感觉不如买清洁生意。作者: KYLIE2008 时间: 30-10-2012 23:47
太少啦。。。上班吧。。作者: xitucheng 时间: 31-10-2012 12:32
快递生意这么惨啊作者: loveaussie 时间: 15-11-2012 18:15
work as contractor for post office can earn more than $1000/week, and you don't pay for anything for the van apart from the Van, they provide uniform. you work for a day you get a day's pay. like $1 - $1.50 per mail / parcel.作者: bolunlee 时间: 15-11-2012 19:40 标题: 回复 #8 loveaussie 的帖子 would you help me looking for any jobs like that?作者: 家乡 时间: 20-11-2012 03:35
太辛苦,不值。作者: bolunlee 时间: 20-11-2012 20:04
是的, 很辛苦, 而且那个区很偏, 所以他卖了很久, 也没人买, 他说2.5万便宜卖给我, 我还是没有动心!