I spent 4k over on my old Honda civic, and so far having fun with it for 2 years without giving me any problems other than a normal maintenance. The engine still sounds excellent now, plan to drive it for some couples of years.
It clocked 160,000KM at the time i bought, the only extra thing i did was changing a timing belt for it.作者: 西澳海豚 时间: 8-5-2012 14:24
這個是懂行又會修車的人在做的事情,像你的情形(不懂車,不會修),就不建議這麼折騰了。作者: mzface 时间: 12-5-2012 15:39
1000肯定不够用的作者: jerryzhangau 时间: 12-5-2012 18:59
1000?!不可能够!作者: 老林 时间: 14-5-2012 23:09