
标题: 这个找Awesome developer,无具体要求 [打印本页]

作者: cais    时间: 28-2-2013 00:37
标题: 这个找Awesome developer,无具体要求 ... 14&ppt=897b9312


已经收入我的公司列表里面了,以后再找工作,就直接cold call,霸王投。
作者: cais    时间: 9-4-2013 23:23
I am looking for a Software Engineer to join a fast growing Australian start up in the healthcare space. You must be smart, passionate and have the ability to get things done and ship. I don't care what technology background you come from as long as you have a passion for it, you test thoroughly and write scalable code.

不知道我上次是不是有说过。一个让中介自己主动找上门的办法,就是看到有发广告的中介,而且职位还不错的,就直接去linkedin上看他的profile,这样,他就知道你看过他的,他一般也会来看你的。一看觉得好像不错,就来email了。这样一下子就反客为主了。 这个就是这样来的。我是故意看他的profile的。  当然你的linkedin上面的隐私设置要打开,要能让别人看到是你。
作者: DDD888    时间: 10-4-2013 13:35
Nice tips

I found to look for a job is so time consuming and needs lots of energy
作者: sliuhao    时间: 10-4-2013 16:03
找Awesome employer,无具体要求
作者: cais    时间: 10-4-2013 23:44
原帖由 DDD888 于 10-4-2013 12:35 发表
Nice tips

I found to look for a job is so time consuming and needs lots of energy

作者: clarkli    时间: 11-4-2013 00:48
Looks like they've updated the ad

Wants to work in a results-orientated team environment
Can take responsibility for setting, aiming, achieving and exceeding development goals
Has the enthusiasm and drive to develop and implement new ideas
Is pro-active and can develop, maintain and take ownership of their work
Is entirely comfortable with HTML/CSS, Javascript, PHP/mySQL
Has a working knowledge of LAMP server administration
Displays competency on both PC and Mac, all web browsers and the web in general plus a variety of software applications (including CRM software, Word, Excel) and platforms (including mobile - iPhone/Android, tablet iPad/Surface)
Can develop scalable software against large relational databases
Has a proven track record in bringing new ideas to the table
Likes a challenge and performs well in a fast-paced environment
Is familiar with recruitment processes [desirable but not essential]
Has a passion for all things web!
作者: cais    时间: 11-4-2013 01:12
标题: 回复 #6 clarkli 的帖子
作者: DDD888    时间: 11-4-2013 11:44
原帖由 cais 于 10-4-2013 22:44 发表


Not sure

You know relocation to Sydney cost lots of money. Have to sell the nz house and either sell the furniture or ship the furniture to Sydney which is hard work. I will not have the Australian benefit i.e. no government assistant if no job etc.

But Sydney salary figure seems promising
作者: cais    时间: 11-4-2013 23:01
some company would pay for relocation. I heard that NZ citizen enjoys the same benefits as AU PR.
作者: DDD888    时间: 12-4-2013 08:01
原帖由 cais 于 11-4-2013 22:01 发表
some company would pay for relocation. I heard that NZ citizen enjoys the same benefits as AU PR.


If cannot get job in Australia, NZ citizen won't get money from Australian government weekly. But if in NZ, NZ citizen get money from NZ government weekly.

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