标题: 你会相信议会你竟然有水平这么低下的议员么? [打印本页] 作者: xblues 时间: 17-9-2012 16:32
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言标题: 你会相信议会你竟然有水平这么低下的议员么? Nationals Senator Ron Boswell apparently believes people should strictly adhere to stereotypical, sexist, gender roles. He just made the following outrageous, sexist, homophobic comments speaking against marriage equality in the Senate:
"There's no support for gay marriage in the Western suburbs or among blue collar workers"
"It hurts society and people haven't thought it through"
"2 mothers or 2 fathers can't raise a child properly. Who takes the boy to football? Who tells him what's right from wrong? What does he do? Go along with mum, or 2 mums? How does he go camping or fishing? It won't work, It's defying nature!"
"Once you legalize something you can't discriminate against it"