[ 本帖最后由 cdutboy20 于 18-3-2012 11:26 编辑 ]作者: cdutboy20 时间: 18-3-2012 11:21
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最后进入决定性的反客为主.在面试的最后,面试官通常会问"Is there any question for me?"你的回答一定是yes
你可以说自己思考了很久的问题,这家公司和其他的竞争对手的最大的区别载哪里, 对员工的待遇和生涯规划时怎样考虑的,有什么不同。上述这一系列的问题,都是面试官最熟练的问题了,他们通常会很职业性的回答上述问题,且非常努力的向你证明自己的公司是最优秀的。特别是当他说到自己公司比竞争对手优秀点的时候,你可以要求他,“Could you give me more details information",这样再次给他一个展现的舞台,事实上他最终在说什么也都不重要了。重要的是等他的演讲结束了,"Great, Fantastic,Amazing"之类的词语疯狂的丢就可以了。这样让他也觉得他的这段演讲是非常成功的。 这样你就不是把你的面试变成反面试了吗?
@Hany - and any other new imports having trouble having trouble getting back into their fields after moving to Oz.
A few points to help you in your job hunt - apply directly to companies if possible - that gives you the best chance of an interview. Recruiters are there to keep you out of a company - you are not their client, you are their product - you will be treated as such.
It is quite possible to be considered "overqualified" for a job in Oz - I know, it sounds stupid, but it is overwhelmingly my number 1 reason for being rejected. It in fact happens to many of us locals as well. A close runner up for number 2 is wanting more years experience then a technology or product has existed for,
If you can't "click" with the person interviewing you, it doesn't matter how fabulous you are - you are not getting that job. Work on those people skills!
You may feel it's beneath you, but you probably will have to take a lower level job, or make a sideways career move to build up local contacts. Referees are still very important in Oz - and if you have no professional referees, it's even harder to get a job.
It's not necessarily racist that they reject you for no local experience - they do it to locals to. You are probably speaking to a muppet that is collecting resumes and has no real job to offer you. Crying "racist" after every rejection gets you labelled as a "whinger" - and being a "whinger" makes it harder for you to get a job as no one wants to work with one.
Finally - there is no skills shortage - despite government propaganda to the contrary. We have a glut of unemployed locals that can also do these jobs. You need to stand out to get a second look.