PS: 当前accesor叫Jade.谢啦作者: ecust 时间: 20-3-2013 14:02
这玩意看本科的,经济学也能算ICT Minor? 人家是看你成绩单上面的课程,去计算匹配度。
你还是老实转RPL吧。。。作者: 滴答滴答滴 时间: 20-3-2013 14:05 标题: 回复 #2 ecust 的帖子 难道研究生的电子商务课程就不能算ICT minor了吗?大都是计算机课程啊作者: zdream_10 时间: 20-3-2013 14:09 标题: 回复 #3 滴答滴答滴 的帖子 以本科的为主,研究生仅供参考吧,建议转RPL。或者问问能否RPL以及让senior 评估同步进行。
同步进行吧作者: 滴答滴答滴 时间: 20-3-2013 14:26 标题: 回复 #4 zdream_10 的帖子 这的确是个不错的方法 我去问问可不可行 thank you~~作者: hanyue112 时间: 20-3-2013 15:10 标题: 回复 #1 滴答滴答滴 的帖子 ICT Major
For an AQF Diploma or an AQF Advanced Diploma or overseas equivalent, the ICT content must be at least 50%.
ICT Minor
For a minor (sub-major) for a Bachelor degree the ICT content must be at least 20%.
For a minor (sub-major) for a Graduate Diploma or higher degree qualification that does not require an ICT major degree level qualification or equivalent for entry, a minor (sub-major) must be at least 50%.
For a minor (sub-major) for a Graduate Diploma or higher degree qualification that does require an ICT major degree level qualification or equivalent for entry, a minor (sub-major) must be at least 15% and less than 33%.作者: justinfan2008 时间: 20-3-2013 15:31
我是1月31日提交的ACS,看来快了。帮顶!作者: allesgut 时间: 20-3-2013 15:33 标题: 回复 #1 滴答滴答滴 的帖子 1/25 提交,昨天才收到通知。