CO是team6的Jason HUANG,要求补料: form 80, 体检,LP雅思4.5
Checklist里面主申的Evidence of English language training 怎么还是Required?我的雅思成绩已经Met了
还是给CO用的?作者: youxi 时间: 25-2-2012 12:05
工资单,税单, 是给 CO用;ACS评估的材料只需提供下面的东西(参考https://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm ... p;temID=applyonline):
A copy of the signed online ‘application record’ and the email acknowledgement with the reference number.
A certified copy of a birth certificate or relevant passport pages
A certified copy of academic qualification certificates
A certified copy of academic transcripts
Certified copies of detailed and descriptive employer references
Appropriate fee (if not submitted on-line)