
标题: ACS推荐信的问题,请大家帮忙看下,谢谢! [打印本页]

作者: bigsword    时间: 30-3-2013 19:43
标题: ACS推荐信的问题,请大家帮忙看下,谢谢!
ACS的推荐信要领导签字,或者由同事写authorised witness签字么?

我的情况是我自己用公司的信头纸写的推荐信,找同事签的字,写推荐信的时候我没搞清楚,还特意按照If Unable to Obtain an Employment Reference的要求在推荐信里描述了同事和我的工作关系且他职称比我高。
还是要找authorised witness签字?

或者Statements must be dated and signed by the employer or a person authorised by the employer.

或者If an applicant is unable to obtain an employment reference on a company letterhead from an employer,
an applicant can submit a third party Statutory Declaration from a work colleague and signed by an
authorised witness.

A Statutory Declaration from a work colleague must describe the working relationship with the applicant
and supply details of the duties performed by the applicant with relevant dates of employment. It is
preferable that the work colleague providing the statutory declaration be at a supervisory level.

[ 本帖最后由 bigsword 于 30-3-2013 19:56 编辑 ]
作者: gigixkfeng    时间: 31-3-2013 00:51
Employer不是你的老板,是公司。原则上来讲,你的领导和同事都可以是"Person authorized by the employer"。

作者: bigsword    时间: 31-3-2013 12:14

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