the garden path
12. lemon: something that is faulty, broken, bad, useless
eg: My new car is a real lemon.
13. lights on but there's no one home: someone not too smart
egarry's lights are on, but there's no one home. (很迂回的损人说法~)
14. load of old crap: a lie
15. long as a month of sundays: a very long time
eg: His speech was as long as a month of sundays. (神逻辑~)
OK, that's what I have got today, will get more fun stuff to share with you guys tomorrow~ 作者: candice_小平 时间: 21-4-2014 17:29
刚刚和老公商量明年过去的事情呢,要下狠心学英语了,谢谢楼主,加油加油!作者: 三溪香茗 时间: 21-4-2014 18:55
谢谢楼主分享啊...作者: ninger 时间: 3-6-2014 19:28
真太好了!十分感谢!!!作者: congcongc 时间: 8-7-2014 14:42
这得多久才能学会啊作者: happya 时间: 5-8-2014 20:44
谢谢LZ!作者: yearshappy 时间: 10-9-2014 09:03
Take time as you go. Pay attention when you hear it on the radio and at workplaces.
It would be such a challenging job to know them altogether, not necessary to do so, not worth it. 作者: yearshappy 时间: 10-9-2014 09:13
yearshappy 发表于 10-9-2014 08:03
Take time as you go. Pay attention when you hear it on the radio and at workplaces.
It would ...
Having said that, Knowing some of the slang and colloquial language definitely helps us in fitting in Aussie talks, make us sound natural, too作者: dcxg 时间: 20-9-2014 06:49
收藏作者: 枫丹白露 时间: 11-9-2015 18:09
还是选一些 使用频率最高的词 来逐步掌握,按字母顺序来学 对我来说是 学一路 扔一路的……作者: xiezhongbin 时间: 6-6-2021 21:15
小姐姐 能帮忙建筑口语单词和发音的吗?我真的很需要