原帖由 tjusnow 于 8/2/2012 20:31 发表
It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is widely accepted that the period from 0 to 3 years of a child has profound influence on his or her development in both intelligence and personality. Obviously, parents play an essential role in this period. However, when it comes to the issue whether parents should take childcare training courses, people still hold opposing opinions. In this essay, both sides of the views will be discussed and then I will give my opinion.
Parents have to pay much more attention on their children today than they used to do, because the only child in the family always burden the whole family hope, which leads to the emergence of the organization serving young parents to improve their childcare training skills. However, some people hold an opposing view that such courses are waste of time and energy. In this essay, I will analyze both sides of the discussion and then give my opinion.
原帖由 Cherub 于 9-2-2012 11:19 发表
我觉得,作为中国人吧,凡是想用profound的时候,一定要换成其他的,比如great。obviously 和however作为开头的导语,显得作者水平不高,最多6分。
原帖由 Cherub 于 9-2-2012 11:19 发表
我觉得,作为中国人吧,凡是想用profound的时候,一定要换成其他的,比如great。obviously 和however作为开头的导语,显得作者水平不高,最多6分。
原帖由 tjusnow 于 9-2-2012 13:16 发表
所以写出来的作文总是看起来还行,仔细推敲 没啥逻辑性,这个就是我目前最大的问题了
根据大家的意见,我又把我的修改了一下, ...
原帖由 tjusnow 于 9/2/2012 13:16 发表
It is widely accepted that the nurture of a child has important influence on his or her development in both intelligence and personality. Parents, the closest friends of children, play an essential role in parenting, and because of this, achieving good childcare skills is indeed very important for these parents. However, when it comes to the issue whether parents should take childcare training courses in schools, people still hold opposing opinions.
原帖由 nil 于 9-2-2012 23:32 发表
4非常有逻辑。句子和句子之间 ...
原帖由 tjusnow 于 10-2-2012 18:21 发表
报告大神 最近一直在看书与练习
作文这东西拿出来有个好处 就是能知道自己的问题所在了
闭门造车下去 说不定只会停滞不前
你们的意见都很有启发 一个帖子引出如此多砖家与宝贵的意见 也是我没有想到的
再此一并表 ...
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